Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 23rd June 2024

Sunday 23rd June 2024

Hello, You'll all be pleased to know we are now in the very final stages of clearing Unit 25, the unit next door. Almost all of the storage units have been dismantled and removed. We now have some vigorous sweeping and decorating to do. The lighting in Unit 25 will be replaced with LEDs this week. Then we can lay the flooring, which is nearly 3 tonnes of thick rubber mats. We are expecting a big delivery of new machines early next week. Our very own Paul Cotterill will be building a reception in our current unit. Half of the equipment in our existing unit will be moved to the new unit. Hopefully we can get this done out of hours at…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 16th June 2024

Sunday 16th June 2024

Hello, The Dilemma of Quick Fixes vs. Sustainable Solutions in Fitness and Nutrition In our quest for health and fitness, we are often presented with a dichotomy: the allure of quick fixes promising rapid results versus the promise of sustainable solutions offering slow but lasting transformation. While the temptation to opt for the former may be strong—after all, who wouldn't want to see immediate changes in their physique or performance?—the reality is that sustainable progress requires patience, consistency, and a long-term commitment to healthy habits. Let's explore the two options and weigh their pros and cons to make an informed decision. Option 1: Follow an extreme diet and training program and achieve quick but TEMPORARY results. The appeal of rapid transformation is undeniable. With…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 9th June 2024

Sunday 9th June 2024

Hello, The Lifelong Benefits of Daily Exercise As we journey through life, we inevitably encounter the passage of time, marked by the gradual changes and transformations that come with age. Yet, amidst the inevitable challenges and transitions of ageing, one constant remains: the profound impact of daily exercise on both our physical and mental well-being. Indeed, the older we get, the more we come to realise that daily exercise is not just about maintaining physical health—it's equally essential for nurturing our mental and emotional resilience, providing a powerful antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life. In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, the importance of daily exercise cannot be overstated. Beyond the physical benefits of improving cardiovascular health, increasing muscle strength, and enhancing flexibility…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 2nd June 2024

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Hello, In our previous newsletter.... The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th May 2024 ....we outlined some of our plans for next door. I have posted images of the incoming equipment on our Facebook and Instagram social media pages. We are keeping a few surprises back for when we occupy Unit 25. The goal is to have at least 2 of each machine type ie 2 x leg extensions, 2 x leg curls, 2 x lat pulldowns (we will actually have 3!) etc. They won't be identical machines. We will have variations of the same machine to give your training more variety. We have confirmed at least 2 of most machine types already. I'm actively looking for a pullover machine and a belt squat machine. If…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th May 2024

Sunday 26th May 2024

Hello, As many of you know, The Woodlands Fitness Centre is expanding into the unit next door. To give you some sense of scale, the current downstairs gym area is 98 square metres. The unit next door is 300 square metres. It will be a huge, open plan gym. Our plan is to divide the facility into 5 principle "zones": Upper 1 Upper 2 Lower Classes/Group PT Cardio The downstairs of our current unit will have a proper reception and seating area. Behind that, there will be "Upper Body 1" zone. This will include many of the upper body machines with a weight stack. The unit next door will house "Upper Body 2", which will be all of the plate loaded upper body machines, "Lower", which will…

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Sunday 26th May 2024

We're thrilled to announce that Woodlands Fitness Centre is expanding into the unit next door, adding a massive 3,300 square feet to our ground floor! This new space will be a VAST open gym area featuring: A Large Free Weight Zone: With 35ft of dumbbell racks and cable crossover machines. Dedicated Zones: A wide range of equipment for chest, back, legs, shoulders, and more, ensuring you can target every muscle group effectively. More machines are already on their way! New Ground Floor Classes and Group PT Area: Without the limitations of being on the first floor, we will offer a wider variety of group exercise sessions. Look forward to flipping tyres, battle ropes and other functional training equipment. Keycard entry: The neighbouring unit, currently used for self-storage, already has a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 19th May 2024

Saturday 18th May 2024

Hello, Accelerating Ageing and Diminishing Quality of Life In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, our lifestyle choices play a significant role in shaping our overall well-being. Unfortunately, several common habits prevalent in modern society are contributing to accelerated ageing, early mortality, and a diminished quality of life. From excessive TV watching and prolonged exposure to blue lights to neglecting resistance training, indulging in cigarettes and alcohol, and spending excessive time on social media - each factor plays a part in the intricate tapestry of our health. 1. Sedentary Entertainment: The allure of binge-watching TV shows has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. Prolonged sedentary behaviour not only contributes to weight gain but is also linked to various health issues such as…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 12th May 2024

Sunday 12th May 2024

Hello, Beyond the Scale: The Pitfalls of Losing Muscle Instead of Fat Weight loss is a common health goal, often pursued with dedication and determination. However, the journey toward shedding pounds can sometimes lead to an unintended consequence - the loss of muscle mass. This phenomenon can result in a condition known as being "skinny fat," where individuals appear slender but carry a higher body fat percentage. In this article, we'll explore how losing muscle instead of fat can contribute to the "skinny fat" dilemma and why it's crucial to prioritize body composition for overall health. The Skinny Fat Paradox: 1. Muscle Loss during Weight Loss: Many traditional weight loss methods focus solely on reducing calorie intake, which can lead to a caloric deficit. While…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 5th May 2024

Thursday 25th April 2024

Hello, People who lift weights and exercise are happier than people who don't In a world filled with constant hustle and bustle, it's no secret that maintaining a healthy body is essential. Beyond the obvious physical benefits, engaging in regular weightlifting and exercise has a profound impact on one's mental well-being. This article explores the connection between lifting weights, happiness, and the remarkable role endorphins play in enhancing our mood. The Happiness Connection: Countless studies have shown a strong correlation between lifting weights or engaging in regular exercise and an individual's overall happiness. It's not just about sculpting a toned physique; it's about the chemical reactions that take place within the body during and after a workout. When you lift weights, your body releases a surge…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 28th April 2024

Thursday 25th April 2024

Hello, You Have to Treat Your Health and Fitness as Non-Negotiable How can you prioritise self-care for the sake of family well-being? In our daily lives, there are certain tasks and responsibilities that we consider non-negotiable—activities that we do without question or hesitation because we recognise their importance and impact on our well-being. Whether it's brushing our teeth, going to work, or caring for our children, these tasks are integral to our daily routine and essential for maintaining our health, happiness, and productivity. Yet, when it comes to our own health and fitness, many of us struggle to prioritise self-care in the same way, treating it as an optional or discretionary activity rather than a non-negotiable aspect of our daily lives. You probably don't need motivation…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 21st April 2024

Sunday 21st April 2024

Hello, Putting Family First: The True Priority in Life In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters most in life. We often find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of career success, financial wealth, or external validation, only to realise that these pursuits ultimately pale in comparison to the importance of family. While our jobs, possessions, and interests may come and go, our family remains a constant source of love, support, and belonging—the true foundation upon which our lives are built. You are replaceable at your job. No matter how skilled or indispensable you may believe yourself to be in your professional role, the truth is that jobs come and go, and positions…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th April 2024

Sunday 14th April 2024

Hello, Elevate Your Life: 11 Tips for Living 10x Better In the pursuit of a fulfilling and vibrant life, small changes can often yield significant results. By incorporating simple yet powerful habits into our daily routines, we can enhance our physical and mental well-being, boost our productivity, and elevate our overall quality of life. From cultivating a positive mindset to prioritising self-care and physical activity, here are 11 tips for living a life that's 10 times better. 1. Practice gratitude: Instead of dwelling on negativity or complaining about what's lacking in your life, focus on gratitude. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you're thankful for, whether it's a supportive friend, a beautiful sunrise, or a delicious meal. Cultivating a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th April 2024

Sunday 7th April 2024

Hello, Debunking the "No Time to Work Out and Eat Healthy" Myth In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that we simply don't have enough time to prioritise our health and fitness. From busy work schedules to family commitments and social obligations, it can feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to dedicate to exercise and healthy eating. However, when we take a closer look at how we spend our time, it becomes clear that it's not about a lack of time but rather a misalignment of priorities. The Time Audit: Let's break it down. Consider a typical Friday night for many individuals: Enjoying a meal at a restaurant is a common Friday…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 31st March 2024

Saturday 30th March 2024

Hello, Consistent Gym Attendance For a Regret-Free Future In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding time for the gym can seem like a daunting task. However, countless individuals who have committed to regular gym attendance find themselves echoing the sentiment: "I've never regretted going to the gym." This seemingly simple commitment to physical activity is, in fact, an investment in one's own body and longevity. The journey to a healthier lifestyle often begins with the decision to incorporate consistent gym sessions into one's routine. While the initial steps may be challenging, the long-term benefits far outweigh any temporary inconveniences. Physical exercise has been proven to enhance both physical and mental well-being, contributing to a healthier, more fulfilled life. One of the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 24th March 2024

Sunday 24th March 2024

Hello, You Have to Make Time for Your Body In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of the one thing we possess from birth to the very end - our bodies. Amidst the myriad responsibilities and demands vying for our attention, taking a moment to reflect on the intrinsic value of making time for our bodies becomes paramount. Our bodies are not just vessels that carry us through life; they are intricate systems deserving of care and attention. Physical health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, and investing time in it pays dividends that extend far beyond the superficial. The simple act of making time for our bodies is an acknowledgment of the profound interconnectedness between…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 17th March 2024

Sunday 17th March 2024

Hello, Challenging Perceptions: Redefining a Healthy Lifestyle In a world where societal norms often dictate our behaviours, there exists a paradox when it comes to health and wellness. The prevailing notion that a healthy lifestyle is abnormal while unhealthy habits are considered "normal" is a fascinating societal perspective that warrants exploration. For many, adhering to a balanced diet, regular exercise routine, and prioritising adequate sleep are considered eccentricities. It's perplexing that a commitment to one's well-being is often met with scepticism, while unhealthy habits such as poor nutrition, daily alcohol consumption, and minimal sleep are perceived as acceptable or even typical. The reality is, society's definition of "normal" in this context may be skewed. The silent acceptance of unhealthy behaviours as the standard raises…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 10th March 2024

Sunday 10th March 2024

Hello, In six months' time, you can either have a list of excuses or a list of results In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to prioritise everything but our own health. We juggle work, family, social commitments, and countless other responsibilities, often neglecting the one thing that truly matters - our well-being. But as the saying goes, those who do not find time for exercise will inevitably have to find time for illness. When illness strikes, everything else pales in comparison. Suddenly, the urgent tasks on our to-do lists lose their significance, and we're forced to confront the harsh reality that without our health, nothing else truly matters. It's a stark reminder that our bodies are not invincible, and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 3rd March 2024

Sunday 3rd March 2024

Hello, Parents set the tone for their children The most common excuse we get for people cancelling their memberships if "I haven't got time". Or words to that effect. Your schedule isn't going to magically open up someday to make tons of space for exercising and eating healthy. Waiting to be "less busy" is really just waiting to gain more weight, stay in pain, and lose muscle, bone density, and mobility. Stop waiting. Do what you can with what you have. You have to make time. If you're a mum or dad, spending time on YOUR FITNESS is NOT selfish. It's SELF-LESS. You can't help others if you're sick and unhealthy. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of others. Your family & future self…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 25th February 2024

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Hello, Summer Bodies Are Built in the Winter: The Science of Timely Body Transformation As the winter chill sets in, it may seem counterintuitive to think about sculpting your beach-ready body. However, the age-old adage holds true: "Summer bodies are built in the winter." This mantra isn't just a catchy phrase; it's backed by science and practical wisdom that underscores the importance of starting your fitness journey well in advance. The human body is a complex system, and sustainable changes take time. Embarking on a weight loss and body transformation journey months before your holidays allows for a gradual and healthy approach. Crash diets and last-minute workouts may promise quick fixes, but they often lead to disappointment and can have detrimental effects on…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 18th February 2024

Saturday 17th February 2024

Hello, The Modern Lifestyle Pitfalls: Accelerating Ageing and Diminishing Quality of Life In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, our lifestyle choices play a significant role in shaping our overall well-being. Unfortunately, several common habits prevalent in modern society are contributing to accelerated ageing, early mortality, and a diminished quality of life. From excessive TV watching and prolonged exposure to blue lights to neglecting resistance training, indulging in cigarettes and alcohol, and spending excessive time on social media - each factor plays a part in the intricate tapestry of our health. 1. Sedentary Entertainment: The allure of binge-watching TV shows has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. Prolonged sedentary behaviour not only contributes to weight gain but is also linked to various…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 11th February 2024

Saturday 10th February 2024

Hello, The Case for Movement Pattern-Based Workout Routines In the ever-evolving world of fitness, a paradigm shift is occurring, steering away from the traditional body part-focused workout routines. Instead, an increasing number of fitness enthusiasts and experts are advocating for a more holistic approach by designing workout routines around fundamental movement patterns. These patterns, including horizontal push, horizontal pull, vertical push, vertical pull, quad dominant, and hip/hamstring dominant movements, offer a comprehensive way to address functional strength and mobility. 1. Holistic Development: Designing a workout routine based on movement patterns ensures a well-rounded and holistic approach to fitness. Rather than isolating specific muscle groups, this method promotes the integration of multiple muscle groups and joints, fostering overall strength and coordination. The body functions as a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 4th February 2024

Sunday 4th February 2024

Hello, Choosing Your Hard: The Path to a Healthier You In the journey toward a healthier lifestyle, we are often faced with choices that challenge us both physically and mentally. Going to the gym, resisting the temptation of fast food, and lifting weights can all be strenuous tasks. Yet, amidst these challenges, there exists a deeper truth - the consequences of neglecting our health can be far more demanding. 1. The Challenge of Exercise: Going to the gym to train is undeniably hard. The sweat, the effort, and the persistence required can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, the physical strain of regular exercise pales in comparison to the toll that a sedentary lifestyle can take on our bodies. Joint pain, limited mobility, and increased susceptibility to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 28th January 2024

Sunday 28th January 2024

Hello, Navigating the Balance: My Struggle as a Gym Owner Choosing Between Fun and Results-Driven Classes Running a gym isn't just about providing top-notch equipment; it involves curating a class schedule that caters to a diverse range of clients. I often find myself in a dilemma when deciding which types of classes to offer—weighing the appeal of fun and popular classes against those that promise exceptional results, even if they are less entertaining. On one hand, there are the lively and engaging classes that create a vibrant atmosphere and foster a sense of community among participants. Classes like Zumba, spin, and dance-based workouts draw in a broad demographic seeking enjoyable and interactive fitness experiences. The high attendance rates indicate their popularity, making them…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 21st January 2024

Sunday 21st January 2024

Hello, The Intriguing Connection Between Cancer Survival Rates and Muscle Mass In recent years, scientific research has delved into the intricate relationship between cancer survival rates and an often overlooked factor: muscle mass. While the primary focus in cancer treatment has traditionally been on targeting tumors, emerging evidence suggests that the body's own composition, specifically muscle mass, may play a crucial role in determining outcomes for cancer patients. Understanding the Link: Muscle mass is not merely a reflection of physical strength; it serves as a metabolic powerhouse and influences various physiological processes. Studies have shown that cancer patients with higher muscle mass often exhibit better treatment tolerance, reduced side effects, and, notably, improved survival rates. 1. Treatment Tolerance: Muscle mass is closely tied to a patient's…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th January 2024

Saturday 13th January 2024

Hello, The Power of Input: How Your Choices Shape Your Well-being In the fast-paced world we navigate today, it's easy to overlook the profound impact our choices can have on our overall well-being. The age-old adage "You are what you eat" extends beyond mere dietary considerations to encompass a broader spectrum of our daily choices. It turns out that the principle of "Garbage in, garbage out" is not confined to the realm of computers; it aptly describes the profound connection between our inputs and outputs in life. Consider, for instance, the food we consume. Opting for a diet laden with processed, unhealthy choices can leave us feeling lethargic, irritable, and overall, well, like crap. Conversely, fuelling our bodies with nourishing, wholesome foods provides…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th January 2024

Sunday 7th January 2024

Hello, The Winter Blueprint for Summer Bodies: Sustainable Transformations As winter wraps its chilly embrace around us, it's easy to cozy up and let our fitness goals hibernate until warmer days. However, the secret to sculpting that coveted summer body lies in the winter months. This period of the year serves as the ideal canvas for building a foundation of sustainable habits that pave the way for a successful body transformation. 1. Time for Transformation: Winter provides a generous timeframe to embark on a fitness journey. By starting early, you allow your body the necessary time to adapt to gradual changes, avoiding the pitfalls of crash diets or extreme workout regimens. Sustainable transformations are about consistency and patience, virtues that winter's longer nights and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 31st December 2023

Sunday 31st December 2023

Hello, Happy New Year Everyone! Right, now the pleasantries are over and done with, let's back to talking about fitness and lifestyle changes... A Guide to Choosing and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions As the New Year approaches, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating positive changes for the future. New Year's resolutions are a popular way to channel this energy into personal growth and development. However, choosing meaningful resolutions and sustaining them throughout the year requires careful consideration and planning. Here's a guide to help you set and stick to resolutions that will bring lasting positive changes to your life. Choosing Meaningful Resolutions: 1. Reflect on Values: Consider what truly matters to you. Resolutions aligned with your core values are more likely to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 24th December 2023

Sunday 24th December 2023

Hello, Firstly, here are the... Christmas Opening Times 2023 23rd (Saturday): 8am-2pm Christmas Eve (Sunday): 8am-12 noon Christmas Day (Monday): Closed Boxing Day (Tuesday): Closed 27th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Saturday): 8am-2pm New Years Eve (Sunday): 8am-12 noon New Years Day (Monday): Closed 2nd (Tuesday): Back to normal All classes at 9.30am. Happy Christmas everyone! Right, now let's get back to the usual fitness related ramblings... How To Enjoy Christmas Without Derailing Your Body Transformation Goals The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence, and Christmas is no exception. For those committed to their body transformation goals, the abundance of festive treats can be a potential stumbling block. However, with mindful choices and strategic planning, you can revel in the holiday spirit without jeopardising your hard-earned progress. Here's a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 17th December 2023

Wednesday 20th December 2023

Hello, Firstly, here are the... Christmas Opening Times 2023 23rd (Saturday): 8am-2pm Christmas Eve (Sunday): 8am-12 noon Christmas Day (Monday): Closed Boxng Day (Tuesday): Closed 27th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Saturday): 8am-2pm New Years Eve (Sunday): Sam-12 noon New Years Day (Monday): Closed 2nd (Tuesday): Back to normal All classes at 9.30am. Happy Christmas everyone! Right, now let's get back to the usual fitness related ramblings... Will weight lifting help You to live longer? Weight lifting can contribute to a healthier and potentially longer life when combined with other healthy lifestyle factors. Here are a few ways weight lifting can positively impact longevity: 1. Increased Muscle Mass: Weight lifting helps build and maintain muscle mass, which naturally declines with age. Having adequate muscle mass is associated with improved metabolic health, better insulin sensitivity,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 10th December 2023

Sunday 10th December 2023

Hello, The Unsustainability of Motivation: Why Commitment and Determination Trump Short-Term Enthusiasm in the Gym Motivation is often viewed as the driving force behind our efforts, especially when it comes to health and fitness. Many individuals start their fitness journeys with immense enthusiasm, driven by a wave of motivation. However, it's important to recognise that motivation, while essential for getting started, can be fleeting and unreliable. In the long run, commitment and determination are the true pillars of success in the gym. In this article, we will delve into why motivation isn't sustainable and why unwavering commitment and determination are better indicators of long-term fitness success. The Fickleness of Motivation: 1. External Factors: Motivation often stems from external influences, such as watching a fitness…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 3rd December 2023

Sunday 3rd December 2023

Hello, Your Body: The Most Important Asset You Own In other words: Health is Wealth In the pursuit of success, we often prioritise material possessions and financial wealth. However, it is essential to recognize that your body is the most valuable asset you possess. Your physical and mental well-being directly impact your quality of life, happiness, and overall success. In this article, we will explore why your body is the most important thing you own and how health truly is wealth. 1. Physical Health: Your body is a remarkable machine that enables you to experience life's joys and challenges. Good physical health is the foundation for a fulfilling and productive life. When you prioritise your physical well-being, you are investing in your body's longevity…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th November 2023

Sunday 26th November 2023

Hello, How can you lose weight effectively and sustainably? Losing weight effectively and sustainably requires a holistic approach that combines healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and lifestyle adjustments. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the "best" way to lose weight, here are some key principles to consider: 1. Set Realistic Goals: Start by setting achievable goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Losing 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week is generally considered a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss. 2. Balanced and Nutritious Diet: Focus on consuming a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Portion control is important, as even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 19th November 2023

Sunday 19th November 2023

Hello, Reasons to choose group personal training Group personal training can be highly effective for several reasons: 1. Motivation and Accountability: Training in a group setting provides a sense of camaraderie and support, which can boost motivation and accountability. Working out alongside others who share similar goals can create a positive and encouraging environment, pushing individuals to push harder and stay committed to their fitness journey. 2. Expert Guidance: Group personal training is typically led by a qualified fitness professional who can provide guidance, instruction, and personalised modifications to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities. Having a knowledgeable trainer present ensures that participants are performing exercises correctly and safely, maximising the effectiveness of each workout. 3. Variety and Progression: Group personal training sessions often incorporate…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 12th November 2023

Sunday 12th November 2023

Hello, Sporadic training = Slow progress In the hustle and bustle of life, finding consistent time for a regular workout routine can be challenging. Between work commitments, family obligations, and unforeseen events, sticking to a rigid training schedule may seem nearly impossible. However, the good news is that sporadic training, specifically 1-2 resistance training sessions per week, can still yield significant results and contribute to a healthier, stronger you. Life is unpredictable, and it's not uncommon for unexpected demands to disrupt even the most well-intentioned fitness plans. Rather than succumbing to the idea that an "all or nothing" approach is the only path to fitness success, embracing sporadic training can be a game-changer. Research has shown that the frequency of resistance training sessions doesn't…

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6 week memberships from just £5.83 per week

Tuesday 7th November 2023
Save money and get fit for Christmas 🥳

Offers available until 15th November 2023: 

Option 1: 

6 weeks Gym only membership:

 This membership includes:

 ✔ 6 week gym access
 ✔ Full induction & program
 ✔ Calorie target setting advice
 ✔ Nutritional support 
✔ Discounted additional personal training session

 Only £35
 RRP £43
 Save £8

 Option 2: 

6 weeks Gym & Classes membership:

 ✔ 6 week Unlimited Classes ✔ 6 week unlimited gym access
 ✔ Full induction & program
 ✔ Calorie target setting advice
 ✔ Nutritional support
 ✔ Discounted additional personal training session

 6 weeks: £44
 RRP: £54
 Save: £10

 Option 3:

 6 weeks Gym & Classes membership with 1 x 45 minute PT session per week

 ✔ 6 x 45-minute PT sessions (worth £22.50 each)
 ✔ 6 weeks Unlimited Classes ✔ 6 weeks unlimited Gym access
 ✔ Calorie target setting advice
 ✔ Nutritional support 
✔ Discounted additional personal training session

 Only £127 
RRP: £135
 Save: £9

 Option 4: 

6 weeks Gym & Classes…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 5th November 2023

Sunday 5th November 2023

Hello, Are abs made in the kitchen? The saying "abs are made in the kitchen" emphasises the importance of nutrition in achieving visible abdominal muscles. While exercise plays a role in strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles, having visible abs is primarily dependent on having a low body fat percentage. The abdominal muscles are present in everyone, but they may not be visible if they are covered by a layer of body fat. To reveal the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to reduce overall body fat through a combination of a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. Maintaining a calorie deficit, where you consume fewer calories than your body needs, is crucial for losing body fat. This can be achieved by consuming a balanced…

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6 week offer November 2023

Friday 3rd November 2023

We have the following offers available until 15th November 2023; Option 1: 6 weeks Gym only membership: This membership includes: ✔ 6 week gym access ✔ Full induction & program ✔ Calorie target setting advice ✔ Nutritional support ✔ Discounted additional personal training session Only £35 RRP £43 Save £8 Option 2: 6 weeks Gym & Small Group PT membership: ✔ Unlimited Small Group PT sessions ✔ 6 week unlimited gym access ✔ Full induction & program ✔ Calorie target setting advice ✔ Nutritional support ✔ Discounted additional personal training session 6 weeks: £44 RRP: £54 Save: £10 Option 3: 6 weeks Gym & Classes membership with 1 x 45 minute PT session per week ✔ 6 x 45-minute PT sessions (worth £22.50 each) ✔ 6 weeks Unlimited Small Group PT sessions ✔ 6 weeks unlimited Gym access ✔ Calorie target setting advice ✔ Nutritional support ✔ Discounted…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 29th October 2023

