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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 28th May 2023

Sunday 28th May 2023

Hello, First off, let's get Bank Holiday opening times out of the way: Monday (29th May): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. Keeping weight off is a matter of maintenance. Weight maintenance is something that confuses a lot of people and causes them to struggle. They often feel if they don't continue to work out as hard and diet as fastidiously, they will gain their weight back. This is not the case. While you should still count calories, eat healthy food, and continue to exercise, you don't have to be so rigorous. For weight management, you simply need to eat the same amount of calories you are burning — rather than create…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 21st May 2023

Sunday 21st May 2023

Hello, Dropping the pounds quickly may give you more motivation to stick to your weight-loss plan. A study from the University of Florida revealed that losing weight quickly in the early stages of a weight-loss program may be more beneficial, over the long term, both for losing the weight and keeping it off. The researchers found that those who lost weight quickly were five times more likely to achieve clinically significant weight loss in 18 months than those who lost weight at a slower rate. Losing weight quickly helps to reinforce that the behaviours you're changing are working. When you can see and feel the results of your efforts, it helps to keep you motivated! For more guidance, tips and information, please…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th May 2023

Sunday 14th May 2023

Hello, It's not the speed at which you lose weight that matters, it's the method. There are people who have successfully lost more than 3 stone. And they have kept it off for years. It's the way you lose the weight that is the most crucial part! If you've lost weight through exercise and clean eating — it shouldn't be a problem for you to maintain your weight loss. On the flip side, if you've lost weight by more extreme measures, like starvation, cleanses, or crazy crash diets — it's much more likely all the weight you lost will come right back just as quickly. For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th May 2023

Sunday 7th May 2023

Hello, First off, let's get Bank Holiday opening times out of the way: Monday (8th May): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. Some people say that "healthy" weight loss means losing one to two pounds per week. So if you're losing more - or less - than that, are you doing something wrong? As long as you're consuming a healthy amount of calories by eating nutritious foods and exercising more, you'll lose weight at an appropriate speed for your body. A lot of people have different versions of what "healthy" weight loss might look like. The truth is that the answer isn't so cut and dry. Weight loss occurs differently for everyone and that's…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 30th April 2023

Sunday 30th April 2023

Hello, First off, let's get Bank Holiday opening times out of the way: Monday (1st May): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. We need to learn how to eat. We need to learn what foods make us feel good. We need to listen to our bodies and worry less what everyone else is doing. You will find the most power in taking control of your own body. Life is too short to be lived with restrictions. Healthy weight loss is something that needs to be talked about more and fad diets talked about less. We need to learn how to eat so that we don't feel like we are always…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 23rd April 2023

Sunday 23rd April 2023

Hello, We have lost the ability to know how to just eat. Sure, we know how to put food into our mouths and chew. We just don't seem to know exactly what the best food options are. With all these fad 'diets' out there, food has become so confusing. We have some resources telling us only to eat 20 grams of carbohydrates a day (including vegetables), we have some experts telling us that eating bacon is totally fine - but eating fruit is not. So when some people look at eating as a bad thing or a punishment I can understand why so many of us find it just easier to follow something that is scripted out for us and seems to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 16th April 2023

Sunday 16th April 2023

Hi, A few weeks ago I was speaking with one of my clients. She is currently at a healthy weight, is active and eats well. She says to me "I'd love to lose 10lbs, and I'll be the weight I was when I got married" Now I'm not surprised, because honestly, it's a comment I hear often. Here is what I want you to ask yourself: at this point in your life is the number on the scale more important to you then how you feel? If you feel good, have energy, are enjoying food, eating healthy and your body is active and healthy, do you really care what that number on the scale says? Whether you are 140lbs or…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 9th April 2023

Sunday 9th April 2023

Hi, I'm growing to despise social media. It's poisoning, twisting and manipulating people on a daily basis. Facebook algorithms, for example, are partly programmed and partly based on machine learning, which explains why the company had to carry out research to learn that they are effectively promoting divisive content to users. The primary job of the algorithms is to maximise user engagement, so they highlight content that achieves this and reduce the visibility of content that doesn't. An internal investigation found that one of the unintended consequences of this was that users were actively exposed to sensational and polarised content, as that drove them to respond. The Wall Street Journal reports that senior executives at the social network were asked to take action…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 2nd April 2023

Sunday 2nd April 2023

Hi, Okay, so first off let's give you the Easter Opening times: Good Friday (7th April): 9am - 2pm Kettlebells: 9.30am Group PT: 12.30pm Saturday (8th April): As normal. Easter Sunday (9th April): 9am - 12noon Kettlebells: 9.30am Easter Monday (18th April): 9am - 2pm Group PT: 9.30am Group PT: 12.30pm Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. It is very important to find your way of transforming your body. It might be 3 months of intensive work, or 1 year taking it slowly, facing lots of ups and downs. For others, it might be 1 month of starving yourself (although, not recommended), or even transforming your body all your life and never getting there. But who can decide what is right for you? Only you can find the most effective…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th March 2023

Sunday 26th March 2023

Hi, After you achieve your dream physique, everything will depend only on you and whether you adopt new habits of living or not. If you go back to your previous lifestyle - choosing unhealthy meals and not exercising - your new physique will be gone faster than you think. The most important rule of maintaining the result of your hard work is to maintain routine and make healthy food choices. The new you should come with a different mindset and understanding that exercise and healthy food is now part of your life. Learn how to cook healthy meals, add morning/evening walks to your schedule - enjoy life in a responsible way. Food should give you pleasure as well as nourish your body.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 19th March 2023

Sunday 19th March 2023

Hi, Be ready to change your habits! New you. New habits. When you decide to start your body transformation, make healthier options in each situation you are. Skip that croissant with your coffee in the morning - here is a new habit for you to follow. Your next new habits might include managing your sleep (go to bed earlier), balancing nutrition (get a meal plan for a week, eat home made food) and creating training schedule (regular exercise is very important!). Most importantly, train your mind for success - find time to think about your new body every day. For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 12th March 2023

Sunday 12th March 2023

Hi, Firstly, I forgot to email out the newsletter last week and the week before. I know, big disappointment for some of you. Here are the links: The Woodlands newsletter Sunday 5th March 2023: The Woodlands newsletter Sunday 26th February 2023: Right, let's get back to this week's newsletter: Visualisation is key. Imagine your body after transformation. Think about it every morning. Think about your new body with every glass of water you take. Imagine it before ordering something in a restaurant or a bar. The more you think of it, the more realistic it will seem and the more dedicated you are going to become. Imagine how you feel inside your new body, what clothes you choose to wear. Where would you go? And what…

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