Sunday 29th October 2023

Hello, Why is consistent training essential for weight loss? Consistent training is essential for weight loss for several reasons: 1. Caloric Expenditure: Regular exercise helps to burn calories, which is crucial for creating a calorie deficit necessary for weight loss. When you consistently engage in physical activity, you increase your overall energy expenditure, helping to create a negative energy balance and promote weight loss. 2. Metabolic Benefits: Regular exercise has metabolic benefits that can aid in weight loss. It can increase your metabolic rate, both during exercise and at rest, which means you burn more calories throughout the day. Additionally, exercise can help preserve lean muscle mass, which is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism. 3. Fat Burning: Exercise, especially cardiovascular workouts and high-intensity interval…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 22nd October 2023

Sunday 22nd October 2023

Hello, You don't have to count reps There are a few reasons why some fitness experts suggest not counting reps during exercise: 1. Quality over quantity: Focusing solely on the number of repetitions performed can lead to sacrificing proper form and technique. It's more important to perform each repetition with good form and control, rather than rushing through them just to reach a certain number. 2. Mental fatigue: Counting reps can be mentally draining and can lead to boredom and a lack of motivation. By focusing on the quality of each repetition and being present in the moment, you may find that your workouts become more enjoyable and rewarding. 3. Plateauing: If you always stick to the same number of reps, you may reach a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 15th October 2023

Sunday 15th October 2023

Hello, The Perils of Yo-Yo Dieting: Why It's Detrimental to Your Health Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling, refers to the pattern of repeatedly losing and regaining weight through cycles of restrictive diets. While it may seem like a quick fix for achieving short-term weight loss goals, yo-yo dieting can have serious negative consequences on both physical and mental health. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why yo-yo dieting is detrimental and why adopting a sustainable approach to weight management is crucial. 1. Slowed Metabolism: The body is highly adaptable and responds to prolonged calorie restriction by slowing down the metabolic rate. Yo-yo dieting triggers a survival mechanism where the body conserves energy, making it harder to lose weight with…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 8th October 2023

Sunday 8th October 2023

Hello, The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss: Why Slow and Steady Wins the Race In a society driven by instant gratification, the desire for quick results often extends to weight loss. Rapid weight loss diets and programs promise swift and dramatic changes in a short period. However, behind the allure of shedding pounds quickly lies a host of potential dangers. In this article, we will explore why rapid weight loss is detrimental to your health and why adopting a slow and steady approach is the key to long-term success. 1. Muscle Loss: When weight loss occurs too rapidly, a significant portion of the lost weight often comes from muscle mass rather than fat. This can have negative implications for overall health and metabolism. Muscles…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 1st October 2023

Sunday 1st October 2023

Hello, The Power of Slow and Consistent Weight Loss: Sustainable Results for a Healthier You In a world of instant gratification and quick fixes, the concept of slow and consistent weight loss may seem counterintuitive. However, when it comes to achieving lasting results and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the tortoise truly beats the hare. In this article, we will explore the reasons why slow and consistent weight loss is the best approach for long-term success and overall well-being. 1. Sustainable Habits: One of the key advantages of slow and consistent weight loss is the opportunity to develop sustainable habits. Rapid weight loss often involves extreme measures that are difficult to maintain over time. On the other hand, focusing on gradual changes allows for the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 24th September 2023

Sunday 24th September 2023

Hello, What is the most sensible weight loss calorie deficit? The most sensible weight loss calorie deficit varies depending on individual factors such as age, gender, weight, height, activity level, and overall health. However, a generally recommended approach is to aim for a calorie deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day to achieve a healthy and sustainable weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. It is important to note that extreme calorie deficits or very low-calorie diets can be detrimental to your health and may result in muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, metabolic slowdown, and other negative effects. In addition to creating a calorie deficit, it is crucial to focus on the quality of the calories consumed. Prioritise nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 17th September 2023

Sunday 17th September 2023

Hello, Why should you avoid fad diets? Avoiding fad diets is highly recommended for several reasons: 1. Unsustainability: Fad diets often promote extreme and restrictive eating patterns that are challenging to maintain over the long term. They typically involve cutting out entire food groups, severely limiting calorie intake, or relying on specific "miracle" foods or supplements. These approaches are not sustainable and can lead to feelings of deprivation, frustration, and ultimately, failure in achieving long-term weight loss goals. 2. Nutritional deficiencies: Fad diets often lack balance and fail to provide essential nutrients needed for overall health. By eliminating entire food groups or severely restricting calorie intake, these diets can lead to nutritional deficiencies, including deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy fats. Such deficiencies…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 10th September 2023

Sunday 10th September 2023

Hello, Can You Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight? Losing weight requires adopting a healthy lifestyle, which often includes changes in diet and exercise. One question that frequently arises is whether it is possible to enjoy alcoholic beverages while working towards weight loss goals. In this article, we will explore the impact of alcohol on weight loss and provide some tips for incorporating alcohol into a balanced weight loss plan. Understanding the Caloric Content: Alcohol contains calories, and these calories can add up quickly. On average, a standard alcoholic drink can range from 90 to 200 calories or more, depending on the type of beverage and serving size. These calories are considered empty calories as they provide little to no nutritional value. Consuming alcohol…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 3rd September 2023

Sunday 3rd September 2023

Hello, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle: Simple Steps to Transform Your Well-being Adopting a healthy lifestyle is a powerful choice that can enhance your overall well-being and vitality. It involves making conscious decisions to prioritise your physical, mental, and emotional health. In this article, we will explore practical steps you can take to embrace a healthy lifestyle and create positive habits that will benefit you for years to come. 1. Nourish Your Body: A healthy lifestyle begins with providing your body with the nourishment it needs. Focus on consuming a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Aim for plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Be mindful of portion sizes and listen to your body's hunger and fullness…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 27th August 2023

Sunday 27th August 2023

Hello, Okay, so first off let's give you the Bank Holiday Opening times: Bank Holiday Monday (28th August): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness.. The Power of Strength: How Lifting Weights Can Promote Longevity When it comes to exercise, many people focus on cardiovascular activities like running or cycling. However, strength training, particularly lifting weights, offers numerous benefits that can contribute to a longer and healthier life. In this article, we will explore how lifting weights can promote longevity and provide compelling reasons to incorporate strength training into your fitness routine. 1. Increased Muscle Mass and Bone Density: As we age, our muscle mass naturally declines, leading to decreased strength and mobility. Lifting weights helps combat…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 20th August 2023

Sunday 20th August 2023

Hello, Will weight lifting help you to live longer? Weight lifting can contribute to a healthier and potentially longer life when combined with other healthy lifestyle factors. Here are a few ways weight lifting can positively impact longevity: 1. Increased Muscle Mass: Weight lifting helps build and maintain muscle mass, which naturally declines with age. Having adequate muscle mass is associated with improved metabolic health, better insulin sensitivity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 2. Enhanced Bone Health: Weight lifting places stress on the bones, which stimulates them to become stronger and denser. This can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures as you age. 3. Improved Metabolism: Weight lifting increases your resting metabolic rate,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 13th August 2023

Sunday 13th August 2023

Hello, Age-Related Muscle Atrophy: Strategies to Prevent and Combat Muscle Loss As we age, it is common to experience a decline in muscle mass and strength, a condition known as age-related muscle atrophy or sarcopenia. However, with the right approach, it is possible to slow down and even reverse this process. In this article, we will explore the causes of age-related muscle atrophy and provide strategies to help you prevent and combat muscle loss as you age. Understanding Age-Related Muscle Atrophy: Age-related muscle atrophy is primarily caused by a combination of factors, including hormonal changes, decreased physical activity levels, poor nutrition, and underlying health conditions. As muscle mass declines, strength, mobility, and overall functional abilities can be compromised, leading to a lower quality of life…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 6th August 2023

Sunday 6th August 2023

Hello, The Sedentary Lifestyle Epidemic: How Our Inactivity is Impacting Our Health In today's modern world, our sedentary lifestyles have become the norm. We spend long hours sitting at desks, commuting in cars, and indulging in screen time. While technology has undoubtedly made our lives more convenient, it has also contributed to a decline in physical activity. This sedentary epidemic is wreaking havoc on our health, leading to various chronic diseases and a decreased quality of life. In this article, we will explore the detrimental effects of our sedentary habits and provide insights on how to combat them. The Health Consequences of Inactivity: 1. Increased risk of obesity: Lack of physical activity contributes to weight gain as our calorie expenditure decreases. This sedentary lifestyle,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 30th July 2023

Sunday 30th July 2023

Hello, What Is The Right Way To Lose Fat? People regularly ask me about what the right way to lose fat and what they should eat. The goal of any weight loss, pound-shedding, "trimming,' or whatever-you-label-it program is to lose body FAT. How much overall body weight you lose is irrelevant. As such, you should get rid of your weight scale. Or put it in the shed. Or the loft. You only need to focus on your body composition: the fat to muscle ratio. There's so much nonsense floating around out there so it's no wonder so many of you are confused. Which one is the easiest to follow? Which one is financially affordable? Which one is the most effective? Ultimately, which one will help…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 23rd July 2023

Sunday 23rd July 2023

Hello, Why do some people fail to achieve their weight loss goals? There are several reasons why some people may fail to achieve their weight loss goals: 1. Unrealistic Expectations: Setting unrealistic or overly ambitious weight loss goals can set individuals up for failure. It's important to set realistic and achievable goals based on factors such as current weight, body composition, and overall health. Unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and a lack of motivation if progress is not as rapid as expected. 2. Lack of Consistency: Consistency is crucial for weight loss success. Failing to consistently adhere to a healthy diet and exercise routine can hinder progress. Weight loss requires long-term commitment and lifestyle changes, and sporadic or inconsistent efforts may not yield…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 16th July 2023

Sunday 16th July 2023

Hello, Muscle Loss after 40: The Undeniable Fact If you believe the ads, building muscle is as simple as putting in the effort. Getting fit is merely a mental victory over the physical body. Apparently. Achieving physical perfection is presented as more of a philosophical decision than a practical one. That's not the case, though. At the very least, this is never completely accurate. Muscle gain can be easier or more complicated at different points in our lives for a variety of complex physiological reasons. After the age of 40, most people begin to lose muscle mass. Muscle loss due to ageing affects both men and women in similar ways, making it more difficult to gain or maintain muscle mass as well as slowing down the…

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Saturday 15th July 2023

Join or renew your membership with a friend or family member and enjoy a joint membership for the same price as a single membership. 2 months: £40 per month (£20 each) 3 months: £37 per month (£18.50 each) 4 months: £34 per month (£17 each) This membership includes (for 2 people): Unlimited access to 126 small group personal training sessions each month Unlimited Gym Use Calorie target setting advice Nutritional support. Here is a list of our small group PT sessions: The groups are limited to 8 people. For more information about our Small Group PT membership use this link: Message for more information This offer ends 28th July 2023 Terms & conditions: The free member cannot have been a member of the Woodlands Fitness Centre for at least 60 days. Non-transferable. Minimum Membership…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 9th July 2023

Sunday 9th July 2023

Hello, The internet is an amazing way to learn from others all over the world about a variety of subjects. Without the internet none of you would be reading this blog post and I wouldn't know even a fourth of the information I know now about training. Unfortunately, this abundance of technology creates a ton of confusion on what is the right way to train, eat, supplement, etc. I have got caught up in trying to find out what was the best "pre-workout" or protein powder, but the more I train and figure out my body the more I have realised most of it is all nonsense. Don't rely on fixed resistance machines. And please, please, please don't rely on just doing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 2nd July 2023

Sunday 2nd July 2023

Hello, Choose one or two people you want to learn training from- If you look up too many different philosophies and become a "program hopper" (which I have done) you will stall in your progress, I learn from quite a few people, but I try to choose a select 4-5 people that I learn most of my information from. There is no such thing as a perfect program. Every program will have its flaws - but as a beginner lifter you should be on a very basic program consisting of bodyweight exercises (pull ups are great!), Squats, Deadlifts, Presses and Rows. Do this 3-4 times a week and focus on perfecting your execution of these exercises. Take the time to find…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 25th June 2023

Sunday 25th June 2023

Hello, Firstly, I did not send out last week's newsletter. Here it is: Right, let's get back to this week's newsletter: Eat good foods! Think about it the word "supplement" means in addition to something else. For instance, training your triceps through a tricep extension is a supplemental exercise to getting a strong bench press, but you wouldn't only do tricep extensions and ignore the bench press would you? No Way! Focus on getting a better diet one small thing at a time, whether it be cutting out dessert or not drinking soda. Focus on drinking a ton of water. Actually, don't drink a ton of water. Firstly, why is anybody measuring water in tons. Secondly, too much water will make you dead. Drink…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 18th June 2023

Sunday 18th June 2023

Hello, Anybody interested in training properly and getting real results in a realistic timeframe should try to eliminate all the bullshit gimmicks around them. Your workouts should be very simple. Full body or upper / lower workouts consisting of compound movements. Sure there are implements or crazy techniques I like to experiment with and implement with myself and a handful of clients - but you need a strong base of old school training before you should even think about trying "advanced" methods. There is no magic pill that can make you get ripped, hench, buff, skinny or whatever term best reflects your goals. There is no magic thing you can wear at night to tone up your legs or your waist. I…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 11th June 2023

Sunday 11th June 2023

Hello, There's nothing wrong with dropping pounds quickly — as long as you're doing it intelligently. Losing weight more quickly may give you more motivation to keep going, though it doesn't really matter how many pounds you lose a week. The only thing that matters is the method you're using to experience weight loss and how well you follow your maintenance plan. The desire to lose weight, and lose weight fast, is common. There's a reason why diets like the cabbage-soup diet exist: People want a quick fix. As a personal trainer who counsels private clients (and who has experienced my own weight-loss journey from being over 16 stone and 26% body fat), I understand that desire. But unlike gradual weight loss, rapid…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 4th June 2023

Sunday 4th June 2023

Hello, More push-ups may mean less risk of heart problems How many push-ups can you do in a minute? The number may predict your risk of heart disease. Harvard researchers analysed data from 1,104 healthy firefighters, average age 40, who did not have cardiovascular disease. Each man performed as many push-ups as possible in one minute. The men also had treadmill tests to measure their cardiovascular health and aerobic fitness. After 10 years, the researchers found that the men who had originally performed the most push-ups were least likely to get heart disease. Specifically, those who could do 40 or more push-ups had a 96% lower risk than those who could only do 10 or fewer push-ups. The men who could do at least…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 28th May 2023

Sunday 28th May 2023

Hello, First off, let's get Bank Holiday opening times out of the way: Monday (29th May): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. Keeping weight off is a matter of maintenance. Weight maintenance is something that confuses a lot of people and causes them to struggle. They often feel if they don't continue to work out as hard and diet as fastidiously, they will gain their weight back. This is not the case. While you should still count calories, eat healthy food, and continue to exercise, you don't have to be so rigorous. For weight management, you simply need to eat the same amount of calories you are burning — rather than create…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 21st May 2023

Sunday 21st May 2023

Hello, Dropping the pounds quickly may give you more motivation to stick to your weight-loss plan. A study from the University of Florida revealed that losing weight quickly in the early stages of a weight-loss program may be more beneficial, over the long term, both for losing the weight and keeping it off. The researchers found that those who lost weight quickly were five times more likely to achieve clinically significant weight loss in 18 months than those who lost weight at a slower rate. Losing weight quickly helps to reinforce that the behaviours you're changing are working. When you can see and feel the results of your efforts, it helps to keep you motivated! For more guidance, tips and information, please…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th May 2023

Sunday 14th May 2023

Hello, It's not the speed at which you lose weight that matters, it's the method. There are people who have successfully lost more than 3 stone. And they have kept it off for years. It's the way you lose the weight that is the most crucial part! If you've lost weight through exercise and clean eating — it shouldn't be a problem for you to maintain your weight loss. On the flip side, if you've lost weight by more extreme measures, like starvation, cleanses, or crazy crash diets — it's much more likely all the weight you lost will come right back just as quickly. For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th May 2023

Sunday 7th May 2023

Hello, First off, let's get Bank Holiday opening times out of the way: Monday (8th May): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. Some people say that "healthy" weight loss means losing one to two pounds per week. So if you're losing more - or less - than that, are you doing something wrong? As long as you're consuming a healthy amount of calories by eating nutritious foods and exercising more, you'll lose weight at an appropriate speed for your body. A lot of people have different versions of what "healthy" weight loss might look like. The truth is that the answer isn't so cut and dry. Weight loss occurs differently for everyone and that's…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 30th April 2023

Sunday 30th April 2023

Hello, First off, let's get Bank Holiday opening times out of the way: Monday (1st May): 8am - 2pm Group PT: 9:30am. Group PT: 12:30pm. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. We need to learn how to eat. We need to learn what foods make us feel good. We need to listen to our bodies and worry less what everyone else is doing. You will find the most power in taking control of your own body. Life is too short to be lived with restrictions. Healthy weight loss is something that needs to be talked about more and fad diets talked about less. We need to learn how to eat so that we don't feel like we are always…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 23rd April 2023

Sunday 23rd April 2023

Hello, We have lost the ability to know how to just eat. Sure, we know how to put food into our mouths and chew. We just don't seem to know exactly what the best food options are. With all these fad 'diets' out there, food has become so confusing. We have some resources telling us only to eat 20 grams of carbohydrates a day (including vegetables), we have some experts telling us that eating bacon is totally fine - but eating fruit is not. So when some people look at eating as a bad thing or a punishment I can understand why so many of us find it just easier to follow something that is scripted out for us and seems to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 16th April 2023

Sunday 16th April 2023

Hi, A few weeks ago I was speaking with one of my clients. She is currently at a healthy weight, is active and eats well. She says to me "I'd love to lose 10lbs, and I'll be the weight I was when I got married" Now I'm not surprised, because honestly, it's a comment I hear often. Here is what I want you to ask yourself: at this point in your life is the number on the scale more important to you then how you feel? If you feel good, have energy, are enjoying food, eating healthy and your body is active and healthy, do you really care what that number on the scale says? Whether you are 140lbs or…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 9th April 2023

Sunday 9th April 2023

Hi, I'm growing to despise social media. It's poisoning, twisting and manipulating people on a daily basis. Facebook algorithms, for example, are partly programmed and partly based on machine learning, which explains why the company had to carry out research to learn that they are effectively promoting divisive content to users. The primary job of the algorithms is to maximise user engagement, so they highlight content that achieves this and reduce the visibility of content that doesn't. An internal investigation found that one of the unintended consequences of this was that users were actively exposed to sensational and polarised content, as that drove them to respond. The Wall Street Journal reports that senior executives at the social network were asked to take action…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 2nd April 2023

Sunday 2nd April 2023

Hi, Okay, so first off let's give you the Easter Opening times: Good Friday (7th April): 9am - 2pm Kettlebells: 9.30am Group PT: 12.30pm Saturday (8th April): As normal. Easter Sunday (9th April): 9am - 12noon Kettlebells: 9.30am Easter Monday (18th April): 9am - 2pm Group PT: 9.30am Group PT: 12.30pm Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. It is very important to find your way of transforming your body. It might be 3 months of intensive work, or 1 year taking it slowly, facing lots of ups and downs. For others, it might be 1 month of starving yourself (although, not recommended), or even transforming your body all your life and never getting there. But who can decide what is right for you? Only you can find the most effective…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th March 2023

Sunday 26th March 2023

Hi, After you achieve your dream physique, everything will depend only on you and whether you adopt new habits of living or not. If you go back to your previous lifestyle - choosing unhealthy meals and not exercising - your new physique will be gone faster than you think. The most important rule of maintaining the result of your hard work is to maintain routine and make healthy food choices. The new you should come with a different mindset and understanding that exercise and healthy food is now part of your life. Learn how to cook healthy meals, add morning/evening walks to your schedule - enjoy life in a responsible way. Food should give you pleasure as well as nourish your body.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 19th March 2023

Sunday 19th March 2023

Hi, Be ready to change your habits! New you. New habits. When you decide to start your body transformation, make healthier options in each situation you are. Skip that croissant with your coffee in the morning - here is a new habit for you to follow. Your next new habits might include managing your sleep (go to bed earlier), balancing nutrition (get a meal plan for a week, eat home made food) and creating training schedule (regular exercise is very important!). Most importantly, train your mind for success - find time to think about your new body every day. For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 12th March 2023

Sunday 12th March 2023

Hi, Firstly, I forgot to email out the newsletter last week and the week before. I know, big disappointment for some of you. Here are the links: The Woodlands newsletter Sunday 5th March 2023: The Woodlands newsletter Sunday 26th February 2023: Right, let's get back to this week's newsletter: Visualisation is key. Imagine your body after transformation. Think about it every morning. Think about your new body with every glass of water you take. Imagine it before ordering something in a restaurant or a bar. The more you think of it, the more realistic it will seem and the more dedicated you are going to become. Imagine how you feel inside your new body, what clothes you choose to wear. Where would you go? And what…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 5th March 2023

Sunday 5th March 2023

Hi, Firstly, I forgot to email out the newsletter last week. I know, big disappointment for some of you. Here is the link: Right, let's get back to this week's newsletter: Not everyone is a good candidate for a successful body transformation. It is the naked truth - not everyone can transform their body dramatically and keep it this way. If it would be so easy, nobody would hire a personal trainer and everyone would look like fitness models. The success of your body transformation ultimately depends only on one person: you! How much do you really want it? How hard are you ready to work? There is no need to get scared - but these facts must be understood before starting your body…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th February 2023

Sunday 26th February 2023

Hi, Take a look around - TV ads, social media, even adverts on the streets and buses are simply shouting how easy and fast transforming your body is. On January, here come the ads about 'New Years resolutions' and in September all you can see are posters with 'Back from holiday - back on track resolutions'. What it usually does, it provokes guilt and anxiety, leading to low self esteem and frustration. Doesn't matter, what the ad tries to sell, it sells a bunch of those negative feelings in addition to the products or services it promotes. All these ads from fitness supplements companies simply shout how easy it is to pop a pill and get such an amazing physique as…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 19th February 2023

Sunday 19th February 2023

Hi, After deciding to transform your body, you have to clearly evaluate your current physical state and envision the goal which you will try to achieve. Keep in mind that we perceive our own body image differently than others perceive us, so the definition of your body transformation has to be decided by you. And this is the thing that you most probably won't hear from a personal trainer. Hundreds of people on TV, social media, magazine covers and even personal trainers can make you believe that there is one ideal physique for everyone. Don't rely on such information - even if you are able to achieve this 'ideal physique', it will be enormously hard to maintain. Many people are struggling…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 12th February 2023

Sunday 12th February 2023

Hi, Let's get this straight - transforming your body won't be easy, but it will be definitely worth it. Body transformations may vary depending on the goal a person is trying to achieve: it can be weight related (if you want to lose or gain some kilos), muscle mass related (if you want to gain muscle mass) or health related - get fitter, faster or stronger. Professional personal trainers know some tips and tricks, how to make this process smoother for their clients, so definitely consider getting some help. It would be so much easier if someone would define what body transformation actually is. Actually, there is no straightforward answer to that! As each person is different, the concept of body transformation also…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 5th February 2023

Sunday 5th February 2023

Hi, The advice I give in my newsletters is not for everyone. It's not intended for those who really have their nutrition dialled in, such as competitive bodybuilders and other athletes who benefit from fairly dramatic changes in their nutrition, such as 'off season' and 'pre-contest' and so on. These articles are not intended for those with medical issues who may be on a specific diet to treat or manage a specific medical condition. These newsletter articles are intended for the average person who wants to get off the Yo-Yo diet merry-go-round once and for all. As that's probably 99% of the population, it will cover millions of people. People should also not be scared off by my "you have to eat this…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 29th January 2023

Sunday 29th January 2023

Hi, The big picture realities of permanent weight loss and how you can look at a weight loss program and decide for yourself if it's for you based on what has been covered in the last few newsletters: • Permanent weight loss is not about finding a quick fix diet, but making a commitment to life style changes that include nutrition and exercise • Any weight loss program you choose must pass the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test, • The weight loss program you choose should ultimately teach you how to eat and be self reliant so you can make informed long term choices about your nutrition. • The weight loss program you choose should not leave you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 22nd January 2023

Sunday 22nd January 2023

Hi, There is a sucker born every minute. Seriously. Some people out there are, like, super gullible. So why don't you see this type of honest information about the realities of long term weight loss more often? Let's be honest here, telling the truth is not the best way to sell bars, shakes, books, supplements, and programs. If - by some miracle - everyone who read these newsletters actually followed it, and sent it on to millions of other people who actually followed it, the makers of said products would be in financial trouble quickly. However, they also know that "there's a sucker born every minute," so I doubt they will be kept up at night worrying about the effects that…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 15th January 2023

Sunday 15th January 2023

Hi, Psychology plays a major role in determining if people are successful with long term weight loss. If it's not addressed as part of the overall plan, it can be the factor that makes or breaks your success. This, however, is not an area most nutrition programs can adequately tackle and should not be expected to. However, the better programs do generally attempt to help with motivation, goal setting, and support. 1). Do you have a tendency to evaluate self-worth in terms of weight and shape? 2). Do you have a lack of vigilance with regard to weight control 3). Do you have a dichotomous (black-and-white) thinking style 4). Do you have the tendency to use eating to regulate mood. If you answered yes to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 8th January 2023

Sunday 8th January 2023

Hi, Many diet programs out there don't address the psychological aspect of why people fail to be successful with long term weight loss. However, quite a few studies exist that have looked at just that. In many respects, the psychological aspect is the most important for long term weight loss, and probably the most underappreciated component. Studies that compare the psychological characteristics of people who have successfully kept the weight off to people who have regained the weight, see clear differences between these two groups. For example, one study that looked at 28 obese women who had lost weight but regained the weight that they had lost, compared to 28 formerly obese women who had lost weight and maintained their weight for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 1st January 2023

Sunday 1st January 2023

Hi, Here we go, the first Woodlands newsletter of 2023. First off, I'd like to start by wishing all of our members - past, present and future - a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Next, let me repeat the Christmas Opening times: 23rd (Friday): 7.30am-7pm Christmas Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon Xmas Day (Sunday): Closed Boxing Day (Monday): Closed 27th (Tuesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm New Years Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon New Years Day (Sunday): Closed 2nd (Monday): 8.30am-2pm 3rd (Tuesday): Back to normal. There will be a group PT session at 9.30am on each day that we're open. If anybody would like a 12.30pm Group PT session, please let me know. Right, now let's get back to more weight loss chat. Because it's January and a percentage of people will…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 25th December 2022

Sunday 25th December 2022

Hi, First off, I'd like to start by wishing all of our members - past, present and future - a very Happy Christmas. Next, let me repeat the Christmas Opening times: 23rd (Friday): 7.30am-7pm Christmas Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon Xmas Day (Sunday): Closed Boxing Day (Monday): Closed 27th (Tuesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm New Years Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon New Years Day (Sunday): Closed 2nd (Monday): 8.30am-2pm 3rd (Tuesday): Back to normal. There will be a group PT session at 9.30am on each day that we're open. If anybody would like a 12.30pm Group PT session, please let me know. Right, now let's get back to more weight loss chat. Which - considering it's Christmas Day - seems unhelpful. Perhaps read this on the 27th Dec, perhaps with a pint of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 17th December 2022

Saturday 17th December 2022

Hi, First off, let's start with the Christmas Opening times: 23rd (Friday): 7.30am-7pm Christmas Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon Xmas Day (Sunday): Closed Boxing Day (Monday): Closed 27th (Tuesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm New Years Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon New Years Day (Sunday): Closed 2nd (Monday): 8.30am-2pm 3rd (Tuesday): Back to normal. There will be a group PT session at 9.30am on each day that we're open. Right, now let's get back to more weight loss chat. What is the missing link for long term weight loss? When choosing a nutrition program for long term weight loss, you actually need to involve nutrition. It's not just all about calories. But the missing link for long term weight loss for many people is exercise. Too many of you focus on dieting. Exercise is the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 11th December 2022

Sunday 11th December 2022

Hi, First off, let's start with the Christmas Opening times: 23rd (Friday): 7.30am-7pm Christmas Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon Xmas Day (Sunday): Closed Boxing Day (Monday): Closed 27th (Tuesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm New Years Eve (Saturday): 8am-12 noon New Years Day (Sunday): Closed 2nd (Monday): 8.30am-2pm 3rd (Tuesday): Back to normal. There will be a group PT session at 9.30am on each day that we're open. Right, now let's get back to more weight loss chat. What is the missing link for long term weight loss? When choosing a nutrition program for long term weight loss, you actually need to involve nutrition. It's not just all about calories. But the missing link for long term weight loss for many people is exercise. Too many of you focus on dieting. Exercise is the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 4th December 2022

Sunday 4th December 2022

Hi, Diet plans that offer weight loss by drinking their product for several meals followed by a "sensible dinner;" diets that allow you to eat their special cookies for most meals along with their pre-planned menu; or diets that attempt to have you eating their bars, drink, or pre-made meals, are of the diet A variety covered in last week's newsletter. If you didn't read that particular newsletter, then Diet A is one of those diet plans that supply you with their foods, as well as their special drink or bars to eat, and they tell you exactly when to eat them. These Diet A type meal plans are easy to follow but they are destined for failure in the medium-long term.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 27th November 2022

Sunday 27th November 2022

Hi, A well known Chinese Proverb is "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." This expression fits perfectly with the next essential step in how to decide what eating plan you should follow to lose weight permanently. Will the diet plan you are considering teach you how to eat long term - or does it spoon-feed you information? Will the diet rely on special bars, shakes, supplements or pre-made foods they supply? Let's a diet A vs. diet B comparison. Diet A is going to supply you with their foods, as well as their special drink or bars to eat, and tell you exactly when to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 20th November 2022

Sunday 20th November 2022

Hi, Getting the weight off is not the hardest part. Keeping the weight off is the hard part! If you take a close look at the many well known fad/commercial diets out there, and you are honest with yourself, and apply my test above, you will find most of them no longer appeal to you as they once did. It also brings me to an example that adds additional clarity: If you have diet A that will cause the most weight loss in the shortest amount of time but is unbalanced and essentially impossible to follow long term vs. diet B, which will take the weight off at a slower pace, but is easier to follow, balanced, healthy, and something you…

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Saturday 19th November 2022

*BLACK FRIDAY OFFER #1: 2-4-1 GYM ONLY MEMBERSHIP Join or renew your membership with a friend or family member and enjoy a joint membership for the same price as a single membership. Gym Only: 1 month: £30 per month (£15.00 each) 3 months: £28 per month (£14 per month each) 12 months: £26 per month (£13 per month each) Minimum term applies. The free member cannot have been a member of the Woodlands Fitness Centre for at least 90 days. Non-transferable. *BLACK FRIDAY OFFER #2: 2-4-1 SMALL GROUP PT MEMBERSHIP How would you like to have personal training every single time you attend Woodlands? Well you can! Our Unlimited PT membership offers an appointment controlled personal training system where a Personal Trainer will train up to 6 members at any…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 13th November 2022

Sunday 13th November 2022

Hi, When choosing a diet, always use the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. I know, it does not exactly roll off your tongue, but it gets the point across. The lesson here is: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever. That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless. Many fad diets you see out there will fail the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. The question is not whether the diet…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 6th November 2022

Sunday 6th November 2022

Hi, Someone once asked me what a diet is. A diet is a short term strategy to lose weight. Long term weight loss is the result of an alteration in lifestyle. We are concerned with life long weight management, not quick fix weight loss here. I don't like the term diet, as it represents a short term attempt to lose weight vs. a change in lifestyle. Want to lose a bunch of weight quickly? Heck, I will give you the information on how to do that here and now for no charge. For the next 90 to 120 days eat 12 scrambled egg whites, one whole grapefruit, and a gallon of water twice a day. You will lose plenty of weight. Will…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 30th October 2022

Sunday 30th October 2022

Hi, If your goal is to lose some weight quickly, then pick a diet plan and follow it. I guarantee you will lose some weight. The number one reason diets fail is - quite simply - a lack of compliance. Research shows that adherence level rather than diet type was the primary predictor of weight loss. The diet you chose is irrelevant; what matters most is your ability to actually stick to a diet that predicted their weight loss success. But some diets must be better than others? Absolutely. Some diets are healthier then others. Some diets are better at preserving lean body mass. Some diets are better at suppressing appetite. There are many differences between diets. Most of the popular diets…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 23rd October 2022

Sunday 23rd October 2022

Hi, What is the number one reason diets fail long term; above all else? The number one reason is - shock horror - people giving up. I know right, who'd have guessed? The numbers don't lie; the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and often exceed what they lost. True story fam. So what are YOU doing to avoid it? Here's another reality check: virtually any diet you pick which follows the basic concept of "burning" more calories then you consume - the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra - will cause you to lose weight. To some degree, they all work: Atkins-style, no carb diets, low fat high carb diets, all manner of fad…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 16th October 2022

Sunday 16th October 2022

Hi, There are some general guidelines, rules of thumb, and ways of viewing a diet program that will allow you to decide, once and for all, if it's the right diet for you. You may not always like what I have to say, and you should be under no illusions this is another quick fix, "lose 100 lbs. in 20 days," guide of some sort. However, if you are sick and tired of being confused, tired of taking the weight off only to put it back on, and tired of wondering how to take the first steps to deciding the right diet for you that will result in permanent weight loss, then these newsletters could change your life. Do you need…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 9th October 2022

Sunday 9th October 2022

Hi, Most people who read my newsletters know that I like maths based approach to everyday problems such as weight loss, bodybuilding, and other health/fitness related topics. However, sometimes you have to step back from the science and look at the big picture to help bring people back into focus, so they can see the forest for the trees, so to speak. For most people reading these newsletters, finding an effective diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 2nd October 2022

Sunday 2nd October 2022

Hi, Change your perspective. It's not enough to eat healthy foods and exercise for only a few weeks or even months if you want long-term, successful weight management. These habits must become a way of life. Lifestyle changes start with taking an honest look at your eating patterns and daily routine. After assessing your personal challenges to weight loss, try working out a strategy to gradually change habits and attitudes that have sabotaged your past efforts. Then move beyond simply recognising your challenges - plan for how you'll deal with them if you're going to succeed in losing weight once and for all. You likely will have an occasional setback. But instead of giving up entirely after a setback, simply start fresh the next…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 25th September 2022

Sunday 25th September 2022

Hi, Get active, stay active While you can lose weight without exercise, regular physical activity plus calorie restriction can help give you the weight-loss edge. Exercise can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone. Exercise also offers numerous health benefits, including boosting your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system and reducing your blood pressure. Exercise can also help in maintaining weight loss. Studies show that people who maintain their weight loss over the long term get regular physical activity. How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities. One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such as brisk walking — for at least 30 minutes most…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 18th September 2022

Sunday 18th September 2022

Hi, We are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family, as we mourn the loss of our longest-serving British monarch. We are indebted to her dedicated service to this country. The Queen's state funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey at 11am on Monday 19th September. To support our members, the gym will open between 7.30am and 11am on the day. There will be a small group PT sessions at 9.30am. Right, back to the normal newsletter... Enjoy healthier foods. Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories need not mean giving up taste, satisfaction or even ease of meal preparation. One way…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 11th September 2022

Sunday 11th September 2022

Hi, Set realistic goals It may seem obvious to set realistic weight-loss goals. But do you really know what's realistic? Over the long term, it's smart to aim for losing 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week. Generally to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day, through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity. Depending on your weight, 5% of your current weight may be a realistic goal, at least for an initial goal. If you weigh 180 pounds (82 kilograms), that's 9 pounds (4 kilograms). Even this level of weight loss can help lower your risk of chronic health problems, such as heart disease…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 4th September 2022

Sunday 4th September 2022

Hi, Find your inner motivation. No one else can make you lose weight. You must undertake diet and exercise changes to please yourself. What's going to give you the burning drive to stick to your weight-loss plan? Make a list of what's important to you to help you stay motivated and focused, whether it's an upcoming vacation or better overall health. Then find a way to make sure that you can call on your motivational factors during moments of temptation. You might want to post an encouraging note to yourself on the pantry door or refrigerator, for instance. While you have to take responsibility for your own behaviour for successful weight loss, it helps to have support — of the right kind. Pick people…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 28th August 2022

Sunday 28th August 2022

Hi, Make sure you're ready Long-term weight loss takes time and effort — and a long-term commitment. While you don't want to put off weight loss indefinitely, you should make sure you're ready to make permanent changes to eating and activity habits. Ask yourself the following questions to help you determine your readiness: Am I motivated to lose weight? Am I too distracted by other pressures? Do I use food as a means to cope with stress? Am I ready to learn or use other strategies to cope with stress? Do I need other support — either from friends or professionals — to manage stress? Am I willing to change eating habits? Am I willing to change activity habits? Do I have the time to spend on making these changes? Talk…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 21st August 2022

Sunday 21st August 2022

Hi, Hundreds of fad diets, weight-loss programs and outright scams promise quick and easy weight loss. However, the foundation of successful weight loss remains a healthy, calorie-controlled diet combined with increased physical activity. For successful, long-term weight loss, you must make permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits. How do you make those permanent changes? Consider following these six strategies for weight-loss success: 1. Make sure you're ready 2. Find your inner motivation 3. Set realistic goals 4. Enjoy healthier foods 5. Get active, stay active 6. Change your perspective For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some prices and more... Gym Only memberships: Joint/Student (per month): 12 months: £22 3 months: £24 1 month: £27 Single (per month):…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th August 2022

Sunday 14th August 2022

Hi, Is spontaneity overrated? Sure, spontaneity is a great attribute to have. Helps to keep life fresh and exciting. However, when it comes to fitness, it just doesn't get the job done. In order to make real progress in any aspect of fitness, be it losing weight, increasing strength, speeding up our metabolism, our bodies require consistent and gradual steps to make permanent change. One day of vigorous exercise followed by two weeks of inactivity will just make us sore and not have the longer-term benefits we're looking for. Consistency in our exercise and diet are crucial in establishing healthy habits and forming healthy habits is a surefire way to get real and lasting results. Some excellent ways of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th August 2022

Sunday 7th August 2022

Hi, Self-deception is a very tricky subject to address. If we truly saw everything as it really was all the time, we would be an extremely rare and enlightened individual. Unfortunately, the reality for most of us is that our perceptions are filtered through our biases, experiences, fears, etc. When it comes to fitness, self-deception can cause a lot of frustration and distress. From our point of view, we try as hard as we can (at least we think we do) and we just aren't seeing results! Some classic examples are that we believe our eating habits are excellent when in reality they are out of balance and contributing to weight gain instead of weight…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 31st July 2022

Sunday 31st July 2022

Hi, To lose body fat and maintain muscle at the same time - and to stay strong - you need to do the right kind of exercise and follow the right kind of diet. Cutting calories will help you lose weight. But dieting alone can strip away muscle along with body fat. Research suggests that as much as 25 per cent of weight lost by dieters is from muscle. And that's not a good thing. Losing muscle while on a calorie-reduced diet can hinder your performance in the gym by reducing strength and stamina. It can also slow your metabolism, so you burn fewer calories during the day, making it harder to lose weight - and easier to gain it back. The amount of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th June 2022

Monday 6th June 2022

Hi, Do you see a single failure as the end of all things? Achieving a goal isn't always a straight and unwinding path. For most, a couple of failures come before the eventual success. The vast majority of people will give up after the first stumbling block. They will lack the strength to learn a lesson and move forward with the execution of their plan. In order to be successful you will have to turn every failure into an opportunity. This is what visionaries and successful people do. You can't anticipate for the pursuit of your dream to always be simple and effortless. Understand the fact that failure is natural. What matters after you fail is much more important than blaming yourself for committing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th May 2022

Monday 30th May 2022

Hi, Believe in yourself! Do you believe in your ability to bring an idea to fruition? If the answer is no, you're similar to most other people. The lack of belief in one's abilities and strengths is a common reason for goal abandonment. Mindset is everything when it comes to breaking out of the routine and doing everything it takes to pursue something challenging but rewarding. If you don't think that you're talented enough, strong enough or creative enough to change your life, you will probably go back to the routine practices sooner or later (for most people it would be sooner). Even if you're handled the best of opportunities to pursue your goal, you'll be hesitant about seizing those. Why? Because you believe that you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd May 2022

Monday 23rd May 2022

Hi, Do you have daily distractions? Other than this newsletter being a distraction right now, of course. Dreams and specific goals require focus and strategic execution day after day. At the same time, most people have other responsibilities, daily struggles and routines that have become ingrained in their very system. These routines and traditional shortcuts are often distracting. They keep one from seeing the end goal. The dream becomes way too abstract to pursue and most will give up within a short period of time. We live in a very dynamic world. Instant access to information. Instant access to communication. Instant access to entertainment Instant access to apps that promote nonsense and stupidity. We have gotten used to leading fast-paced lives and we've also gotten used to wanting immediate gratification. A serious…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th May 2022

Monday 16th May 2022

Hi, Do you put too much power in the hands of somebody else? We are group creatures. As a result, many people are heavily influenced by others. While positive influences can help a person realise their potential, negative influences will prevent many from pursuing their dreams. Giving others the power to influence your decisions will probably make you think twice about an idea or a dream you have. What you perceive as one's mission could be silly in the eyes of somebody else. Hence, other people's opinions could lead to the total invalidation of your goal. A fear of being judged or seen as silly by the community is another reason why many people will give up on their goals very early on. Revolutionary ideas…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 9th May 2022

Monday 9th May 2022

Hi, Do you have a lack of discipline? I know, maybe a bit of a personal question. However, pursuing a goal necessitates commitment and a lot of discipline. Discipline and the willingness to work hard are often missing. Most people want to reach an end goal without having to sweat for it. This is probably the number one reason why so many people generate one idea after another but they never move on to the execution stage. Lacking discipline to put in the effort day after day and without anticipating immediate results is probably the number one reason why people give up. Even if the task is small, there will still be some level of commitment required. A fickle nature and a bit of laziness…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd May 2022

Monday 2nd May 2022

Hi, There might be 5 main reasons people give up on their goals too early. How long are you willing to pursue your dream? The truth of the matter is that most people will give up within a short time period because of complications or because the goal appears to be more challenging to attain than originally anticipated. Research suggests that only eight percent of people achieve their goals. This being said, what are these eight percent doing differently from the 92 percent that never get there? According to researchers, they begin with a very specific goal and they rely on a powerful support system to get through the challenging times. Giving up is so common that it's essential to analyse the reasons why…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 25th April 2022

Monday 25th April 2022

Hi, What Does Consistency Look Like? At its core, consistency looks like getting right back on track when you fall off instead of falling off and staying off. The next time you accidentally overeat or eat something that doesn't align with your weight loss goals, don't just give up. Instead, forgive yourself and make your next meal a healthy one. The next time you're too tired to exercise, follow the same principle: stay positive and make tomorrow's workout great. Everyone slips up in their weight loss journey at times. You'll see much more success if you remain consistent despite your setbacks and make the decision to be patient with your body. Healthy weight loss takes time, so don't be discouraged if…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 18th April 2022

Monday 18th April 2022

Hi, Why does consistency beat perfection every time? It's easy to become discouraged and give up on losing weight after making one or two mistakes. Many people believe that if they can't perfectly stick to every goal, such as hitting every single workout and never eating dessert, they simply can't lose weight. Feelings of discouragement and failure cause people to think they should just give up entirely. One of the biggest enforcers of this façade of perfection is social media. Since most people only share their successes and proud moments on their social media pages, it's easy to believe that the people you follow are always motivated to work out and never eat something that could be deemed "unhealthy." However, this idea of perfection…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 11th April 2022

Monday 11th April 2022

Hi, Why is consistency Such an Important Part of Your weight loss or body transformation Plan? People have trouble losing weight for a variety of reasons. Some are both in and out of their control. Whatever the issue may be, one key misstep most people make while trying to lose weight is having a lack of consistency. We've all been there. You decide to change your life for the better, instil some healthy habits, and lose some extra weight in the process. For the first few days, you're so excited about your new goal that it feels easy to eat healthy and well-balanced meals, turn down your favourite unhealthy snacks, and include some moderate to strenuous exercise in your routine. However, after a few…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 4th April 2022

Monday 4th April 2022

Hi, As much as social media can be a place for inspiration, motivation and education, we get to choose who we follow and what we see. We have control over our social media feeds, we are in the driver's seat and have full control on the content we see. We have to take what we see and read with a grain of salt. There are a lot of charlatans out there, peddling terrible weight loss products and services. How one person loses weight, what one person eats is not necessarily how it works for everyone. I think this is the trap most of us fall into "if it worked for her, it'll work for me" If you do want to lose…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th March 2022

Monday 28th March 2022

Hi, Why are we always looking for the quick fix? What is making people choose the next big thing over learning how to eat? While obesity and unhealthy weight is a concern, the desire for us to lose weight quickly at any cost has caused us to equally engage in unhealthy eating habits and behaviours. We spend so much time looking for which diet to follow and getting advice from other people that we have completely forgotten how to tap into and connect with our own body. Why do you think we try so many different diets/ways to lose weight fast? The media - particularly social media - plays a big part in it. It has skewed our views of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st March 2022

Monday 21st March 2022

Hi, Fad diets operate on restricting you, and in effect will usually starve you of something important your body needs. When these fad diets are successful in helping you lose weight and fast, what happens next? Do you actually know how to eat in a manner that fuels your body? Do you know how to eat without following a plan? Do you live the rest of your life with the restrictions to maintain your weight loss? What happens when you inadvertently add the foods you took away back in? You have to learn how to manage your food choices long term, not be spoon-fed information, supplements or meal replacements. For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th March 2022

Monday 14th March 2022

Hi, I regularly get asked about the Keto diet. Is this still the hottest trend right now? This diet was originally created in the 1920/30's to treat people with Epilepsy and in today's time, when guided by medical professionals / dieticians it is extremely successful for some cancer patients and for those who are morbidly obese. The problem is not the Keto diet, the problem is people changing it! It is such a trend right now, and such a money maker that people are taking the key concepts, the key principle of this diet that was created by a medical professional and changing it. People with no medical or professional education when it comes to nutrition are guiding…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th March 2022

Monday 7th March 2022

Hi, Why do we keep falling for the newest fad diet? What is always making us search for the diet that is going to work and work fast? Do we always seem to find ourselves needing to lose 10lbs? So many of you need to change your whole outlook on what healthy looks and feels like. There is no shortage of fad diets, there never has been actually and I find that each and every one of these fad diets has manifested into a craze. How many people do you know right now that are on a low-carb, high-fat diet? Almost everyone, right? It is not to say that these diets do not work. They do. They are successful…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th February 2022

Monday 28th February 2022

Hi, It's this time of year I get the "I'm going away in x weeks and need lose y amount of weight - what can I do?" Losing weight is 70% nutrition. Over the long term, it's smart to aim for losing 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week. Generally to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day, through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity. However, the amount of weight you'll lose will depend on your starting weight, age, height, gender and activity level. Using The Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, let's do the sums for a 37 year old female who is 167 cm…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st February 2022

Monday 21st February 2022

Hi, Okay, so first off let's give you the Easter Opening times: Good Friday (15th April): 9am - 2pm HIIT: 9.30am Saturday (16th April): 8am - 2pm As normal. Easter Sunday (17th April): 8am - 2pm As normal. Easter Monday (18th April): 9am - 2pm Kettlebells: 9.30am Bank Holiday Monday (2nd May): 9am - 2pm Total: 9:30am. Right, now let's get back to talking about exercise and fitness. Like I wrote last week, your goals should always specific to you and not what society, a partner or some troll on social media thinks you should look like. As such, it is very important to find your way of transforming your body. It might be 3 months of intensive work. Or it might be 1 year taking it slowly, facing lots of ups and downs. For others, it might…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th February 2022

Monday 14th February 2022

Hi, The problem with getting results is that they then have to be sustained. Sadly, the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and often exceed what they lost. Is this what weight loss clubs rely on? Repeat business. Achieving your goals (which should always specific to you and not what society dictates you should look like) will reflect you worked hard for it. No money can buy it. You can not inherit it. You cannot steal it. You cannot borrow it. You cannot hold onto your dream body without constant work. It shows dedication. It shows discipline. It shows self respect. It shows dignity. It shows patience. And a work ethic. Maybe a little bit of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th February 2022

Monday 7th February 2022

Hi, Writing these newsletters each week can be a bit worrisome. The advice and guidance I give isn't always universal because our members have a broad spectrum of goals, circumstances and preferences and writing something for everyone can be daunting. Based on the thirteen years I've been running da Fitness Centre, the majority of people seem to join because they want to look and feel better. As such, I tend to focus more on these goals. Generally speaking, most of us do want to look and feel better, right? I wonder if anybody wants to look and feel worse? This particular newsletter intro is more about the aesthetics. Because some people want to look better. For whatever reason. As Linzi would…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 31st January 2022

Monday 31st January 2022

Hi, Visualisation is key. Imagine your body after transformation. Think about it every morning, think about your new body with every glass of water you take, imagine it before ordering something in a restaurant or a bar. The more you think of it, the more realistic it will seem and the more dedicated you are going to become. Imagine how you feel inside your new body, what clothes you choose to wear. Where would you go and what activities would you take on? For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some prices and more... Gym Only memberships: Joint/Student (per month): 12 months: £22 3 months: £24 1 month: £26 Single…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th January 2022

Monday 24th January 2022

Hi, Not everyone is a good candidate for a successful body transformation. It is the naked truth - not everyone can transform their body dramatically and keep it this way. If it would be so easy, nobody would hire a personal trainer and everyone would look like fitness models. The success of your body transformation ultimately depends only on one person: you! How much do you really want it? How hard you are ready to work? There is no need to get scared - but these facts must be understood before starting your body transformation. There will be lots of work and lots of weak moments during the process. In my professional career, I have seen many success stories as well…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th January 2022

Monday 17th January 2022

Hi, Take a look around - TV ads, social media, even adverts on the streets and buses are simply shouting how easy and fast transforming your body is. In January we endured the ads about 'New Years resolutions' and in September all you can see are post and adverts about 'Back from holiday - back on track resolutions'. What it usually does, it provokes guilt and anxiety, leading to low self esteem and frustration. It really doesn't matter what the ad tries to sell, as it sells a bunch of those negative feelings in addition to the products or services it promotes. All these ads from fitness supplements companies simply shout how easy it is to pop a pill and get…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th January 2022

Monday 10th January 2022

Hi, After deciding to transform your body, you have to clearly evaluate your current physical state and envision the goal which you will try to achieve. Keep in mind that we perceive our own body image differently than others perceive us, so the definition of your body transformation has to be decided by you. And this is the thing that you most probably won't hear from a personal trainer. Hundreds of people on TV, social media, magazine covers and even personal trainers can make you believe that there is one ideal physique for everyone. Don't rely on such information - even if you are able to achieve this 'ideal physique', it will be enormously hard to maintain. Many people are struggling…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd January 2022

Monday 3rd January 2022

Hi, Let's get this straight: transforming your body won't be easy, but it will be definitely worth it. Body transformations may vary depending on the goal a person is trying to achieve: it can be weight related (if you want to lose or gain some kilos), muscle mass related (if you want to gain muscle mass) or health related - get fitter, faster or stronger. Professional personal trainers know some tips and tricks, how to make this process smoother for their clients, so definitely consider getting some help. It would be so much easier if someone would define what body transformation actually is. Actually, there is no straightforward answer to that! As each person is different, the concept of body transformation also depends…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 2nd January 2022

Sunday 2nd January 2022

Hi, I'd like to start this newsletter by wishing all of our members - past, present and future - a very happy, fulfilling and successful new year. Just a reminder that tomorrow (Monday 3rd January) is a Bank Holiday, so we'll be open 8am to 2pm. There will be a group session at 9.30am. Right, now let's get back to talking about fitness, fat loss and nutrition. Because losing fat is 70% nutrition. Why? Because you can't easily out train a bad diet! Believe me, I've tried. Tried hard. Those Mars Bars catch up with you eventually. This means you have to establish a calorie target and stick to it. Every. Single. Week. Using The Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, let's do the sums for a 44…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 27th December 2021

Monday 27th December 2021

Hi, The advice I give in my newsletters is not for everyone. It's not intended for those who really have their nutrition dialled in, such as competitive bodybuilders and other athletes who benefit from fairly dramatic changes in their nutrition, such as 'off season' and 'pre-contest' and so on. These articles are not intended for those with medical issues who may be on a specific diet to treat or manage a specific medical condition. These newsletters are intended for the average person who wants to get off the Yo-Yo diet merry-go-round once and for all. As that's probably 99% of the population, it will cover millions of people. People should also not be scared off by my "you have to eat this way…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th December 2021

Monday 20th December 2021

Hi, The big picture realities of permanent weight loss and how you can look at a weight loss program and decide for yourself if it's for you based on what has been covered in these newsletters: • Permanent weight loss is not about finding a quick fix diet, but making a commitment to life style changes that include nutrition and exercise • Any weight loss program you choose must pass the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test, • The weight loss program you choose should ultimately teach you how to eat and be self reliant so you can make informed long term choices about your nutrition. • The weight loss program you choose should not leave you reliant on…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 13th December 2021

Monday 13th December 2021

Hi, There is a sucker born every minute. Seriously. Some people out there are, like, totes super gullible. When choosing a diet, always use the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. I know, it does not exactly roll off your tongue, but it gets the point across. The lesson here is: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever. That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless. Many fad diets you see out there will fail the "Can I…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th December 2021

Monday 6th December 2021

Hi, Psychology plays a major role in determining if people are successful with long term weight loss. If it's not addressed as part of the overall plan, it can be the factor that makes or breaks your success. This, however, is not an area most nutrition programs can adequately tackle and maybe should not be expected to. You might need help with motivation, goal setting, and support. If you see yourself as someone who has failed to maintain their weight long term, then maybe - in addition to regular resistance training - you will need to address those issues via counselling, support groups, etc. If you've tried every diet and exercise plan and can't slim down, there may be a psychological…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 29th November 2021

Monday 29th November 2021

Hi, Many diet programs out there don't address the psychological aspect of why people fail to be successful with long term weight loss. However, quite a few studies exist that have looked at just that. In many respects, the psychological aspect is the most important for long term weight loss, and probably the most underappreciated component. Studies that compare the psychological characteristics of people who have successfully kept the weight off to people who have regained the weight, see clear differences between these two groups. For example, one study that looked at 28 obese women who had lost weight but regained the weight that they had lost, compared to 28 formerly obese women who had lost weight and maintained their weight for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd November 2021

Monday 22nd November 2021

Hi, When I talk about weight loss, I actually mean fat loss. They are not the same thing. A pound of fat equals 3,500 calories whereas a pound of muscle equals only 600 calories - so a large calorie deficit and rapid weight loss will result in more muscle loss. Not an ideal outcome. So if I use the term 'weight loss', I do so only because it is a familiar term most people understand. The true focus and goal of a properly set up nutrition and exercise plan should be on fat loss, not weight loss. A focus on losing weight, which may include a loss essential muscle, water, and even bone, as well as fat, is the wrong approach.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 15th November 2021

Monday 15th November 2021

Hi, Okay, so before I burst into some ranting about calorie deficits, lifting weights etc, let's start with the Christmas opening times: Friday (Christmas Eve): 8am-12 noon (Group PT: Katie) Saturday (Christmas Day): Closed Sunday (Boxing Day): Closed Monday 27th: 8.00am-2.00pm (Kettlebells: Giles) Tuesday 28th : 8:00am-2.00pm (HIIT: Giles) Wednesday 29th: 8.00am-2.00pm (Body Con: Lee) Thursday 30th: 8.00am-2.00pm (Group PT: Giles) Friday (New Years Eve): 8.00am-2.00pm (Group PT: Giles) Saturday (New Years Day): Closed Sunday 2nd: 8.00am-2.00pm (Normal classes) Monday 3rd (Bank Holiday): 8.00am-2.00pm (Group PT: Giles) Any exercise is better than no exercise. However, like diet plans, not all exercise is created equal. I've talked / ranted about this extensively over the years. However, many people often choose the wrong form of exercise to maximize their efforts to lose weight. For example, they will do cardio exclusively and ignore resistance…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 8th November 2021

Monday 8th November 2021

Hi, People who have successfully kept the weight off overwhelmingly have incorporated exercise (especially resistance training) into their lives - and in my experience, the people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off invariably find these people were consistent with their diet and exercise plans. I am not going to list all the benefits of regular exercise here (recent newsletters and social media posts cover this topic!) - but regular exercise has positive effects on your metabolism, allows you to eat more calories yet still be in a calorie deficit. This will help you to preserve lean body mass - which is essential to your health and metabolism. The many health benefits of regular exercise are well known, so I…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 1st November 2021

Monday 1st November 2021

Hi, What is the missing link for long term weight loss? When choosing a nutrition program for long term weight loss, you actually need to involve nutrition. It's not just all about calories. But the missing link for long term weight loss for many people is exercise. Too many of you focus on dieting. Exercise is the essential component of long term weight loss. Many diet programs do not contain an exercise component - which means they are losers for long term weight loss from the very start. Any program that has its focus on weight loss but does not include a comprehensive exercise plan is like buying a car without tires. Or a plane without wings. You can't fly without…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 25th October 2021

Monday 25th October 2021

Hi, Diet plans that offer weight loss by drinking their product for several meals followed by a "sensible dinner;" diets that allow you to eat their special cookies for most meals along with their pre-planned menu; or diets that attempt to have you eating their bars, drink, or pre-made meals, are of the diet A variety covered in last week's newsletter. If you didn't read that particular newsletter, then Diet A is one of those diet plans that supply you with their foods, as well as their special drink or bars to eat, and they tell you exactly when to eat them. These Diet A type meal plans are easy to follow but they are destined for failure in the medium-long term.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 18th October 2021

Monday 18th October 2021

Hi, Let's do another diet A vs. diet B comparison. Diet A is going to supply you with their foods, as well as their special drink or bars to eat, and tell you exactly when to eat them. You will lose - say - 30 lbs in two months. Diet B is going to attempt to help you learn which foods you should eat, how many calories you need to eat, why you need to eat them, and generally attempt to help teach you how to eat as part of a total lifestyle change that will allow you to make informed decisions about your nutrition. Diet B causes a slow steady weight loss of 8 -10 lbs per month for the…

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The Woodlands Newsletter: Monday 4th October 2021

Monday 4th October 2021

Hi, Getting the weight off is not the hardest part. Keeping the weight off is! If you take a close look at the many well known fad/commercial diets out there - and you are honest with yourself - and apply the "Can I eat this way for the rest of my life" test, you will find most of them no longer appeal to you as they once did. It also brings me to an example that adds additional clarity: If you have diet A that will cause the most weight loss in the shortest amount of time but is unbalanced and essentially impossible to follow long term vs. diet B, which will take the weight off at a slower pace, but…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 27th September 2021

Monday 27th September 2021

Hi, When choosing a diet, always use the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. I know, it does not exactly roll off your tongue, but it gets the point across. The lesson here is: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever. That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless. Many fad diets you see out there will fail the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. The question is not whether the diet…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th September 2021

Monday 20th September 2021

Hi, A diet is a short term strategy to lose weight. Long term weight loss is the result of an alteration in lifestyle. We are concerned with life long weight management, not quick fix weight loss here. I don't like the term diet, as it represents a short term attempt to lose weight vs. a change in lifestyle. Want to lose a bunch of weight quickly? Heck, I will give you the information on how to do that here and now for no charge. For the next 90 to 120 days eat 12 scrambled egg whites, one whole grapefruit, and a gallon of water twice a day. You will lose plenty of weight. Will it be healthy? Nope. Will the weight stay…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 13th September 2021

Monday 13th September 2021

Hi, If your goal is to lose some weight quickly, then pick a diet plan and follow it. I guarantee you will lose some weight. The number one reason diets fail is - quite simply - a lack of compliance. Research shows that adherence level rather than diet type was the primary predictor of weight loss. The diet you chose is irrelevant; what matters most is your ability to actually stick to a diet that predicted their weight loss success. But some diets must be better than others? Absolutely. Some diets are healthier then others. Some diets are better at preserving lean body mass. Some diets are better at suppressing appetite. There are many differences between diets. Most of the popular diets…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th September 2021

Monday 6th September 2021

Hi, What is the number one reason diets fail long term; above all else? The number one reason is - shock horror - people giving up. I know right, who'd have guessed? The numbers don't lie; the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and often exceed what they lost. True story fam. So what are YOU doing to avoid it? Here's another reality check: virtually any diet you pick which follows the basic concept of "burning" more calories then you consume - the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra - will cause you to lose weight. To some degree, they all work: Atkins-style, no carb diets, low fat high carb diets, all manner of fad…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th August 2021

Monday 30th August 2021

Hi, There are some general guidelines, rules of thumb, and ways of viewing a diet program that will allow you to decide, once and for all, if it's the right diet for you. You may not always like what I have to say, and you should be under no illusions this is another quick fix, "lose 100 lbs. in 20 days," guide of some sort. However, if you are sick and tired of being confused, tired of taking the weight off only to put it back on, and tired of wondering how to take the first steps to deciding the right diet for you that will result in permanent weight loss, then these articles change your life. Perhaps. Do you need to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd August 2021

Monday 23rd August 2021

Hi, The 30th August 2021 Bank Holiday opening hours are 8am to 2pm. There will be a Group PT session at 9.30am. The first article this week is: 20 Minute Workouts (part 1). You can actually get a lot done in 20 minutes. Seriously, you can. Some people think they need to be in the gym for 3 hours. No, that's just silly. Assuming 30-40 seconds of Time Under Tension and similar length rest periods, you could do 17 sets in 20 minutes. 17 sets. That's a lot of work. The second article this week is: Figure Out The Right Macros For You (part 1). There's a lot of different thoughts on whether or not to adjust your macro split for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th August 2021

Monday 16th August 2021

Hi, The first article this week is how to build Muscle With Time Under Tension. The next part concludes next week. Next we have an article about the difference between 1,000 calories of healthy food and 1,000 calories of unhealthy food? Again this is a 2 part article, with the final nerve shredding instalment next week. I hope these were worth the wait. The exercise of the week is a lunge to two-arm dumbbell press. The recipe of the week is a Lamb Kofta with Tomatoes and Tahini. I hope you enjoy these articles but if you have any questions please come and ask me. Gym Only memberships: Joint/Student (per month): 12 months: £20 3 months: £23 1 month: £26 Single (per month): For single prices, please check…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 9th August 2021

Monday 9th August 2021

Hi, One of my main goals with this gym is to make personal training affordable, flexible and accessible to all abilities and budgets. The premise of our shared personal training sessions is to be as close to an actual 1-2-1 PT session as possible but delivered to up to 6 people. Shared/Group PT sessions are very different to classes. So you could go and do classes with 20+ people where the instructor is at the front teaching a dance routine and not going round giving people individual attention / encouraging them to increase the weight (where appropriate). Here's the logic: we charge £23 for a 45 minute PT session. The shared personal training sessions are limited to 6 people (but typically get 3-4…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd August 2021

Monday 2nd August 2021

Hi, The first article this week is about Lactic Acid Training. This is a style of training, designed to force your body to produce a lot of lactic acid in the muscles you work. The presence of lactic acid will cause an increase in both growth hormone and testosterone production by the body. The first article this week is about dieting properly. The majority of people want to lose weight fast. Since they have little or no knowledge of diet, nutrition and how metabolism works, they think that by starving themselves, or eating as little as possible will make them lose fat quickly and give them the body they desire. This could result in a quick weight drop, most of the weight…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 26th July 2021

Saturday 24th July 2021

Hi, The first article is "Weight Training for all (part 2). Weight training is an excellent way of combating several symptoms we all face as we get a little older. Resistance exercise can reduce bone deterioration and build bone mass, preventing osteoporosis. Working your muscles can also inhibit the affects of sarcopenia, the age related loss of muscle mass, strength and function. After the age of thirty there is a loss of 3 to 5% of muscle mass per decade. This will make day to day tasks gradually harder to perform and slowing down metabolism - increasing the risk of weight gain. The second article is "How do you calculate your calories?" We recommend the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, which has been found to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 19th July 2021

Monday 19th July 2021

Hi, The first article is "Weight Training for all". When it comes to weight loss, health and quality of life a little weight training can go a long way. Most people think that cardiovascular exercise on machines such as treadmills and exercise bikes burns more calories than lifting weights. But that isn't necessarily correct. Resistance trainings works your muscles as well as your heart and lungs. This will improve your overall health and help you drop a clothes size faster. Much faster. The second article is Workout habits you should drop now. Some people don't get the most out of the gym. These guidelines might help you to achieve better results. The exercise of the week is a squat to two arm press. The recipe…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th July 2021

Monday 12th July 2021

Hi, The first article is about the Torso/Limbs, Split, a every other day training system that allows you train each body part every 4 days. This workout is designed for the intermediate gym users looking to develop a symmetrical physique in only 3 workouts per week. You alternate between 2 workouts: A: chest, back and shoulders B: Quads, hams, biceps, triceps, abs and calves The second article is the third part to "What Is The Right Way To Lose Fat?" There isn't necessarily a singular way to lose fat, but these articles should give you a basic overview of what do / not do to lose fat sensibly. The exercise of the week is a barbell Romanian deadlift, shrug to calf raise. The recipe…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 5th July 2021

Monday 5th July 2021

Hi, The first article continues from last week's article: What Is the Right Way To Lose Fat? To lose fat you need to couple a calorie deficit with a high-level energy expenditure. We all know this. But what guarantees the weight loss is just fat? The second article asks "Do you really need weighing scales?" Losing weight and losing fat are not always the same thing and regularly checking your body weight isn't always an accurate reflection of progress. It's just an easier concept to sell. Weight loss could stem from water, muscle and water. The exercise of the week is a flat dumbbell chest press. The recipe of the week is a simple fish soup. I hope you enjoy this newsletter but…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th June 2021

Monday 28th June 2021

Hi, The first article is about the right way to lose fat. This is the first part of this article. It's too long for a newsletter and gives you something to look forward to for next week. The next article covers the last 5 of the 20 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods on The Planet. Try to factor as many of these into your diet as possible. The exercise of the week: single-leg squat, curl- press. The recipe of the week: Super-quick fish curry. I hope you enjoy this newsletter but if you have any questions please come and ask me. Gym Only memberships: Joint/Student (per month): 12 months: £20 3 months: £23 1 month: £26 Single (per month): For single prices, please check our special offers: Student prices are…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st June 2021

Monday 21st June 2021

Hi, Why do you counting reps? Your muscles can't count. They understand tension and the amount of time they're under that tension. The first article explains time under tension and how to apply it to your training. The next article covers the next 5 of the 20 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods on The Planet. Try to factor as many of these into your diet as possible. The exercise of the week: Single-leg squat touchdown to overhead press. The recipe of the week is Spaghetti Bolognese. I hope you enjoy this newsletter but if you have any questions please come and ask me. Gym Only memberships: Joint/Student (per month): 12 months: £20 3 months: £23 1 month: £26 Single (per month): For single prices, please check our special offers: Student prices…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th June 2021

Monday 14th June 2021

Hi, The first article this week carries on from last week's article about Metabolic Training. You can build muscle and burning fat at the same time - if you implement the correct strategies. The training methods in the article include supersets, circuits, speed, low rest and compound movements to combine traditional weight training and cardio. The next article covers the next 5 of the 20 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods on The Planet. Try to factor as many of these into your diet as possible. The exercise of the week is the squat curl & press. This is another fantastic total body move. The recipe of the week is a saag paneer curry. Saag paneer is a classic vegetarian Indian dish of cooked spinach studded…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th June 2021

Monday 7th June 2021

Hi, The first article this week is about building muscle and burning fat at the same time. There are training methods that involve intense, efficient cardiovascular and muscular training. Metabolic Training can involve supersets, circuits, speed, low rest and compound movements; it almost always packs a double-punch of aerobic and anaerobic work, breaking down barriers between traditional weight training and cardio. The next article covers 5 of the 20 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods on The Planet. Try to factor as many of these into your diet as possible. The exercise of the week is the cable squat to row, This is a fantastic total body move. The recipe of the week: Slow Cooker Coconut Quinoa Curry. Yes, I know it's more of that veganness,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 31st May 2021

Monday 31st May 2021

Hi, Right then, here we are with the latest Woodlands newsletter. The first article is about hitting the weights. Too many think body transformation is about cardio. No. If you're not already hitting the gym and racking up the weights, now's the time if fat loss is your goal. Even if you start small and work your way up to heavier weights, gaining muscle is going to put you on the fast-track to hitting that goal. When it comes to exercise, you have to train with weights to increase lean mass. Fat is burned inside of your muscle cells. The bigger and more plentiful your muscle cells, the bigger your fat-burning furnace. Think about how much fuel a Range Rover will use…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th May 2021

Saturday 29th May 2021

Hi, Right then, just so you don't need to scroll through pages of incessant rambling, I'll start with Monday's Bank Holiday opening times; 8am to 2pm. The first article answers this annoying question: "Can you lose 10 Ib in a week?" The simple is as follows: yes. But it won't be quality weight loss and I really wouldn't recommend it. The next article is about histamine intolerances. While they may vary, some common reactions associated with this intolerance include headaches or migraines, fatigue, hives, nausea and vomiting. The article will list foods to avoid and foods you should try to eat more of. The recipe of the week is a sausage & bean casserole. It contains chorizo and who doesn't like chorizo? The exercise…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th May 2021

Sunday 16th May 2021

Hi, Right then, we can start doing "classes" tomorrow. As you all know, we don't really do classes. We do group personal training. Sure, both classes and Group PT both have a group of people doing the same, or similar things, but that's where the similarities end. The first article is a discussion of high carb/low fat or low carb/high protein diets. In summary, diets composed of high protein and/or low carbs are better than diets of high carbs and/or low fat. The next article is about full body workouts. Most of our Group PT session are based on full body or upper/lower workouts. I see too many people starting off using body part splits from the glossy fitness magazines. I'd usually encourage…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th May 2021

Monday 10th May 2021

Hi, We've now been back open almost a month and thus far things have gone well. Very well, in fact. Over the last 12 months I've bought lots of new things for the gym: the Life Fitness glute machine, the SportsArt bicep/tricep machine, the Curve Runner and the Life Fitness Abductor machine. In addition, I bought the selection of cable attachments (the same used by Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson so you know they must be good) and various other new bars, attachments, dumbbells and kettlebells. I also got a bit carried away with the Aluminium tread plate. There's an opportunity cost when buying something new for the gym. Opportunity cost is an economics term that refers to the value of what…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd May 2021

Sunday 2nd May 2021

Hello, Right, before I forget, there's a Bank Holiday today. We're open 8am to 2pm. There will be a supervised gym session / a class outside at 9.30am. The first article discussed calories from proteins, carbs and fats. Is There a Difference? Generally speaking, it's calories that matter and weight loss / fat loss can't be achieved without a calorie deficit. However, the type of protein, carb, and fat must be considered as well as how the body processes them. The exercise of the week is the behind-the-neck bicep curl. This is a rare exercise and anybody unfamiliar with the move will think you're making a pigs ear of a lat pulldown and/or a contender for a gym failz compilation. However, it…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 26th April 2021

Monday 26th April 2021

Hello, So, here we are at the end of April, and 2 weeks after the end of third lockdown. The first article suggests you might want to be mindful of your carb intake. According to some studies, limiting your intake of carbs, especially those that are refined, may help prevent weight regain. The second article ponders the benefits of interval training. As many of the regular Woodlands newsletter readers (all 3 of you) know, I'm not a fan of steady state cardio. HIIT is a time-efficient strategy to get the benefits typically associated with longer bouts of traditional cardio. The exercise of the week is a Kickstand Deadlift. This is a fairly uncommon variation of the deadlift that's well worth a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 19th April 2021

Sunday 18th April 2021

Hello, Well, the gym has been back open for a week, and it has been a very good week. Following on from what I wrote last week, the classes will be outside, either in the car park or we now have a lovely stretch of grass. Please also speak to me about the supervised gym sessions and/or personal training. The first article in this week's newsletter is about whether there is a right way to lose fat? The next article is about 5 Minute Burn Workouts. These are simple to explain but not so simple to do: do 15 reps, take a 5-10 second rest, then do another 15 reps, take another 5-10 second rest, and keep going until 5 minutes…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th April 2021

Saturday 10th April 2021

Hi, So here we are. Again. The last week of the third lockdown. After more than a year of uncertainty. The final week of Zoom classes. Like I wrote in July 2020, we haven't made any radical changes to the gym because 1) if it ain't broke, don't fix it and 2) we didn't know what the post-lockdown requirements would be. But we have redecorated, bought some new things and got even more little bit carried away with aluminium treadplate. Regarding classes, these will be outside, either in the car park or we now have a lovely stretch of grass. Please also speak to me about the supervised gym sessions, workout programs and/or personal training. The first article is about eating lots…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 5th April 2021

Monday 5th April 2021

Hi, Only 7 days to go. Cases have dropped to 2,297 cases a day (from 60,000+ a few weeks ago), deaths have dropped by nearly 44% and hospital admissions have dropped by over 23% to 273 a day. As at the 3rd April, over 31 million people have been vaccinated. So what have we got in store for you this week? The first article is about ways to maintain weight loss. People often achieve their weight loss goals, relax a bit too much, and pile it back on again. You've got to sustain that weight loss. The second article is about resistance training for muscle building. Because resistance training is important when trying to build muscle and lose fat. The older…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 29th March 2021

Sunday 28th March 2021

Hi, Only 14 days to go. Cases have dropped to 4,715 cases a day (from 60,000+ a few weeks ago), deaths have dropped by nearly 32% and hospital admissions have dropped by nearly 21% to just 363 a day. As at the 26th March, nearly 30 million people have been vaccinated. That's nearly half of the UK population. So, from the 29th March, the following can happen: Outdoor sports facilities can reopen - including tennis, golf, high ropes, swimming and group exercise classes All Social distancing and covid procedures must be followed. Formally organised outdoor sports - for adults and under 18s - can also restart and will not be subject to the gathering limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd March 2021

Monday 22nd March 2021

Hi, Only 21 days to go. Cases have dropped to just over 5,000 cases a day (from 60,000+ a few weeks ago), deaths have dropped by nearly 22% and hospital admissions have dropped by nearly 22% to just 440 a day. As at the 21st March, nearly 28 million people have been vaccinated. The first article is about how you can reduce body fat without losing weight? If you're a regular reader of these newsletters you'll know my disdain for chasing weight loss. There are MUCH better ways to gauge body transformation success. The second article is about eating breakfast every day. Again, regular readers of these newsletters might know that I'm a fan of Intermittent Fasting, but it's not for everyone, and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 15th March 2021

Monday 15th March 2021

Hi, Only 28 days to go. 4 weeks. Not long. Cases have dropped to just over 5,000 cases a day (from 60,000+ a few weeks ago), deaths have dropped by nearly 30% and hospital admissions have dropped by nearly 27%. As at the 14th March, more than 24 million people have been vaccinated. That's nearly a third of the UK population. The first article is about 'cutting' and losing weight without doing cardio (this is part 3 of 3 articles; it was too long for one newsletter). The second article is about using your hand as a portion guide. If, like me, you hate weighing food then using your hand as a portion control guide might be beneficial. The exercise of the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 8th March 2021

Monday 8th March 2021

Hi, It feels great to be able to tell you that we will be back open on Monday 12th April 2021. Actually, it does seem weird to say we'll be back open. As I said in our 22nd July 2020 newsletter, we never actually closed. We just adapted. Thanks to Zoom and Facetime etc. we could still do our classes, groups and PT online. We were in constant contact with many of our members, providing home workout and diet plans and daily workouts on our social media. However, saying that we never closed is a bit smug and self-congratulatory. Every good gym, studio and personal trainer has used Zoom or similar to run classes and PT sessions. Pubs and restaurants offered…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Monday 1st March 2021

Hi, Only 40 days to go. Cases have dropped by nearly 20% to just over 6,000 cases a day (from 60,000+ a few weeks ago), deaths have dropped by nearly 34% and hospital admissions have dropped by over 22%. As at the 27th February, more than 20 million people have been vaccinated. That's more than a quarter of the UK population. The first article is about 'cutting' and losing weight without doing cardio (this is part 1 of 3 articles; it's too long for one newsletter). The first article is about using your plate as a portion guide. If, like me, you hate weighing food then using your plate or bowl as a portion control guide might be beneficial. These newsletters are…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd February 2021

Sunday 21st February 2021

Hi, The gym will be back open on Monday 12th April 2021. Only 49 days. Work has continued at the gym. Last week we took delivery of a new toy, a Life Fitness Adductor machine. If you're looking to build a strong backside, chances are you focus on your gluteus maximus by doing lots of hip thrusts, squats and lunges. However, strengthening glute muscles that perform hip abduction, or movement of your thighs out to the side, will also build your buttocks. #bootyfordays Abductor muscles also stabilise your pelvis when you walk or stand on one foot. Among other things, your hip abductor muscles help you walk, run, play sports, dance, get into and out of a car and get onto and off of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 15th February 2021

Sunday 14th February 2021

Hi, Not long now! Cases have dropped by nearly 30%, deaths have dropped by 10% and hospital admissions have dropped by over 22%. As at the 1st February, nearly 10 million people have been vaccinated. So, let's talk about diet and fitness. Do your genetics play an important role as to how you lose the fat in the initial phase? Each person's body has a natural pattern of where fat packs on or drop off. When I started to lose weight, the first place it shed was around my thigh area. The fat around my tummy was the most stubborn and the last to "visibly" shed. This is not to say you won't ever lose fat in your body's more stubborn areas, but…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 8th February 2021

Monday 8th February 2021

Hi, Things are looking up! Cases have dropped by nearly 30%, deaths have dropped by 10% and hospital admissions have dropped by over 22%. As at the 1st February, nearly 10 million people have been vaccinated. So, let's talk about diet and fitness. I often get asked why I use vegan or vegetarian recipes in these newsletters. I think people are generally too reliant on meat and there are other viable options for hitting your daily protein target. We have this odd propensity to give ourselves and others labels. So if you distribute a vegan recipe, you have to be a vegan? Ok, says who? I am, I suppose, a flexitarian (also called 'casual vegetarianism'). This is a label for people who…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 27th January 2021

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Hi, There is no avoiding that the secret to weight loss is a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit occurs when your body burns more calories than it consumes. The body uses fat stores for energy which ultimately results in weight loss. There are various trends of ways to be in a calorie deficit, intermittent fasting, carb cycling etc, however, I suggest sticking to the age-old method of exercise and conscious, healthy eating. The equation for weight loss is 70% diet and 30% gym. Whether we like it or not, nutrition plays an extremely important role in the process of losing weight. A healthy diet must include all macronutrients - protein, carbs, and healthy fats. The general rule is to cut back on…

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The Woodlands newsletter; Wednesday 20th January 2021

Wednesday 20th January 2021

Hi, The internet is an amazing way to learn from others all over the world about a variety of subjects. Without the internet none of you would be reading this blog post and I wouldn't know even a fourth of the information I know now about training. Unfortunately, this abundance of technology creates a ton of confusion on what is the right way to train, eat, supplement, etc. I myself have gotten caught up in trying to find out what was the best workout split, training volume, whether or not to train to failure, etc. Different people will tell you different things, maybe because they're passing on the preferences of their mentors or they're perhaps just trying to stand out. Choose one…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 11th January 2021

Monday 11th January 2021

Hi, Only four areas of England are still seeing an increase in Covid-19 cases, the latest NHS data show. Of the 151 places listed by NHS Digital, only Plymouth, Torbay, Derby and St Helens saw infections rise over the latest period measured. However, these four areas have only risen by a relatively small amount. These most recent figures are for the seven-day rolling average up to January 14, and the decrease is a comparison with the seven-day rolling average to the previous day. The number in brackets is the number of cases per 100,000 people. Where cases are still rising Plymouth 7% (293.8 cases per 100,000 people) Torbay 2% (234.1) Derby 2% (648.7) St Helens 1% (806.3) At a regional level, cases continue to decrease across England, with London,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 6th January 2021

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Hi, The biggest vaccination programme in British history is currently underway On 4 January, Boris Johnson said: "By the middle of February we expect to have offered the first vaccine dose to everyone in the four top priority groups identified by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)." There are 13.9 million people in the top four priority groups who, if the government target is met, will be inoculated by 15 February. The vaccine will be distributed to these groups in the following order, according to the list drawn up by the JCVI: 1 - Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers 2 - Those aged 80 and over and frontline health and social care workers 3 - Those aged…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th December 2020

Saturday 26th December 2020

Hi, Okay, so this newsletter - the final newsletter of the year - is going to be a bit of a mixed bag. Hopefully there'll be something for everyone. One of the articles will discuss what should you eat to lose fat and gain muscle. Another article is about HIIT. And I will also discuss how fat loss is not the only goal for the New Year. Everybody who continued to pay their DD during the 4 week lockdown 5/11 to 2/12 is entitled to a free 1-2-1 personal training. Please contact us to arrange this. Next week, there's a winter bulking plan. So that's something to look forward to. First off, let's smash out some special offers. In the past, we've done…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st December 2020

Monday 21st December 2020

Hi, Have you been smashing your workouts lately? Logging and sticking within your calories? Have you been feeling strong and motivated? Are you feeling better about yourself because of the progress you feel you've made? Are your clothes starting to fit better? But then you step on the scale and you've GAINED weight? Don't be discouraged! The number on the scale is irrelevant to how you are feeling. The scale only tells you how much gravity has an effect on you. Scales have a negative connotation behind them that biomechanically and physiologically pre-dispose you to negative feelings associated with it no matter what the scale reads. I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th December 2020

Monday 14th December 2020

Hi, Spot reduction is a myth. Spot reduction is the misconception that targeting a specific area helps you burn fat in that specific place. We have been living in a society which has largely embraced and held up being supermodel small/skinny as the benchmark for beauty. The global rise celebrating curves has been a great shift to witness and certainly breaks the mould of what society considers beautiful. However, on the other side of the spectrum, not all people are born curvy (flat tummy and big behinds and smaller waists) or with an hourglass figure. Today, many people want to know the secret to lose tummy fat while still maintaining their curves. But you can't get rid of abdominal fat by doing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th December 2020

Monday 7th December 2020

Hi, Adherence is what matters the most. Have you ever gone on a diet, determined to lose weight and achieve jaw-dropping results, but shortly after starting find yourself struggling to stick to it? You crave many of the off-limit foods or find yourself "cheating" on the diet here and there. Eventually, you give up entirely. Going on a new diet to kickstart the fresh beginning of a new year may be motivating, but failure is imminent if you're unable to adhere to the diet. Maybe you know this truth all too well. If you're ready to improve your eating habits and health, the question is not What is the best diet? but What diet will I be able to adhere to long term? No…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 2nd December 2020

Thursday 3rd December 2020

Hi, A member once asked if they should just stop eating if they wanted to lose weight. Well, erm, yeah I guess that'd work. But so would botchulism, and I wouldn't recommend that either. Some people want to lose weight as quickly as possible. However, if you severely restrict your calories you will end up in trouble. To lose weight you have to consume fewer calories than your body actually needs. But if you do this by eating very little and starving yourself in the process, your body will start to work against you and do everything in its power to survive. And the less you eat, the worse it gets. That is why we recommend using a calorie deficit of no…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd November 2020

Monday 23rd November 2020

Hi, I am not a mental health practitioner. But being a personal trainer means you often have to connect with people in a personal context. People will confide in you or talk about things they wouldn't talk about with their friends or family. Sometimes it's a bit like being a Church confessional. Behind all the jokes and the banter you have to actually care about people. You have to want them to succeed and be happy. November has always been a rough month for people's mental health and throwing a winter lockdown into the mix will exacerbate the issue. So as a personal trainer, I can't diagnose or treat any mental health issues - but I can do my utmost to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th November 2020

Monday 16th November 2020

Hi,, Life is changing for us all for a little while. But just another 16 days until this lockdown ends. Think about how you can adapt and create positive new routines - try to engage in useful activities (such as cleaning, cooking or exercise) or meaningful activities (such as reading or calling a friend) Do things you enjoy: Focussing on your favourite hobby, learning something new or simply taking time to relax indoors should give you some relief from anxious thoughts and feelings and can boost your mood. Set goals: Setting goals and achieving them gives a sense of control and purpose - think about things you want or need to do that you can still do at home. Keep your mind active: Read,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 9th November 2020

Monday 9th November 2020

Hi, The last lockdown played havoc with peoples' mental health. Working from home. Can't see your friends or family. Can't go out for dinner or to the pub or to the cinema or to the gym. It's just making people climb the walls. And that was during the summer. When we could go outside an enjoy the weather. Nobody is excited about going outside and enjoying the rain. The coronavirus outbreak is an unprecedented time for everyone. This is why we are offering all of our members complimentary 30 minute PT sessions. Measures we must take to limit the spread of the virus lead to big changes to the way we live our lives. We all react differently to situations, but…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd November 2020

Saturday 31st October 2020

Hi, Understandably we have been receiving a huge amount of phone calls and emails seeking clarification regarding Lockdown 2: The Sequel. It is our understanding that as of yet, nothing that was announced during last night's briefing has been voted on in Parliament or has been passed in law. We have not yet been given any official communication whatsoever from central Government, local Government or our governing body and therefore we currently have no more information than anyone else. Our plan from here is to watch what happens in Parliament tomorrow, find out what gets passed in law, wait for official communication, and then we can make some decisions on how best to move forward. This isn't about us choosing to close; we would stay…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 26th October 2020

Sunday 25th October 2020

Hi, Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? I get asked this at least once a week. There's an argument in the fitness world that you can either choose to lose fat OR gain muscle. So can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Well, yes. You can. But it's difficult. And will take several articles to fully explain how. Before I get too far ahead, let's talk about why losing fat while gaining muscle can be problematic. The conflict comes about over the following: To lose fat, your body needs to be in a caloric deficit. This deficit forces your body to use pre-existing fat stores for fuel. To gain muscle, your body needs to be in a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 19th October 2020

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Hi, Most people have this concept in their minds that in order to be healthy, fit, and strong that the number on the weighing scale has to be low and has to keep decreasing. Those people are wrong! Do you have any idea how dense muscle is? One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat, however, one pound of muscle is much more dense than fat. Did you know that having more muscle means that your body burns more calories at rest than fat burns? This is a huge key in understanding why the number on the scale is irrelevant. The more muscle that a body has, the heavier it will weigh. Muscle is dense, muscle is heavy! If…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th October 2020

Sunday 11th October 2020

Hi, It's common for many of us to eat healthily during the week only to blow it on the weekends. The more consistent the diet, the more likely you are to achieve and maintain your weight loss year after year. Being consistent doesn't mean you have to robotically follow the same diet day after day. Below are a few ideas for ways you can stay healthy and still have some fun: Don't be too strict: Some people find that having a small indulgence each day, like a piece of chocolate or a handful of chips, keeps them satisfied and allows them to choose healthy options for the rest of the time. Have a plan: The single most important thing you do when eating healthy is…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 5th October 2020

Sunday 4th October 2020

Hi, Losing muscle will slow your metabolism. When losing weight, the way to lose just fat is by adding strength training into your fitness program. Don't try to lose weight simply by performing cardio. The pounds you lose through cardio will come right back if you stop the cardio, without muscle mass to keep the weight off. Don't worry about bulking up or gaining too much muscle. For the majority of the population, it's simply not a concern. When you add muscle, you improve the body fat composition ratio, which is the main goal. Losing weight other than fat is unavoidable, but the loss of muscle mass will cause a rebound effect that leads to weight gain. Muscle is metabolically active and lights…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th September 2020

Monday 28th September 2020

Hi, How can you maintain weight loss? Unfortunately, many people who lose weight end up gaining it back. In fact, only about 20% of dieters who start off overweight end up successfully losing weight and keeping it off in the long term. However, don't let this discourage you. There are a number of scientifically proven ways you can keep the weight off, ranging from exercising to controlling stress. I have numerous strategies to help you to tip the statistics in your favour and maintain your hard-won weight loss. Why do people regain weight? There are a few common reasons why people gain back the weight they lose. They are mostly related to unrealistic expectations and feelings of deprivation. Restrictive diets: Extreme calorie restriction…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st September 2020

Sunday 20th September 2020

Hi, Every week I write these newsletters to try to communicate the most effective ways for you guys to train. There's a lot of nonsense in the fitness industry. Try watching the daytime infomercials on tv - there's always some nasty, plasticy piece of tat that some absurdly defined model is claiming to have used to have developed said absurdly defined physique. The reality is she's getting well paid to promote this nasty, plasticy piece of tat. To have developed her physique, she will have followed a certain type of diet and training structure. Mostly with weights and a calorie deficit. Not dicking about on a crosstrainer. The only way you could get a good workout by using some nasty, plasticy…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th September 2020

Saturday 12th September 2020

Hi, How can you reduce body fat without losing weight? Well I'm glad you asked. Before I begin, let me point out that this is a gross over-simplification. Okay? To reduce body fat and stay at the same weight, you would need to build muscle at the same time as you lose fat, which isn't possible for most people. Bodybuilders often bulk up to build muscle, then slim down to lose extra body fat, which is an easier, more effective way to go about this than trying to do both at the same time. The end result is that you weigh the same as before but you have more muscle, less body fat and you look leaner. To maintain your current body weight, a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th September 2020

Monday 7th September 2020

Hi, Successful weight loss does not require people to follow a specific diet plan, such as Slimming World or Atkins. Instead, they should focus on eating fewer calories and moving more to achieve a negative energy balance. Weight loss is primarily dependent on reducing the total intake of calories, not adjusting the proportions of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the diet. A reasonable weight loss goal to start seeing health benefits is a 5-10 percent reduction in body weight over a 6-month time frame. Most people can achieve this goal by reducing their total calorie intake to somewhere in the range of 500-1,000 calories per day. A diet of fewer than 1,000 calories per day will not provide sufficient daily nutrition. After 6 months of dieting,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 31st August 2020

Monday 31st August 2020

Hi, Maintaining weight loss involves a commitment to a healthful lifestyle, from which there is no "vacation." Although people should feel free to enjoy a special meal out, a birthday celebration, or a joyful holiday feast without feeling guilty, they should try not to stray too far from the path of healthful eating and frequent physical activity. Those who do may find that they lose focus. Gaining back lost weight is easier than losing it. Much easier. Achieving and maintaining weight loss is possible when people adopt lifestyle changes in the long term. Regardless of any specific methods that help a person lose weight, individuals who are conscious of how and what they eat and engage in daily physical activity or regular exercise will…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th August 2020

Monday 24th August 2020

Hi, Do Weight loss diets work? The weight loss industry wants you to believe that diets work. Because they're trying to sell you something. I know right, how devious of them. However, studies show that dieting rarely works in the long-term. Notably, 85% of dieters end up gaining the weight back within a year. Additionally, studies indicate that people who diet are most likely to gain weight in the future. Thus, dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain. Not loss. The truth is that you probably shouldn't approach weight loss with a dieting mindset. Instead, make it a goal to change your lifestyle permanently and become a healthier, happier, and fitter person. If you manage to increase your activity levels, eat healthier, and sleep better, you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th August 2020

Monday 17th August 2020

Hi, Lockdown weight gain. A common topic of conversation just recently. So if you did gain weight I assume you'd now like to lose that weight? Awesome! I want to help you. So what exercises do you need to do? Well let's start with 3 sets of calorie deficit. Yes, we really need to talk calories. These will be specific to you, based on your age, weight and height. There are several different formulas for determining estimated caloric needs. All are based on the principles of energy balance: Energy being used up or expended throughout the day should be equally consumed for weight maintenance. Weight loss occurs when energy intake is lower than actual energy output. Yes? And weight gain occurs when energy intake is…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th August 2020

Sunday 9th August 2020

Hi, Working out can be intimidating. It's normal to have goals and be unsure how to achieve them. And it's completely normal to lack motivation at times. A good personal trainer can help you overcome your obstacles and take you to new heights on your fitness journey. While personal trainers could seem intimidating and expensive at first glance - in reality that's not the case. We have 1-to-1 and group personal training options to suit all personalities, fitness types, and budgets, and the benefits are insurmountable. Consider these 10 benefits of hiring a Woodlands personal trainer: Education: Being educated while exercising is essential in maximising effectiveness and reducing risk of injury. A good personal trainer will teach you everything you need to know about exercising.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd August 2020

Monday 3rd August 2020

Hi, Having spoken to a lot of our Group PT and classes members, a significant number are not yet ready to train inside. We understand the concern, particular if you have loved ones who are still shielding. For this reason, I have been busily reconfiguring our Group PT and HIIT sessions to work well outside. We're very lucky to have a lot of outside space that's perfect for group exercise sessions. Makes sense. If it's a lovely day why would you want to stay inside an industrial unit? Having been delivering hundreds of HIIT and bodyweight classes through Zoom over the last 4 months, I have renewed my love for this training method. I've always preferred HIIT to steady state…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 27th July 2020

Monday 27th July 2020

Hi, I'm still buzzing! We've had an awesome weekend. It was fantastic to see so many of our members after 4 months of lockdown. It was also great to welcome a surprising number of new members to Woodlands. Over the 4 months of lockdown, we've been busily running online classes, group PT and 1-to-1 PT as well as sharing daily content, exercise demos, etc - which people have been following and it's encouraged them to come and join. We've been inundated with lovely comments and support from members on how clean and organised we are and how everyone felt safe. In some of our recent newsletters... Monday 17th June 2020: Monday 10th June: 2020 Monday 3rd June 2020: ....and countless newsletters in the past, I talked about…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd July 2020

Wednesday 22nd July 2020

Hi, So here we are: the last week of the gym's lockdown and the final week of Zoom classes. After months of uncertainty it feels great to be able to tell you that we will be back open on Saturday 25th July 2020. Staff have been here busily cleaning and tidying and spacing machines apart, sticking down yellow tape etc and we are very ready for you to come back. It does seem weird to say we'll be back open as - in many respects - we never actually closed. We just adapted. We quickly moved our classes, groups and PT online. We were in constant contact with many of our members, providing home workout and diet plans and daily workouts on our…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Tuesday 14th July 2020

Tuesday 14th July 2020

Hi, So it's now official: gyms will be back open on Saturday 25th July 2020, 124 days after lockdown was announced. Looking back over this time, it has been a bizarre, anxious, frustrating, depressing and confusing time for so many people. When we first contacted our members after lockdown was announced, I wrote that a gym was so much more than just a room full of stuff; it's a source of guidance and support - and the closure of the physical aspect of the gym didn't stop us from still delivering an effective service to our members. During lockdown we provided daily content, online classes and PT through Zoom or similar, home workout plans, nutrition plans, support and guidance to our members and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th July 2020

Monday 6th July 2020

Hi, Across the country, hospitality venues have opened back up on what became known as 'Super Saturday' as the latest round of lifting lockdown restrictions came into effect. So, you can go out for a meal with your household, or have a socially distanced catch up with friends and family over a drink as bars and pubs reopen. You can even go and finally get your hair cut. Some of you are in desperate need of this one. But not me. No. Bald. While not every establishment was rushing to open on the 4th July, those that did decide to open had to have a range of safety measures in place to ensure they are "COVID secure". Indoor gyms have to remain closed…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 1st July 2020

Wednesday 1st July 2020

Hi, The Government has indicated that gyms and leisure facilities will reopen from mid-July, subject to final agreement between health officials and our sector. All businesses should now be open and customers can vote with their feet. The fact that now, all of the nation's favourite places to damage their health and immune system are back open while gyms are to remain closed suggests that maybe the Government has lost its way? The majority of smaller gyms, independently owned, operate on a business model that is perfect to create a secure environment. We operate what is, in effect, a private members club for fitness. Our gym is - by design - never rammed and classes / group personal training sessions are limited…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th June 2020

Wednesday 24th June 2020

Hi, Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. What's more, research shows that the number of people seeking the advice and support of personal trainers to help manage mental health issues is increasing. Over lockdown we've seen more and more clients approach us with mental health concerns and worries. So, how exactly can exercise benefit mental health and what can we do as a Personal Trainers to enhance the impact of physical activity on our members' overall wellbeing? The link between mental health and exercise As Personal Trainers, we have the ability to change people's lives for the better - helping them to reach their physical goals through exercise and develop healthier minds in the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th June 2020

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Hi, Most of us know the many physical benefits of exercise: weight control, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of diabetes, and increased energy, just to name a few. But what about the psychological benefits of exercise? Because I'm not afraid to admit that this lockdown has had an impact on my mental health and I know I'm not alone. In the last couple of weeks, come of my clients are opting to talk instead of train. Sometimes that's just how it is when you're a PT; people will confide in you about things they wouldn't necessarily tell their friends, family, co-workers or partners Exercise is proven to ease symptoms of depression and anxiety to keeping your memory sharp. There are…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th June 2020

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Hi, Infectious disease outbreaks, like the current coronavirus (COVID-19), can be scary and can affect our mental health. However, there are many things we can do to support each other and manage our wellbeing during such uncertain times. Across the nations of the UK, lockdown is easing in different ways and at different times. As we begin to come out of lockdown many of us are faced with both challenges and opportunities. Within social distancing guidelines, we may be able to see friends and family in person, play sport or return to work. However, many of us may find even these longed-for changes difficult for our mental health. The idea of coming out of lockdown when the scientific debate is…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd June 2020

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Hi, On the 16th April, we posted on Facebook and Instagram to offer all of our members a complimentary 30 minute online PT session, which many members took us up on. It's absolutely imperative we all keep active. These are really unusual times, a completely unprecedented situation, and I just hope that regular exercise can keep us all sane. For 10+ years I've been teaching classes, group personal training and 1-to-1 personal training sessions and I also need you guys to keep me busy too. Being part of a gym should be about being part of something more than just leg extensions and kettlebell swings and we need to stick together to get through the lockdown. Exercise is not just about…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 27th May 2020

Wednesday 27th May 2020

Hi, This lockdown is playing havoc with peoples' mental health. Working from home. Can't see your friends or family. Can't go out for dinner or to the pub or to the cinema or to the gym. It's just making people climb the walls. For this reason, we are offering all of our members complimentary 30 minute PT sessions. Businesses talk incessantly about how much they care. They bang on about it constantly, It's on their logos. And on their websites. And on their headed paper. It's everywhere. But it means absolutely nothing if you don't back it up with evidence. Talk is cheap. It's action that counts. It's during this time that you need to look at what the gyms in the area are doing for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th May 2020

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Hi, What can you now do that you couldn't do before? Well, you can: Spend time outdoors - for example sitting and enjoying the fresh air, picnicking, or sunbathing Meet one other person from a different household outdoors - following social distancing guidelines Exercise outdoors as often as you wish - following social distancing guidelines Use outdoor sports courts or facilities, such as a tennis or basketball court, or golf course - with members of your household, or one other person while staying 2 metres apart. We can now continue to train our personal training clients. This must be outdoors, providing we are alone and only meeting with 1 person from outside of our household, outdoors, and we stay a minimum of 2 metres apart. We can meet…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th May 2020

Monday 11th May 2020

Hi, I've had a flurry of messages coming through following the announcement by Boris just now. "When will the gym be open?" Well this is down to us. All of us. This is only being spread by us. It doesn't have legs. Or wings. It isn't flying down your chimney or crawling into your mouth while you sleep. No. This virus needs us to spread it through contact with other people or things other people come into contact with. Without us it just dies. Hopefully this summarises the relevant points: Step 1: From Wednesday, unlimited outdoor exercise but sticking to social distancing and only with members of your household. This doesn't include outdoor PT or Bootcamps - but maybe this will change in…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 6th May 2020

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Hi, Every day there are highly conflicting stories about how lockdown will last. There are always unnamed "sources" or "experts". Who are these people and why are they always anonymous? What you have to remember is that newspapers need you to click on their links because that increases website visits which in turn translates into advertising revenue. As such, their headlines will say anything to get you click on / share the article. Click bait, I think it's called. These stories don't have to be true. Just a warped permeation of what could be little more than someone's uninformed reckon. Unless it comes directly from the Government through an official channel then just ignore it. Other countries are coming out…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Wednesday 29th April 2020

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Hi, Have you adjusted your maintenance calories since you started working at home? With changes to working patterns, people staying at home, limits on us going outside, gyms temporarily closed etc our calorie expenditure is likely to be much lower. And if you're eating more because of boredom or comfort eating then many of you will be piling on weight. If you were previously moderately active you might now be lightly active or - worst case scenario - sedentary. This means your calorie expenditure will have dropped by as much as 22%. So make sure you've adjusted your maintenance calories. If you're not sure, please email me your height, weight and age and I'll reply with your BMR, maintenance calories and a viable…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th April 2020

Monday 20th April 2020

Hi, Many people benefit from mindful eating, which involves being fully aware of why, how, when, where, and what they eat. Making more healthful food choices is a direct outcome of becoming more in tune with the body. People who practice mindful eating also try to eat more slowly and savor their food, concentrating on the taste. Making a meal last for 20 minutes allows the body to register all of the signals for satiety. It is important to focus on being satisfied after a meal rather than full and to bear in mind that many "all natural" or low-fat foods are not necessarily a healthful choice. People can also consider the following questions regarding their meal choice: Is it good "value" for the calorie cost? Will…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 13th April 2020

Monday 13th April 2020

Hi, A lot of people drink too much. And I don't just mean alcohol. It is possible to consume hundreds of calories a day by drinking sugar-sweetened soda, tea, juice - as well as alcohol. Those beers and those cheeky little glasses of prosecco. It all adds up. These are known as "empty calories" because they provide extra energy content without offering any nutritional benefits. Unless a person is consuming a smoothie to replace a meal, they should aim to stick to water or unsweetened tea and coffee. Adding a splash of fresh lemon or orange to water can provide flavour. Avoid mistaking dehydration for hunger. An individual can often satisfy feelings of hunger between scheduled meal times with a drink of water. We are offering…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th April 2020

Monday 6th April 2020

Hi, Self-monitoring is a critical factor in successfully losing weight. People can use a paper diary, mobile app, or dedicated website to record every item of food that they consume each day. You can also measure their progress by recording their weight on a weekly basis. Those who can track their success in small increments and identify physical changes are much more likely to stick to a weight loss regimen. Calorie counting isn't an exact science, even when you weigh and measure portions. However, it's not necessary to be absolutely spot-on with your measurements. Just make sure to record your intake as accurately as you can. You should be most careful about recording items that are high in fat and/or sugar, such as pizza,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th March 2020

Monday 30th March 2020

Hi, Being overweight or obese can lead to a range of health problems. Although many different "fad" diets are available, a balanced lifestyle and nutritious diet are the key to healthful living and better weight control. Carrying excess body weight can increase the risk of serious health problems, including heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. As I've said countless times before, crash diets are not a sustainable solution, whatever perks their proponents might claim them to have. To lose weight safely AND sustain that weight loss over time, it is essential to make gradual, permanent, and beneficial lifestyle changes. As a gym and personal training studio, we are all about providing sensible and sustainable advice for long term weight control. We are offering online coaching,…

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5K schedule

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Under new guidelines. people will be allowed out to exercise once a day, either alone or with someone from your household. Don't meet up with friends. Don't form running clubs. This 5K schedule that assumes you're new to running and is designed to get you round comfortably, perhaps with a few short walk breaks. WEEK ONE Mon: Rest Tue: Run 1 min, walk 1 min. Do 10 times Wed: Rest Thu: Run 2 mins, walk 4 mins. Do 5 times Fri: Rest Sat Rest Sun: Run 2 mins, walk 4 mins. Do 5 times WEEK TWO Mon: Rest Tue: Run 3 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times Wed: Rest Thu: Run 3 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times Fri: Rest Sat Rest Sun: Run…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd March 2020

Monday 23rd March 2020

Hi, Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of regular physical activity. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as "euphoric."That feeling, known as a "runner's high,"can be accompanied by a positive and energising outlook on life. Endorphins act as analgesics, which means they diminish the perception of pain. They also act as sedatives. They are manufactured in your brain, spinal cord, and many other parts of your body and are released in response to brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th March 2020

Monday 16th March 2020

Hi, Some people say that "healthy" weight loss means losing one to two pounds per week. So if you're losing more - or less - than that, are you doing something wrong? As long as you're consuming a healthy amount of calories by eating nutritious foods and exercising more, you'll lose weight at an appropriate speed for your body. A lot of people have different versions of what "healthy" weight loss might look like. The truth is that the answer isn't so cut and dry. Weight loss occurs differently for everyone and that's okay. Healthy weight loss is usually 1-2 pounds per week. This would require a deficit of approx 750 calories per day (assuming 3,500 calories per Ib of fat). Let's say someone…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 9th March 2020

Monday 9th March 2020

Hi, We need to learn how to eat, learn what foods makes us feel good, we need to listen to our bodies and worry less what everyone else is doing. I think you will find the most power in taking control of your own body. I think life is too short to be lived with restrictions. I think healthy weight loss is something that needs to be talked about more and fad diets talked about less. Healthy weight loss is usually 1-2 pounds per week. This is sustainable - so 10 Ibs could be lost in 6-7 weeks. And you'll probably keep the weight off if you lose it slowly. But if you do manage to lose 10 Ibs…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd March 2020

Monday 2nd March 2020

Hi, I regularly get asked about 6 week weight loss plans, often featured on the front of fitness magazines. I get asked if they work. Well, yes. Any plan that involves a calorie deficit for 6 weeks (42 days) will work. Of course it works. It can't not work. Let's say we use a man as an example. He is 40 years old, lightly active and has a daily maintenance level of 2,553 calories. To lose fat you need to couple a calorie deficit with high-level energy expenditure. We all know this, right? For 6 weeks, we're going to increase his activity levels to extra active. This increases his daily maintenance level to 3,528 calories. This will likely involve lots of HIIT classes…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th February 2020

Monday 24th February 2020

Hi, I want you all to be able to eat healthily and not feel like you're always on a diet. I wouldn't want my son to have a negative relationship with food. We have lost the ability to know how to just eat. Because of all the fad 'diets' out there, food has become so confusing. We have some resources telling us only to eat 20 grams of carbohydrates a day (including vegetables). We have some experts telling us that eating bacon is totally fine. But - for some bizarre reason - eating fruit is not. Why? Are pomegranates the embodiment of inexorable evil? Do coconuts harbour bigoted views? Are apples haunted..? Grapes make derogatory remarks about your children...? So when some people look…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th February 2020

Monday 17th February 2020

Hi, A few weeks ago I was speaking with one of my clients. She is currently at a healthy weight, is active and eats well. She says to me "I'd love to lose 10lbs, and I'll be the weight I was when I got married". I'm not surprised, because honestly, it's a comment I hear often. Here is what I want you to ask yourself: at this point in your life is the number on the scale more important to you then how you feel? If you feel good, have energy, are enjoying food, eating a healthy diet and your body is active and healthy, do you really care what that number on the scale says? Whether you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th February 2020

Monday 10th February 2020

Hi, As much as social media can be a place for inspiration, motivation and education, we get to choose who we follow and what we see. We have control over our social media feeds. We are in the driver's seat and have full control on the content we see. We have to take what we see and read with a grain of salt. How one person loses weight, what one person eats is not necessarily how it works for everyone. I think this is the trap most of us fall into "if it worked for her, it'll work for me" If you do want to lose fat, you'll need to eat fewer calories than you need to maintain your current weight.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd February 2020

Monday 3rd February 2020

Hi, According to social media, there are an endless amount of shortcuts (i.e. diet pills, weight loss programs, books, exercise routines) claiming you can lose weight with minimal effort. LIES! There are no shortcuts! None. Creating a calorie deficit (through moderate calorie restriction and increase in physical activity) is the only way to lose weight. Any plan that does not require sacrifice, consistency and effort is unrealistic - and will lead to failure. There are some general guidelines, rules of thumb, and ways of viewing a diet program that will allow you to decide, once and for all, if it's the right diet for you. You may not always like what I have to say - but it will be the truth. If you are sick…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 27th January 2020

Monday 27th January 2020

Hi, There's a meme that seems to regularly do the rounds on social media that explains why you should respect fit people. Of course, you don't have to respect someone just because they're fit. However, you could respect the effort that's gone into them being fit. Because fit people with a physique is much more than how good they look. Because the number one reason body transformation journeys fail long term? People giving up. I know right, who'd have guessed? The numbers don't lie; the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and often exceed what they lost. True story. A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it. No money can buy it. You…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th January 2020

Monday 20th January 2020

Hi, Do you want to look good? Or do you want to weigh good? Because how much you weigh or how much weight you've lost is only tenuously linked to how good you will look. Some people are always checking their weight. So, how accurate do you think weighing scales really are? Apart from being motivational killers and always being disappointed when stepping off them, the weighing scales are the worst measure of success. Everyone's actual weight on a scale will tell you nothing about the amount of actual fat you have lost if you have been training correctly and have a healthy diet. As everyone knows (well I am assuming everyone knows!), muscle weighs more than fat. You could be training well…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 13th January 2020

Monday 13th January 2020

Hi, Looking over some of my old newsletters, which I've been writing, I see that beliefs about weight loss come and go each season. But there are a few basic unavoidable truths that do not. It's important to face the facts if we want results that last beyond the latest exercise and diet trends. Advice should always be specific to the individual client - but to get in shape and look better, follow these basic rules: 70% nutrition: A 20% calorie deficit will maximise fat loss, minimise muscle loss. If you're unsure how to calculate this, please just ask me. You are what you eat - so it's important to eat good food in order to be healthy and fit. If you eat rubbish then…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th January 2020

Monday 6th January 2020

Hi, Losing weight is 70% nutrition. Because you can't out train a bad diet! Well, long term you can't. This means you have to establish a calorie target and stick to it. Every. Single. Week. Using The Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, let's do the sums for a 44 year old female who is 167 cm tall and weighs 74kg. Her BMR is 1,403 calories per day. This person - let's call her Susan - is moderately active so we multiply Susan's BMR by 1.55. So... 1,404 x 1.55 = 2,174. A deficit of 20% of this maintenance level will usually mean everything is happening in a way that's best for you and your exact situation. Dieting with a high calorie deficit puts a lot of stress on…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th December 2019

Monday 30th December 2019

Hi, Why are we always looking for the quick fix? What is making people choose the next big thing over learning how to eat? While obesity and unhealthy weight is a concern, the desire for us to lose weight quickly at any cost has caused us to equally engage in unhealthy eating habits and behaviours. We spend so much time looking for which diet to follow and getting advice from other people that we have completely forgotten how to tap into and connect with our own body. Why do you think we try so many different diets/ways to lose weight fast? The media, particularly social media, plays a big part in it. It has skewed our views of what we…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd December 2019

Monday 23rd December 2019

Hi, Okay, this is probably the worst time of the year for me to bang on about restrictive fad diets.... But when the New Year comes around, there's going to be lots of weight loss options getting thrown around and I just want you to pre-empt those. Fad diets operate on restricting you. We know this, yeah? And chances are these restrictive diets will usually starve you of something important your body needs. When these fad diets are successful in helping you lose weight and fast, what happens next? Do you actually know how to eat in a manner that fuels your body? Do you know how to eat without following a plan? Do you live the rest of your life with…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th December 2019

Monday 16th December 2019

Hi, I regularly get asked about the Keto diet. The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low-carb diets. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. This diet was originally created in the 1920/30's to treat people with Epilepsy. Nowadays, when guided by medical professionals and/or dieticians it is extremely successful for some cancer patients and for those who are morbidly obese. The problem is not the Keto diet; the problem is people changing it! It is such a trend right now, and such a money maker that people are taking the key…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 9th December 2019

Monday 9th December 2019

Hi, After you achieve your dream physique, everything will depend only on you and whether you adopt new habits of living or not. If you will go back to your previous lifestyle (choose unhealthy meals and don't continue to exercise), your new physique will be gone faster than you could expect. The most important rule of maintaining the result of your hard work is to maintain routine and make healthy food choices. New you should come with a different mindset and understanding that exercise and healthy food is now part of your life. Learn how to cook healthy meals, add morning/evening walks to your schedule - enjoy life in a responsible way. Food should give you pleasure as well as nourish your…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd December 2019

Monday 9th December 2019

Hi, It is very important to find your way of transforming your body. It might be 3 months of intensive work. It might be 1 year taking it slowly, facing lots of ups and downs. For others, it might be 1 month of starving yourself (although, not recommended). It might be even transforming your body all your life and never getting anywhere. But who can decide what is right for you? Only you can find the most effective way - so don't be scared to experiment. It's much better to experiment and find your path than try following someone else's path (unless you are paying for a PT of course). Your trainer is there to help you find your way and transform…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 25th November 2019

Monday 25th November 2019

Hi, Be ready to change your habits! New you: new habits. When you decide to start your body transformation, make healthier options in each situation you are in. Skip that croissant with your coffee in the morning. There are better habits for you to follow... Manage your sleep (go to bed earlier). Focus on your nutrition (get a meal plan for a week, eat home made food). Create a training schedule (regular exercise is very important!). Drink water instead of soft drinks. Most importantly, train your mind for success - find time to think about your new body every day. I'm sure all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please ask me. The Woodlands Fitness Centre offers Unlimited Classes /…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 18th November 2019

Monday 18th November 2019

Hi, Can you lose weight quickly? Yes. Here's how.... First, you need to know how many calories you're burning each day; multiply your BMR by your personal activity factor Your BMR is the energy necessary to sustain life and to keep the heart, lungs, brain, liver and kidneys functioning properly. I can calculate this for you. Your personal activity factor will be one of the following: Sedentary = 1.2 Lightly active = 1.375 Moderately active = 1.55 Very active = 1.725 Extra active = 1.9 To use the "extra active" multiplier, you need to do very hard exercise/sports/physical job. So let's say you really go for it. And I mean really going for it, absolute beast mode. Not just twittering on during a circuit class. So 1,500 x 1.9 = 2,850. Now…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 11th November 2019

Monday 11th November 2019

Hi, Visualization is key. Imagine what your body will look like after your transformation. Think about it every morning. Think about your new body with every glass of water you take. Imagine it before ordering something in a restaurant or a bar. The more you think of it, the more realistic it will seem and the more dedicated you are going to become. Imagine how you will feel inside your new body. Imagine what clothes you can choose to wear. Where would you go and what activities would you take on? Because the body your visualise is a reality - IF you put the work in and you're consistent with your calorie deficit and resistance training. If you need any further information or advice,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 4th November 2019

Monday 4th November 2019

Hi, Not everyone is a good candidate for a successful body transformation. It is the naked truth - not everyone can transform their body dramatically and keep it this way. If it would be so easy, nobody would hire a personal trainer and everyone would look like fitness models. The success of your body transformation ultimately depends only on one person: You! How much do you really want it? How hard you are ready to work? There is no need to get scared - but these facts must be understood before starting your body transformation. There will be lots of work and lots of weak moments during the process. In my professional career, I have seen many success stories as well…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th October 2019

Monday 28th October 2019

Hi, Why do people keep falling for the newest fad diet? What is always making us search for the diet that is going to work and work fast? Do we always seem to find ourselves needing to lose 10lbs? So many of you need to change your whole outlook on what healthy looks and feels like. There is no shortage of fad diets, there never has been actually and I find that each and every one of these fad diets has manifested into a craze. How many people do you know right now that are on a low-carb, high-fat diet? Lots of folk! It is not to say that these diets do not work, they do, they are successful…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st October 2019

Monday 21st October 2019

Hi, I regularly get asked how to lose 10 Ibs in one week. I'm not always sure what it is about 10 Ibs. Or why it has to be lost so quickly? What were you doing last week that stopped you losing weight over 2 weeks? Or 3 weeks...? Healthy weight loss is usually 1 to 2 pounds per week. This is sustainable - so 10 Ibs could be lost in 6-7 weeks. And you'll probably keep the weight off if you lose it slowly. But if you do manage to lose 10 Ibs in one week, what happens in week 2? Do you just go back to normal and hope the weight stays off? No! That weight is coming back. Probably with…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th October 2019

Monday 14th October 2019

Hi, Take a look around - TV ads, social media, even adverts on the streets and buses are simply shouting how easy and fast you can transform your body. In January you can expect the ads about 'New Years resolutions' and in September all you can see are posters with 'Back from holiday - back on track resolutions'. What it usually does, it provokes guilt and anxiety, leading to low self esteem and frustration. Doesn't matter, what the ad tries to sell, it sells a bunch of those negative feelings in addition to the products or services it promotes. All these ads from fitness supplements companies simply shout how easy it is to pop a pill and get such an amazing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th October 2019

Monday 7th October 2019

Hi, After deciding to transform your body, you have to clearly evaluate your current physical state and envision the goal which you will try to achieve. Keep in mind that we perceive our own body image differently than others perceive us, so the definition of your body transformation has to be decided by you. And this is the thing that you most probably won't hear from a personal trainer. Hundreds of people on TV, social media, magazine covers and even personal trainers can make you believe that there is one ideal physique for everyone. Don't rely on such information - even if you are able to achieve this 'ideal physique', it will be enormously hard to maintain. Many people are struggling…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th September 2019

Monday 30th September 2019

Hi, Let's get this straight - transforming your body won't be easy, but it will be definitely worth it. Body transformations may vary depending on the goal a person is trying to achieve: it can be weight related (if you want to lose or gain some kilos), muscle mass related (if you want to gain muscle mass) or health related - get fitter, faster or stronger. Good personal trainers know some tips and tricks, how to make this process smoother for their clients, so definitely consider getting some help. It would be so much easier if someone would define what body transformation actually is. Actually, there is no straightforward answer to that! As each person is different, the concept of body transformation also…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd September 2019

Monday 23rd September 2019

Hi, In previous newsletters, I've discussed the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test for when you're choosing a diet. The premise of this test is simple: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever. If a diet plan is not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely - even after you get to your target weight - then it's absolutely worthless. Just another unsustainable fad diet. People should also not be scared off by my "you have to eat this way forever" advice. This does not mean you will be dieting for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th September 2019

Monday 16th September 2019

Hi, According to the Google on tinterweb there are 7.53 billion on the planet - so writing these newsletters every week with advice or suggestion that apply to each and every single person would be a bit tricky. Maybe even impossible. So based on that, the advice, guidance or suggestions I give in my newsletters is not for everyone. These newsletters are not intended for those who really have their nutrition dialled in, such as competitive bodybuilders and other athletes who benefit from fairly dramatic changes in their nutrition, such as 'off season' and 'pre-contest' and so on. These newsletters are not intended for those with medical issues who may be on a specific diet to treat or manage a specific medical…

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Paired Personal Training

Sunday 15th September 2019

What is Paired Personal Training? Also known as 2-on-1 or "buddy" personal training, this is when you team up with a buddy or partner and share a personal training session.   Not only do you get to share in the cost of the session, but it is a great way to keep each other on track and motivated. Plus it can be lots of fun too! Whether you want to train for a special event, to lose weight, get into shape, or simply feel that you'd benefit from the additional accountability, booking a two-on-one personal training session with a personal trainer is an excellent choice. What Can You Expect? Sessions can be 30min, 45min or 60min.  Your first session with your personal trainer will involve assessing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 9th September 2019

Monday 9th September 2019

Hi, So let's recap what has hopefully been learned here: the big picture realities of permanent weight loss and how you can look at a weight loss program and decide for yourself if it's for you based on what has been in newsletters over the previous weeks: • Permanent weight loss is not about finding a quick fix diet - it's about making a commitment to life style changes that include nutrition and exercise • Any weight loss program you choose must pass the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test. You know that quick fix diets don't pass this test...? • The weight loss program you choose should ultimately teach you how to eat and be self reliant…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd September 2019

Monday 2nd September 2019

Hi, There is a sucker born every minute. Seriously. Some people out there are - like - super gullible. So why don't you see this type of honest information about the realities of long term weight loss more often? Let's be honest here, telling the truth is not the best way to sell bars, shakes, books, supplements, and programs. If - by some miracle - everyone who read these newsletters actually followed it, and sent it on to millions of other people who actually followed it, the makers of said products would be in financial trouble quickly. However, these businesses also know that "there's a sucker born every minute" - so I doubt they will be kept up at night worrying…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 26th August 2019

Monday 26th August 2019

Hi, Sometimes you have to lower your overall training volume and frequency. When eating a calorie deficit, you're feeding your body LESS energy than it needs every day to create a negative energy balance and encourage weight loss, predominantly through the loss of fat. This means your body won't be able to repair itself or recover as fast and its capacity to bounce back from training sessions will be diminished whilst you're in a calorie deficit. For this reason, you want to be careful with how often you train and how much training you do. Here's why... When you lift weights, you damage the cells in your muscle fibres which signals the body to increase protein synthesis rates to repair this damage. Your body then…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 19th August 2019

Monday 19th August 2019

Hi, I see too many people using isolation movements for weight loss. Why? You should focus on compound movements. These are movements which work multiple muscle groups through multiple joint actions and because you're using multiple muscle groups you can generate a lot more strength and power, which in turn means you can lift more and burn more calories. This means your focus should be on exercises like the following: Bench presses - incline or flat Shoulder presses - standing or seated Deadlifts - conventional, Romanian, trap bar, sumo Rows - bent over, Pendley, single arm Squats - lunges, pistols, step ups, leg press Pull-ups, chin ups or pull-downs. Dips When training in a calorie deficit you're training goal should be at a minimum to maintain your strength, but what rep…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th August 2019

Monday 12th August 2019

Hi, Train using heavier weights. This is a must. Don't make the mistake of jumping on the 'light weights burn fat' bandwagon. Why? Because this propels you down the path to fat and muscle loss - which will leave you looking small, feeling weak and quite frankly being skinny fat. You know, the not enough muscle to be lean but also too much fat to lean look skinny look. Skinny fat. If you don't want your body to think you don't need your muscle mass and start using it for fuel you need to give it a reason to hold on to it. If you don't give your body a reason to hold on to muscle mass, your body will start…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 5th August 2019

Monday 5th August 2019

Hi, Weight loss clubs etc are reliant on you achieving substantial weight loss. People incorrectly look at body transformational success in terms of weight loss and these achievements get lots of likes on social media, which in turn makes the Weight loss facilitator look good. Hence why many might be so keen to perpetuate these misconceptions. For some weight loss facilitators, weight lifting is the enemy. Maintaining muscle slows down weight loss - which makes their results less impressive. We all know muscle weighs more than fat and at 600 calories per Ib (compared to fat being 3,500 calories per Ib), its much easier to get rid of. Weight loss isn't just fat loss; it will include water and muscle loss.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 29th July 2019

Monday 29th July 2019

Hi, Do you keep losing your muscle when dieting? This is because you're not maintain your muscle when eating, and training in a calorie deficit. The best training program in the world is absolutely worthless without the will to execute it properly, consistently, and with intensity. It's like every time you try and lose body fat you just end up skinny, or worse, skinny fat. Stuck in some no-man's-land between where you want to be and where you are. You think you're doing everything right - but now you're just not sure. It's tempting to pack it all in and give up, but you didn't get into this fitness game just to give up and walk away when things don't go your way. You're here…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd July 2019

Monday 22nd July 2019

Hi, Many diet programs out there don't address the psychological aspect of why people fail to be successful with long term weight loss. However, quite a few studies exist that have looked at just that. In many respects, the psychological aspect is the most important for long term weight loss, and probably the most underappreciated component. Studies that compare the psychological characteristics of people who have successfully kept the weight off to people who have regained the weight, see clear differences between these two groups. For example, one study that looked at 28 obese people who had lost weight but regained the weight that they had lost, compared to 28 formerly obese people who had lost weight and maintained their weight for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 15th July 2019

Monday 15th July 2019

Hi, When I talk about weight loss, I actually mean fat loss. They are not the same thing. A pound of fat equals 3,500 calories whereas a pound of muscle equals only 600 calories - so a large calorie deficit and rapid weight loss will result in more muscle loss. Not an ideal outcome. So if I use the term 'weight loss', I do so only because it is a familiar term most people understand. The true focus and goal of a properly set up nutrition and exercise plan should be on fat loss, not weight loss. A focus on losing weight, which may include a loss essential muscle, water, and even bone, as well as fat, is the wrong approach. Losing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 8th July 2019

Monday 8th July 2019

Hi, Any exercise is better than no exercise. However, like diet plans, not all exercise is created equal. I've talked / ranted about this extensively over the years. However, many people often choose the wrong form of exercise to maximize their efforts to lose weight. Some people will do cardio exclusively and ignore resistance training. Resistance training is an essential component of fat loss, as it builds muscle essential to your metabolism, increases 24 hour energy expenditure, and has health benefits beyond just doing cardio. Think about it; if you do any form of exercise whilst watching the latest episode of Stranger Things then are you really doing much. A personal trainer can Help With Your Unique Requirements. Everybody is different -…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 1st July 2019

Monday 1st July 2019

Hi, People who have successfully kept the weight off overwhelmingly have incorporated exercise (especially resistance training) into their lives - and in my experience, the people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off invariably find these people were consistent with their diet and exercise plans. I am not going to list all the benefits of regular exercise here (recent newsletters and social media posts cover this topic!) - but regular exercise has positive effects on your metabolism, allows you to eat more calories yet still be in a calorie deficit. This will help you to preserve lean body mass - which is essential to your health and metabolism. The many health benefits of regular exercise are well known, so I…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th June 2019

Monday 24th June 2019

Hi, Diet plans that offer weight loss by drinking their product for several meals followed by a "sensible dinner;" diets that allow you to eat their special cookies for most meals along with their pre-planned menu; or diets that attempt to have you eating their bars, drink, or pre-made meals, are of the diet A variety covered above. They're easy to follow but destined for failure, long term. They all fail the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test, unless you really think you can eat cookies and shakes for the rest of your life. Bottom line here is, if the nutritional approach you use to lose weight, be it from a book, a class, a clinic,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th June 2019

Monday 17th June 2019

Hi, What is the missing link for long term weight loss? When choosing a nutrition program for long term weight loss, you actually need to involve nutrition. It's not just all about calories. But the missing link for long term weight loss for many people is exercise. Too many of you focus on dieting. Exercise is the essential component of long term weight loss. Many diet programs do not contain an exercise component - which means they are just awful for long term weight loss from the very start. Any program that has its focus on weight loss but does not include a comprehensive exercise plan is like buying a car without tires. Or a plane without wings. You can't fly…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th June 2019

Monday 10th June 2019

Hi, The first newsletter I wrote after we moved to our new location listed all of the equipment we'd brought with us. Since then, I've consistently been adding new equipment. Today, 7 new pairs of Technogym dumbbells have been delivered so we now have 2 well equipped dumbbell areas: downstairs, there are 2 flat/incline benches with Jordans dumbbells from 10kg to 52.5kg. Upstairs, in a large matted area, there are 3 flat/incline benches and 28 pairs of dumbbell pairs from 1kg to 42.5kg. The ground floor space accommodates the majority of our weight lifting equipment. This includes: 1) Nytram Leg press 2) Power Fabrications Power cage 3) Power Fabrications Smith machine 4) Hammer Strength squat rack 5) Power Fabrications ISO row 6) Force lying leg curl 7) Life Fitness seated leg curl 8) Life Fitness seated leg…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd June 2019

Monday 10th June 2019

Hi, Let's do a diet A vs. diet B comparison. Diet A is going to supply you with their foods, as well as their special drinks or bars to eat, and tell you exactly when to eat them. You will lose - say - 30 lbs in two months. Diet B is going to attempt to help you learn which foods you should eat, how many calories you need to eat, why you need to eat them, and generally attempt to help teach you how to eat as part of a total lifestyle change that will allow you to make informed decisions about your nutrition. Diet B causes a slow steady weight loss of 8-10 lbs per month for the next…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 27th May 2019

Monday 27th May 2019

Hi, I get asked a lot about diet supplement companies and weight loss clubs. A well known Chinese Proverb is "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." This expression fits perfectly with the next essential step in how to decide what eating plan you should follow to lose weight permanently. Will the diet plan you are considering teach you how to eat long term - or does it spoon feed you information? Will the diet rely on special bars, shakes, supplements or pre-made foods they supply? If so, how do you eventually break free from that? Some pre-made meals are great. Just don't base your entire…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th May 2019

Monday 20th May 2019

Hi, Getting the weight off is the easiest part. Seriously. Do you know what's hardest? Keeping the weight off! If you take a close look at the many well known fad/commercial diets out there, and you are honest with yourself, and apply the "Can I eat this way for the rest of my life?" test, you will find most of them no longer appeal to you as they once did. Let's say you can choose between 2 diets: Diet A will cause the most weight loss in the shortest amount of time but is unbalanced and essentially impossible to follow long term. This option may include lots of HIIT, zero resistance training and lots of muscle wastage. Diet B will take the weight off…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 13th May 2019

Tuesday 14th May 2019

Hi, It's that time of year when I get the "I'm going on holiday in 8 weeks and I need to lose 2 stone! Help!!!!" type messages. What I always wonder is what you've been doing in previous weeks that made you leave it until the last minute. You've not been exercising or watching your calorie intake for the last 44 weeks - and you've only given yourself 8 weeks to accomplish your goal? Losing weight is all about maths. Yeah I know, maths isn't sexy, but understanding the process can't hurt, can it? But let's break down this particular goal. So this person has a BMR of 1,365 calories per day. They would need to jump from a sedentary lifestyle to an…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th May 2019

Monday 6th May 2019

Hi, Some businesses in the fitness industry are offering little more than the modern equivalent of snake oil. Praying on the emotions of those looking for help and their willingness to grab hold of anything that looks like a magic bullet to quick success. The problem is - when the industry is skewed by businsses selling fake promises accompanied with Z-list celebrity endorsements and unscrupulous marketing - that soon becomes the perceived norm and therefore the route that should be taken by anybody who is new to fitness, nutrition and weight loss. As such, I seem too spend a lot of time trying to battle, not profit from, these misconceptions. What are people actually wanting to achieve? Your goals are whatever…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 29th April 2019

Monday 29th April 2019

Hi, Many fad diets you see out there will fail the "can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test. The question is not whether the diet is effective in the short term - but if the diet can be followed indefinitely as a lifelong way of eating. Going from "their" way of eating back to "your" way of eating after you reach your target weight is a recipe for disaster and the cause of the well established yo-yo dieting syndrome. There are no short cuts. There is no free lunch. Only a commitment to a lifestyle change is going to keep the fat off long term. Even when you've achieved your goals, you have to then maintain…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd April 2019

Monday 22nd April 2019

Hi, When choosing a diet, always use the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. I know, it does not exactly roll off your tongue, but it gets the point across. The lesson here is: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever. That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless. Personal trainers provide long-term guidance and motivation. As we age, it gets harder to stay motivated towards exercise, so having a trainer guide and motivate you can keep you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 15th April 2019

Monday 15th April 2019

Hi, Someone recently asked me what a diet is. Quite simple, a diet is a short term strategy to lose weight. Long term weight loss is the result of an alteration in lifestyle. We are concerned with life long weight management - not quick fixes. I don't like the term diet, as it represents a short term attempt to lose weight vs. a change in lifestyle. Want to lose a bunch of weight quickly? Ok, I will give you the information on how to do that here and now for no charge: For the next 100 days eat 12 boiled eggs (including the shells), one whole grapefruit, and 5 litres of water each day. You will lose plenty of weight. Will it…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 8th April 2019

Monday 8th April 2019

Hi, If your goal is to lose some weight quickly, then just pick any diet plan and follow it. I guarantee you will lose some weight. The number one reason diets fail is - quite simply - a lack of compliance. Research shows that adherence level rather than diet type was the primary requirement of weight loss. The diet you chose is irrelevant; what matters most is your ability to actually stick to a diet. This ensures weight loss success. But some diets must be better than others? Absolutely. Some diets are healthier then others. Some diets are better at preserving lean body mass. Some diets are better at suppressing appetite. There are many differences between diets. Most of the popular diets…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 1st April 2019

Monday 1st April 2019

Hi, What is the number one reason diets fail long term; above all else? The number one reason is - shock horror - people giving up. I know right, who'd have guessed? The numbers don't lie; the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and they often will exceed what they lost. True story. So what are YOU doing to avoid it? Here's another reality check: virtually any diet you pick will follow the basic concept of "burning" more calories then you consume - the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra - as this will cause you to lose weight. To some degree, they all work: Atkins-style, no carb diets, low fat high carb diets, all…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 25th March 2019

Monday 25th March 2019

Hi, In a perfect world, we would lose weight in a neat, orderly manner. We would stick to our workouts and meal plans and wake up a little lighter and leaner every day. The weeks would breeze by and before we knew it, we'd be the proud owners of a shiny new set of six-pack abs. But in the real world weight loss can be quite erratic. You might lose a pound or two per week for several weeks and then - for no good reason - not see any change for a few weeks. Almost as if your body suddenly forgot how to burn fat. Then - for not apparent reason - you might lose four pounds overnight. So what is…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 18th March 2019

Monday 18th March 2019

Hi, There are some general guidelines, rules of thumb, and ways of viewing a diet program that will allow you to decide, once and for all, if it's the right diet for you. You may not always like what I have to say, and you should be under no illusions this is another quick fix, "lose 100 lbs. in 20 days," guide of some sort. If you are sick and tired of being confused, tired of taking the weight off only to put it back on, and tired of wondering how to take the first steps to deciding the right diet for you that will result in permanent weight loss, then maybe these newsletters could change your life... Do you need to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 11th March 2019

Monday 11th March 2019

Hi, You can maintain a calorie deficit only to have nothing change for extended periods of time. But then, just as mysteriously, see a dramatic shift in the right direction. Why? Well, the answer is simple: water retention. Last week I suggested a few tips for reducing water retention: 1). Don't starve yourself. 2). Don't do hours and hours of cardio every week. 3). Eat large amounts of food occasionally. 4). And it turns out that those are actually effective strategies for shedding excess water because they reduce cortisol levels. Do you have a specific illness, injury or condition? Woodlands Fitness Centre personal trainers have worked with and helped clients with arthritis, heart disease, old injuries, etc. Working with an experienced trainer at Woodlands can help…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 4th March 2019

Monday 4th March 2019

Hi, Sometimes your weight loss can plateau. Well, if you're stuck in such a predicament, don't do what most people do: exercise more and eat less. It will just make things worse. Chances are the culprit is likely water retention. If you don't know how to deal with it properly, it can fuel an emotional firestorm of anger and frustration. Well, I don't want that to happen to you - so I wrote a series of articles. This subject is explored later in our article: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment. Sometimes everyone needs accountability and motivation. Personal Trainers are there to motivate you. You are investing money into tailor made exercise workout programs - and you're investing time into doing these tailor made workouts. A…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 25th February 2019

Monday 25th February 2019

Hi, Introducing our NEW groups timetable....... We have been working long and hard on this, and after listening to YOUR ideas and feedback. We hope you like it! Our small class group training sessions are tightly-run training sessions of anything from 1-6 people (yes, not strictly a group if it's just 1 person - but if you want to train then we will train you!) where we use our dedicated group PT studio in a closely coached exercise program that's all about results and hard work. There are quite a few changes so please feel free to speak to a member of the team to discuss in detail but to help summarise: * There are now be 43 group sessions per week, including: Condition, Total,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 18th February 2019

Friday 15th February 2019

Hi, How much weight do you need to lose? First of all you need to decide on a reasonable target weight for you. If you want to lose a lot of weight, you're probably better off breaking your overall target into smaller goals. Think about it this way, for each stone you lose you'll drop 1-2 sizes. So each stone is well worth losing. One of the pleasures of dropping clothes sizes is it's so much easier to find your size on shop rails. If health is a main concern for you, another way of setting a goal is by percentage of body weight you want to lose. Research shows that losing just 10 percent of excess weight will improve health significantly. This subject is explored…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 11th February 2019

Monday 11th February 2019

Hi, Eat less and move more. Apparently this is all you need to do to lose weight. But is what you eat as important as how much you eat? Just as a power station requires gas or coal to power its turbines and generate energy, we need fuel - in the form of food - to power our continued existence. You Are What You Eat' means that it is important to eat good food in order to be healthy and fit. If you eat rubbish then you will look and feel like rubbish. The foods we eat provide us with a range of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, water, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, and protein. These nutrients are put to different uses — as building…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 4th February 2019

Monday 4th February 2019

Hi, I was recently asked how the group personal training sessions worked if there are up to 6-8 people per session. Well. Good question. Training a group of people simultaneously, particularly if they have differing needs, can be somewhat arduous, like trying to bath 3 Labradors at the same time; you've anchored down 2 but the 3rd has escaped your clutches and is now downstairs trying to log onto your Bet365 account. Quite why, nobody knows. Maybe Labradors like gambling. But anyway, I digress. So...there are many tools I use for my 1-to-1 and group personal training sessions. One of which is my Time Limit training method, which is similar to AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) and Escalating Density…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 28th January 2019

Monday 28th January 2019

Hi, Right then! In my newsletter last week I asked everyone to book into the group personal training sessions as the 9:30am group should have been limited to 8 people but 10 people showed up. Well, yesterday we had 11 people in (it would have 12 had it not been for 1 person cancelling due to illness). Of course I'm flattered so many choose to drag your carcass out of bed to spend some quality time with me - but I can't go charging you a premium for small group PT limited to 8 people and then run classes with 10+.....! So, I've amended the group PT timetable to have 2 groups back to back: 9:00am and 9:45am. Due to limited…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 21st January 2019

Monday 21st January 2019

Hi, I just want to remind everyone to book into the group personal training sessions - yesterday's 9:30am group should have been limited to 8 people but 10 people showed up. So please can you make sure you've booked in. There is another group at 11:30am - if you can't get a slot at 9:30am. Right! So we're now 3 weeks into 2019! So why not make this the year you finally follow through (no "follow through" jokes please). At the start of every year, many of us find ourselves wondering how to keep the New Year's resolutions we've set for ourselves. It's a bit of cliche that the gym crowds surge in January, only to then back out by the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th January 2019

Monday 14th January 2019

Hi, Most people who read my newsletters know that I like to use a lot of maths to explain weight loss, resistance training and other health/fitness related topics. However, sometimes you have to step back from the numbers and look at the big picture to help bring people back into focus. For most people reading these newsletters, finding an effective diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are so many variations of the above diets to add to the confusion. It…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 7th January 2019

Monday 7th January 2019

Hi, Well! The first newsletter of 2019. New year. New you. Does the thought of spending time on the treadmill terrify you? Does the idea of hill sprints fill you with dread? Cardio in general can be tough for people who aren't used to it. It can leave you hot, sweaty and gasping for breath. It does increase cardiovascular health - but it's not essential (or even effective!) for people trying to lose weight. That's right - you can lose weight without doing traditional cardio. There's no denying that sprints or HIIT can really help you melt body fat as it ups your metabolic rate to burn more calories - but for those determined few who want to avoid cardio entirely…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 31st December 2018

Monday 31st December 2018

Hi, Right then! That's 2018 done. And maybe dusted. I've made some adjustments to our classes / group personal training schedule. I have decided to focus much more time on group personal training session. The new timetable reflects this decision. My goal is to make your group personal training sessions as effective as 1-to-1 personal training - whilst making it as affordable as possible. Here is a list of our group training sessions: I have added a new Cybex lat pulldown to the upstairs personal training area. This is the first of many new changes to make the upstairs a self contained personal training facility. The Woodlands Fitness Centre Unlimited Personal Training will utilise a multitude of training methods, including Supersets. A…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 24th December 2018

Sunday 23rd December 2018

Hi, Well! Christmas Eve! One more sleep until Christmas Day. Santa. Presents. Pigs in blankets. Here are our Christmas Opening Times 2018: Christmas Eve (Monday): 8am-2pm Xmas Day (Tuesday): Closed Boxing Day (Wednesday): Closed 27th (Thursday): 9am-2pm 28th (Friday): 9am-2pm 29th (Saturday): 9am-2pm 30th (Sunday): 9am-2pm New Years Eve (Monday): 9am-1pm New Years Day (Tuesday): Closed 2nd (Wednesday): Back to normal. There will be a 45 minute Group PT session at 9:30am each day we are open. Saturday and Sunday sessions will be as normal. Gyms and health clubs often have various machines that target muscles from different angles - but the best training equipment is still free weights. I am specifically talking about barbells and dumbbells. One of the best ways to use barbells and dumbbells is to combine exercises. This…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 17th December 2018

Friday 14th December 2018

Hi, It's suddenly dawned on me that we've been in our new unit for just over 2 years. Doesn't time fly? Well, here are our Christmas Opening Times 2018: Christmas Eve (Monday): 8am-2pm Xmas Day (Tuesday): Closed Boxing Day (Wednesday): Closed 27th (Thursday): 9am-2pm 28th (Friday): 9am-2pm 29th (Saturday): 8am-2pm 30th (Sunday): 8am-2pm New Years Eve (Monday): 9am-1pm New Years Day (Tuesday): Closed 2nd (Wednesday): Back to normal. I'm regularly asked what the difference between calories from healthy food and calories from unhealthy food. What is the difference? As it turns out, quite a lot. The calories-in-calories-out (CICO) theory of weight management is simple: if you eat more food than you need, you'll get fatter. Eat less than you need, and you'll get thinner. This is - of course - a gross oversimplification…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 10th December 2018

Monday 10th December 2018

Hi, So! Christmas is 2 weeks away. Over the last few months I've written a lot about dieting, calorie deficits and macros. A lot of maths. However, I think its unlikely dieting is going to be at the forefront of anybody's mind. With how the World seems to be now, I hate to generalise. We all prepare for winter differently; some members might want to trim down for a series of Christmas parties or maybe lose a few pounds so they can gorge on Quality Street. However, some members might see winter as an opportunity to bulk. So, if you want to trim down, this newsletter isn't for you. Soz. But here are links to previous newsletters, which should point you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd December 2018

Monday 3rd December 2018

Hi, How long does it take to see the results of exercise? This is a question I get asked quite frequently. Because everybody seems to want instant results. And there are many organisations out there that promise that. And there are many people out there that believe these promises. You're hitting the gym regularly. You're cutting back on sugar, alcohol and crisps and other salty snacks. Drinking lots of water and adding more movement to your day. Yet you can't see any change to your physique and the scale has hardly moved. You're probably feeling frustrated, questioning whether you're on the right program and wondering how long does it take to see the results of exercise? Sadly, more than a few of you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 26th November 2018

Monday 26th November 2018

Hi, Are you spending hours working out every week, and not getting the results you want? Chances are you might have a bad habit or two when it comes to exercising. Never fear, there's a quick fix for even the most ingrained workout no-nos. This subject is explored later in our article: 7 workout habits you should drop now. I've made some adjustments to our classes / group personal training schedule. I have decided to focus much more time on group personal training session. The new timetable reflects this decision. Small Group Personal Training, also known as semi-private training, usually consists of 2-10 participants. However, our Group Personal Training membership allows you to experience expert personal training at a fraction of the cost…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 19th November 2018

Monday 19th November 2018

Hi, There are 168 hours in a week. Let's say you train for 45 minutes 3 times per week. That's 2.25 hours of training per week. Which is 1.33% of the week. Yep, not much more than 1%. So what are you doing with the remainder of the week? Because that's down to you. Your personal trainer won't have any direct control over what you eat or drink. You need to pay attention to your calorie intake. Using The Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, let's do the sums for a 44 year old female who is 167 cm tall and weighs 74kg. Her BMR is 1,403 calories per day. This person - let's call her Susan - is moderately active so we multiply…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th November 2018

Monday 12th November 2018

Hi, It has happened to all of us at one point or another. A job took too long, something unexpected happened, you are stuck somewhere, and now you can't make it to the gym today. You think there's no point in going when you have less than a half hour to workout? So you decide to just skip it and go tomorrow. You can do two body parts to make up for it. Not So Fast! You Can Get It Done! This has happened to me before too. I feel so guilty afterward, though, that I get even more frustrated. So, I decided to come up with some quick workouts for those days that I have to be in and out so I…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 5th November 2018

Monday 5th November 2018

Hi, A calorie is a calorie. But a macronutrient is not a macronutrient. And what you eat will impact your health. How much you eat will impact your health. What you eat may also change how much of what you eat in actually absorbed by your body. There is not a dichotomy between food quantity (total calories) and food quality. It does not exist. Anybody who denies that calories matter is an embarrassment to the fitness industry. This subject is explored later in our article: What Is The Right Way To Lose Fat (part 3)? We have 2 main membership options: Gym Only: Single: £23pm for 12 months, £25pm for 3 months and £27pm for 1 month. Joint/Student: £22pm for 12 months, £24pm for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 29th October 2018

Monday 29th October 2018

Hi, Should you be focusing on weight loss? If so, why? Let's imagine two people who each stick to a weekly calorie deficit of 3,500 calories (500 calories per day). These are their results: Person 1: loses of one pound Person 2: loses nearly six pounds Which person has performed better? You might be thinking its person 2. After all, they lost the most weight. But consider this: 1). One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories 2). One pound of muscle equals 600 calories. So person 1 may have lost one pound of fat (3,500/3,500 calories = 1) - whereas person 2 may have lost nearly six pounds of muscle (3,500/600 calories = 5.8). There's much more to losing fat than just eating less. You need…

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Water Retention and Weight Loss

Thursday 25th October 2018

If you want to know how water retention can prevent weight loss and even make you look fatter - and what to do about it - then you want to read this article. Unfortunately, there are many ways you can screw up a well-designed diet. For example... You can accidentally eat more calories than you should. You can move your body too little. You can over-estimate the amount of energy you burn every day. You can set yourself back with gluttonous "cheat meals." These common diet mistakes are elementary. You run through a quick checklist, see where you've gone wrong and you're back on track. What isn't so elementary is the inexplicable weight loss plateau. Your macros are on point. You're doing plenty of exercise. You're accurately estimating…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 22nd October 2018

Monday 22nd October 2018

Hi, People regularly ask me about what is the right way to lose fat and what should they eat. Given my profession, that's hardly a surprise. The goal of any weight loss, pound-shedding, "trimming," or whatever-you-label-it program is to lose body fat. Yes. Fat. Not weight. How much overall body weight you lose is irrelevant. As such, you should get rid of your weight scale. Or put it in the shed. Or the loft. You only need to focus on your body composition: the fat to muscle ratio. There's so much nonsense floating around out there so it's no wonder so many of you are confused. Which one is the easiest to follow? Which one is financially affordable? Which one is the…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 15th October 2018

Monday 15th October 2018

Hi, One of the biggest exercise myths is that a designated number of repetitions need to be performed in order to get specific results. For example, if you perform 1-3 reps of an exercise you are working on power, 3-5 is for strength, 8-12 is for building muscle, and 15+ is for endurance. As a personal trainer, I am often trying to debunk this myth. This subject is explored later in our article: Why You Should Stop Counting Reps We have 2 main membership options: Gym Only: Single: £23pm for 12 months, £25pm for 3 months and £27pm for 1 month. Joint/Student: £22pm for 12 months, £24pm for 3 months and £26pm for 1 month. Gym & Groups: Are you bored of using the gym…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 8th October 2018

Monday 8th October 2018

Hi, Okay, you've suffered through the previous newsletter in which I described the particulars of Metabolic Training? Metabolic training will help you to reverse the aging process and elevate your metabolic process so you can burn away stubborn, flabby fat and replace it with lean, toned muscle. This newsletter includes three tried and tested Metabolic Training strategies guaranteed to help strip away stubborn fat. You can stick with one strategy for a given timeframe or periodise strategies from one week to the next. This subject is explored later in our article: Metabolic Training Routines We have 2 main membership options: Gym Only: Single: £23pm for 12 months, £25pm for 3 months and £27pm for 1 month. Joint/Student: £22pm for 12 months, £24pm for 3 months…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 1st October 2018

Monday 1st October 2018

Hi, Can you build muscle and burn fat at the same time? In last week's newsletter I discussed Metabolic Training, which is one of the best, most intense strategies for building muscle, torching fat, and improving overall physical fitness. At the same time. Metabolic Training should spike your metabolism, burn calories, lift your lactate threshold, build muscle and maximise your body's capacity for change. No magic or witchcraft here! Metabolic Training is just a term covering various combinations of intense, efficient cardiovascular and muscular training. Metabolic Training can involve supersets, circuits, speed, low rest and compound movements. Metabolic Training combines aerobic and anaerobic work, spanning traditional weight training and cardio. If you're sick of long rest periods and the sleepy treadmill slump,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd September 2018

Monday 3rd September 2018

Hi, In last week's newsletter I wrote about how to reverse the aging process. If you want to know how to trigger your youth-enhancing hormones to destroy dead cells while elevating your metabolic process so you can burn away stubborn, flabby fat and develop lean muscle tissue, then the answer is metabolic training. This type of training involves doing certain types of exercises that involve your entire body, so you can activate as many muscles as you can in a short amount of time. Metabolic training involves completing compound exercises with little rest in between exercises in an effort to maximize calorie burn and increase metabolic rate during and after the workout. Your metabolism (aka metabolic rate) is how many calories your…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 3rd September 2018

Monday 3rd September 2018

Hi, The short definition of metabolic training is completing structural and compound exercises with little rest in between exercises in an effort to maximize calorie burn and increase metabolic rate during and after the workout. Your metabolism (aka metabolic rate) is how many calories your body burns at rest. Most people think that cardiovascular exercise on machines such as treadmills and exercise bikes burns more calories than lifting weights. But that isn't necessarily correct. Working your muscles as well as your heart and lungs can improve your health and help you drop a clothes size faster. While cardiovascular exercise is a great way of burning the fat, adding a little strength training to your workouts will earn you extra calories every day.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 20th August 2018

Monday 20th August 2018

Hi, Do you worry about aging horrendously? You know when you meet someone who looks like Zelda from the Terrahawks and find out she's only 32. If you didn't experience 80's kids TV (arguably the best decade for kid's TV - prove me wrong!), then Zelda was the gargle voiced alien baddie with a walnut complexion and Tina Turner hair. A 3 pint maybe for some of you. According to science (yes! SCIENCE!!!), there's a difference between your chronological age and biological age. This means you can be 50 years old and literally have a body of a 40 year old. Or vice versa. I'm sure you've met someone that not only looks 10 years younger, but has boundless energy and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 13th August 2018

Sunday 12th August 2018

Hi, I often get asked if it matters where your calories come from. If you calculated that you'll lose weight by eating 1,800 calories a day then does it matter what those calories consist of? It could be 1,800 calories of burgers, chocolate bars, crisps or cake. Last week I wrote that the type of calories you eat influences your results. If you eat very low-carb and have trouble sleeping, your hunger levels could rise and you might struggle to keep your calorie intake low enough to lose weight. Or if you don't eat enough calories from fat or carbs to power your workouts, you could end up burning fewer calories than you think, because you're not giving it your all…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th August 2018

Monday 6th August 2018

Hi, How do you know how many calories you need? This is a question I get asked a lot and I'm sure it's a subject I've covered in a previous newsletter. John Stone, our official historian and keeper of the Ancient Scripts, will be able to confirm. You know that calorie intake needs to be compared with energy output. There are several different formulas for determining estimated caloric needs. All are based on the principles of energy balance: Energy being used up or expended throughout the day should be equally consumed for weight maintenance. Weight loss occurs when energy intake is lower than actual energy output, and weight gain occurs when energy intake is greater than actual energy output. Many different…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th July 2018

Monday 30th July 2018

Hi, The most important part of every single weight loss diet is creating a caloric deficit. We all know this, don't we? This is when you consume fewer calories than your body burns. Or, you burn more calories than you consume. It's pretty much the same thing, although the latter is superior. Being in a caloric deficit puts your body in a state of negative energy balance, where it doesn't have the calories it needs to perform all of the daily tasks it needs to perform (moving, breathing, digesting, exercising, etc). So, in order to perform those tasks, your body is forced to burn your own stored body fat for energy instead. As a result, you lose weight (or more specifically, you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd July 2018

Monday 23rd July 2018

Hi, Last week I talked about the importance of consistent training. Without a doubt consistent training is the most important aspect of success and forward progress. Even a poorly designed or random training program will produce results if followed consistently and training occurs regularly. In my experience, gym users that are still performing well in their 40s, 50s, 60s plus all have one thing in common: they've trained consistently over the years. If you're serious about getting results, especially in a way that will benefit you as you grow old (age gracefully, as we'd like to call it!), performing your sessions regularly, two to three times per week - without fail - is what will ultimately provide long term gains in fitness,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th July 2018

Monday 16th July 2018

Hi, Well, the big news this month is that our very own Big Jack Critchlow has moved on to pastures new. When Boris Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary earlier this month there was much speculation on who would replace him and Jack was one of the names put forward. However, the world of international politics is too tame for our Jack and he's now working for a civil engineering company. I hope you all join me in wishing Big Jack the very best in his new job. That's the bad news. The good news is that Jack is now a fully fledged Woodlands member so expect to see him regularly. In fact, chances are few of you will notice a difference…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 2nd July 2018

Monday 2nd July 2018

Hi, If you've ever wondered how to lose fat fast, we need to get one thing straight: there's no quick-fix, overnight answer to weight loss. No matter what diet pill, promotion, or fad is going around, weight loss doesn't occur in the blink of an eye. In order to burn body fat, you need to both eat a clean diet where you consume fewer calories than you burn during the day. And you need to workout. The problem is that some people believe all workouts are created equally. But they're not. They're really not. Different workouts give you different results. If your goal is to increase your overall fitness level and work your heart, you want aerobic exercise. It's okay for…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 18th June 2018

Friday 15th June 2018

Hi, If you've ever wondered how to lose fat fast, we need to get one thing straight: there's no quick-fix, overnight answer to weight loss. No matter what diet pill, promotion, or fad is going around, weight loss doesn't occur in the blink of an eye. In order to burn body fat, you need to both eat a clean diet where you consume fewer calories than you burn during the day. And you need to workout. The problem is that some people believe all workouts are created equally. But they're not. They're really not. Different workouts give you different results. If your goal is to increase your overall fitness level and work your heart, you want aerobic exercise. It's okay for…

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Friday 8th June 2018

If blasting body fat and burning calories is one of your main exercise goals, these 10 fat loss exercise tips will ensure you get the most out of every fat burning workout minute. Be intense with your fat burning exercise Don't be fooled by the so-called fat-burning zone. This is the misguided notion that working at a lower intensity is better for fat burning than working at a higher effort level (say, for example, walking instead of running.) The harder you exercise, the more calories you will burn and it is this that really counts when it comes to losing fat. Choose your fat loss exercise carefully There is no such thing as the 'ultimate' calorie-burning activity. Energy burned is dependent not just on…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 29th May 2018

Monday 21st May 2018

Hi, Do you experiment with different training methods? The jury might still be out on the longevity of the current CrossFit craze, as it is claimed the quick and heavy lifting can be straining on your joints. But there are some workout CrossFit workouts are typically short - 20 minutes or less - and they are intense, demanding all-out physical exertion. CrossFit combines bodyweight exercises, resistance training (including Olympic lifts), sprinting, rowing, skipping and more. The equipment used is basic: barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bars, kettlebells, medicine balls, and boxes/steps for box jumps. We have all of this equipment at Woodlands. Crossfit workouts include EMOM and AMRAP. Virtually all training protocols - including those popularized by Crossfit - are created by manipulating…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 14th May 2018

Monday 14th May 2018

Hi, Regularly using a Foam Roller - especially a deep tissue massage roller - offers many of the same benefits as a sports massage, including reduced inflammation, scar tissue and joint stress, as well as improved circulation and improved flexibility. Regularly rolling pre and post workout will mean you will help prepare your muscles for the workout ahead and also help with post muscle recovery. Once you start rolling I guarantee you will wonder how you ever performed your workouts without it and really understand foam rolling benefits. Just ask Marian Spittlehouse. She just loves to foam roll. Here are the main reasons why you should incorporate foam rolling into your routine today and make sure you scroll to the bottom to check…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd April 2018

Monday 23rd April 2018

Hi, You can reduce stress with foam rolling and stretching. Slowing down for some deep breathing and stretching can seriously keep you zen - as well as boost your flexibility and help you lose fat, because stress can contribute to abdominal fat and other issues. Self-myofascial release, also known as "foam rolling," has transformed from a once mysterious technique used only by professional athletes, coaches, and therapists to a familiar everyday practice for people at all levels of fitness. Espcially Zoe Norman. There's nothing you can tell her about foam rolling she doesn't already know. In fact, I think Zoe invented foam rolling. This subject is explored later in our article: Reduce stress with foam rolling and stretching (part 1).…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 16th April 2018

Monday 16th April 2018

Hi, The liver is easily one of the most important organs in the body and is used in a wide range of functions. These include: 1) Removing toxins from the blood 2) Converting lactate into energy 3) Metabolizing of alcohol 4) Producing and excreting bile 5) Destroying old blood cells 6) Activating enzymes 7) Regulating protein, carbohydrate and fat in the blood 8) Detoxifying the blood 9) Storing vitamins, minerals and glycogen One of the most important things the liver is responsible for is breaking down substances that could harm or poison the body. This constant use of the liver can cause a large amount of stress to be exerted on the organ, which is why it's one of the most commonly injured. It should go without saying that taking care of your liver is a worthwhile use of your time.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 9th April 2018

Monday 9th April 2018

Hi, Scientists have uncovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes. Inside the body, these chemicals monkey with our ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance. This discovery should be headline news but no one is talking about it. Why? Maybe because there are no drugs to treat it. In the quest to conquer the two biggest epidemics of our time - diabetes and obesity - we've got to turn our attention to the heavy burden environmental toxins put on our bodies. You need to optimize your body's ability to rid itself of toxins. If your body's detoxification tools aren't working effectively, waste will build up.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 26th March 2018

Monday 26th March 2018

Hi, Easter! You know, that one with the eggs. Well here are our Easter opening times: Good Friday (30th March): 9am - 2pm HIIT / Giles / 9.30am Saturday (31st March): As normal.... Easter Sunday (1st April): 9am - 12noon Easter Monday (2nd April): 9am - 2pm Circuit Training / Big Jack / 9.30am Bank Holiday Monday…

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The Woodlands newsletter: 14th March 2018

Wednesday 14th March 2018

Hi, The biology of muscle isn't, in fact, rocket science. At its most basic level is the SAID principle, an acronym for "specific adaptation to imposed demand". When a muscle contracts against a large amount of resistance, it adapts by getting bigger and stronger. Likewise, if a muscle is regularly forced to contract for long periods of time, it becomes more resistant to fatigue. When you lift weights, you cause tiny tears in your muscle fibres. This accelerates a process called muscle-protein synthesis, which uses amino acids to repair and reinforce the fibres, making them resistant to future damage. And although this happens at a microscopic level, the effect becomes visible over time in the form of bigger arms, broader shoulders,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 19th Feb 2018

Monday 19th February 2018

Hi, This is not great advice for Ali Gregory or James Turner, who have both been physically destroyed by rugby, or Lauren Coupland, who has been mildly inconvenienced by netball, but for the rest of you sport is a great way to burn extra calories, trim away the fat, and still have a hell of a lot of fun doing it. Playing a sport involves cardio and lots of non-linear movement (jumping, back pedalling, side stepping), making it healthier than straight jogging. There are loads of ways to burn hundreds of calories without even realizing it. Just for clarity, I'm not advising that any of you consider sports instead of a gym membership. Playing sports can work alongside using a gym.…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 12th Feb 2018

Monday 12th February 2018

Hi, If you're not already hitting the gym and racking up the weights, now's the time if fat loss is your goal. Even if you start small and work your way up to heavier weights, gaining muscle is going to put you on the fast-track to hitting that goal. When it comes to exercise, you have to train with weights to increase lean mass. Fat is burned inside of your muscle cells. The bigger and more plentiful your muscle cells, the bigger your fat-burning furnace. Think about how much more fuel a Range Rover will use than a Mini. In short, adding muscle increases the size of your fat-burning furnace. Dieting or exercising incorrectly decreases it. We now offer Unlimited…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 5th February 2018

Monday 5th February 2018

Hi, If you think hitting the weights is the only thing you have to do to lose fat faster, you're wrong. You need a solid balance of weight training, cardio, and nutrition. You need some form of cardiovascular work to burn excess body fat. The body will burn primarily carbs during the first twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercise. After 20 minutes the body shifts over and starts to burn stored body fat as the primary source of energy. You need a combination of both weight training and cardio to get fat off your body. Okay, so what kind of cardio is best, I hear you ask. A steady 30 minutes on a cross trainer, perhaps? NO! There are a number of viable…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 22nd January 2018

Monday 22nd January 2018

Over the next 25 newsletters, I will be dispensing 1 primary piece of advice each week. Week 1, hardly a surprise, but... Do intervals and high-intensity training (HIIT) You've heard about their benefits -and for a good reason. If you're looking for an effective way to burn fat faster and lose pounds in the process, HIIT is a solid go-to. High-intensity interval training is more time efficient in caloric expenditure than a traditional cardio workout. Not only will your body burn more calories during HIIT workouts but you'll also continue to burn more calories and fat in the 24 hours after a HIIT workout. That doesn't mean you need to limit yourself to only sprint interval workouts on a treadmill, though.…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 15th January 2018

Monday 15th January 2018

Hi, Over the last 2 newsletters I've included 2 instalments of an article about how to get bigger buttocks. This newsletter contains the final thrilling instalment of this article. The fundamentals of growing any muscle (aside from that one, get your head out of the gutter!) are pretty much the same so aspects of the article could be applied to other muscle groups. Thanks to many of the Instafamous gym users on Instagram who post seemingly never ending pics of their glute workouts or the product of their glute workouts (over the shoulder selfies of their posterior region!), I've been asked a lot of questions about the posterior region, namely the buttocks. Not everyone wants to change the appearance of their…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: 8th January 2018

Monday 8th January 2018

These newsletters are typically around 1,800 words (this one is 1,718 words), so it's hard to cover a broad range of subjects or cater to all members each week. Generally I use these newsletters to answer some of the questions I get asked each week, as I assume that if one person asks that question then maybe there are others with similar queries. A few clients / members have asked me about how to develop their buttocks. Not everyone wants to change the appearance of their buttocks. And that's absolutely fine! But for those who do it can be tough to know exactly how to go about it and how your diet, training, and lifestyle can support or inhibit your…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 1st January 2018

Monday 1st January 2018

Well let's start by saying that I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Right, now that's out of the way, let's talk about something vaguely fitness related. I always try to write these newsletters to be gender neutral. As many of you will know, gender neutrality was widely discussed in 2017. For those of you who don't know, gender neutrality is the idea that policies, language, and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing roles according to people's sex or gender, in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is more suited than another. Other than the shower rooms, the weight…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 18th December 2017

Monday 18th December 2017

What's New? It's suddenly dawned on me that we've been in our new unit for just over a year. Doesn't time fly? We now offer Unlimited Personal Training for just £10.99 a week. The premise is simple: 48 sessions every week. Share the sessions with up to 5 other people. Come to as many sessions as you like. Each session will be a proper personal training session. Our Unlimited Personal Training membership offers professional coaching, support, motivation, accountability and results at a fraction of the cost of 1-to-1 Personal Training. The 45 minute sessions are designed for people of mixed ability. The membership is only £10.99 a week (paid monthly). And there's no contract. Sharing the workout enhances the experience for participants. Having someone exercising…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 11th December 2017

Monday 11th December 2017

What's New? A lot of members are asking us about our Christmas Opening Times so here they are: Christmas Eve (Sunday): 8am-2pm Xmas Day (Monday): Closed Boxing Day (Tuesday): Closed 27th (Wednesday): 9am-2pm 28th (Thursday) : 9am-2pm 29th (Friday): 9am-2pm 30th (Saturday): 9am-2pm New Years Eve (Sunday): 9am-2pm New Years Day (Monday): Closed 2nd (Tuesday): Back to normal. We have 2 main membership options: Gym Only: Single: £25pm for 12 months, £27pm for 3 months and £29pm for 1 month. Joint/Student: £22pm for 12 months, £24pm for 3 months and £26pm for 1 month. Unlimited Personal Training membership : This membership includes: ✔ 48 sessions available every week. ✔ Share the sessions with up to 5 other people. ✔ Come to as many sessions as you like. ✔ Each session will be structured as an actual personal training session. ✔…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 4th December 2017

Monday 4th December 2017

What's New? Here we are at the beginning of December. With that in mind, here are our Christmas Opening Times: Christmas Eve (Sunday): 8am-2pm Xmas Day (Monday): Closed Boxing Day (Tuesday): Closed 27th (Wednesday): 9am-2pm 28th (Thursday) : 9am-2pm 29th (Friday): 9am-2pm 30th (Saturday): 9am-2pm New Years Eve (Sunday): 9am-2pm New Years Day (Monday): Closed 2nd (Tuesday): Back to normal. All classes will run at 9:30am. We have 2 main membership options: Gym Only: Single: £25pm for 12 months, £27pm for 3 months and £29pm for 1 month. Joint/Student: £22pm for 12 months, £24pm for 3 months and £26pm for 1 month. Unlimited Personal Training membership : This membership includes: ✔ 48 sessions available every week. ✔ Share the sessions with up to 5 other people. ✔ Come to as many sessions as you like. ✔ Each session will…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 27th November 2017

Monday 27th November 2017

What's New? Some of you will have seen Justice League, the latest DC movie about the adventures of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman et al. You'll have to make your own decision about how good the film is. However, one thing that is good is Jason Momoa's physique as Aquaman. Some of you will recognise him from Game of Thrones, in which he played Khal Drago. Jason Momoa used a training system called Accelerated Results 7 (AR-7) to get into such awesome shape. Later on in this newsletter I have included an article on what Accelerated Results is. Let me know if you need any further information on how to implement it into your workout. We have 2 main membership options: Gym Only: Single:…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 20th November 2017

Monday 20th November 2017

What's New? Getting in shape and getting the results you crave doesn't have to be a full time job. In the last newsletter I talked about using time limits when you're training. Time limits hopefully prevent you from wandering off / getting distracted during your rest periods - so no getting distracted by a text message or an extended trip to the toilet. You're ruled by the clock - which pushes the intensity for the cardiovascular system. When it comes to fat loss, most people embark on a program of cardio and dieting. Strength training is sometimes an afterthought. Strength training, however, can burn just as much, if not more, fat than cardio. Cardio can help you lose weight - but you…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 13th November 2017

Monday 13th November 2017

What's New? Time. For some, quite a luxury. With that in mind, I've tried to make training sessions and workout routines as time efficient as possible. The idea is to get the maximum amount of work done in a fixed time period. One of my tools for my 1-to-1 and shared personal training sessions is my Time Limit training method. The premise is simple: you have to complete a number of reps within a fixed time period. You can use whichever rep speed you want - but I typically advocate a 1/0/1/0 tempo. This means you have 1 second to lift the weight, 0 seconds rest at the top of the movement, 1 second to lower the weight and 0…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 30th October 2017

Monday 30th October 2017

What's New? Over the last few weeks I've started allocating more of my time to group personal training. Whether you join a workout group or get your own group of friends together for a workout, there are many reasons more is merrier when you're working out. Some people are naturally self motivated. And then there are those who are not. The majority of the people I've worked with over the years have had the same problem. That's one of the great things about the Unlimited Group Sessions. Many people who attend a group session will show up exhausted from the ups and downs of everyday life. But once they join the group, they become re-energized. With a friendly fitness instructor there to…

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Unlimited Personal Training Membership

Wednesday 25th October 2017

Good quality training should be affordable, effective and accessible to everyone. Not everybody can afford or justify the cost of 1-to-1 personal training so I created the Group Personal Training membership. The premise is simple: ✔️ 48 sessions available every week ✔️ Share the sessions with up to 5 other people ✔️ Come to as many sessions as you like ✔️ Each session will be a structures personal training session These PT sessions will give you the results and the benefits of one-to-one personal training - but at a more affordable cost. The group exercise sessions are designed based on years of achieving great fat loss results with personal training clients. The session plans and progressions are proven to get results, time and…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 23rd October 2017

Monday 23rd October 2017

What's New? My ethos is that good quality training should be affordable, effective and accessible to everyone. Not everybody can afford or justify the cost of 1-to-1 personal training so I created the Group Personal Training membership. The premise is simple: 48 sessions every week. Share the sessions with up to 5 other people. Come to as many sessions as you like. Each session will be a personal training session. The group PT sessions will give you the results and the benefits of one-to-one personal training - but at a more affordable cost. The group exercise sessions are designed based on years of achieving great fat loss results with personal training clients. The session plans and progressions are proven to get…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 4th September 2017

Monday 4th September 2017

What's New? Well, the newest thing is that I've brought back the useless facts. Some of these facts are particularly useless as they're not actually factual. But some people seem to like them. My ethos is that good quality training should be affordable, effective and accessible to everyone. Not everybody can afford or justify the cost of 1-to-1 personal training so I have created the Group Personal Training membership. I've decided to allocate less of my time to 1-to-1 personal training and far more time to group personal training sessions. We have added 34 group PT sessions to the weekly class schedule. The group PT sessions will give you the results and the benefits of one-to-one personal training - but at…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 21st August 2017

Monday 21st August 2017

What's New? In the last newsletter I wrote that we'd added 34 group PT sessions to the weekly class schedule. The group exercise sessions will give you the results and the benefits of one-to-one personal training - but at a more affordable cost. The group exercise sessions are designed based on years of achieving great fat loss results with personal training clients. The session plans and progressions are proven to get results, time and time again. The standard price for new members will be £45pm x 12 months, £50pm x 3 months and £55 x 1 month. The joint price for the group sessions will be £30pm x 12 months, £35pm x 3 months and £40 x 1 month. The group…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 7th August 2017

Monday 7th August 2017

What's New? I had planned on writing much shorter newsletters on a weekly basis but May was the best May we've ever had for new members / PT clients in the 9 years I've owned Woodlands (aside from May 2010 when our "Change for Life" promotion coincided with the demise of one of our competitors) and I've let myself get distracted. So, here we are in August. Already. What's new? Well, I've added 34 group PT sessions to the weekly class schedule. The group exercise sessions will give you the results and the benefits of one-to-one personal training - but at a more affordable cost. The group exercise sessions are designed based on years of achieving great fat loss results…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter Monday 12th June 2017

Monday 19th June 2017

What's New? We've been really busy over the last few weeks and I've not had time to write the Woodlands newsletter. When I started writing this edition the downstairs walls were in the process of coming down. They're down and the gym is now much larger. In terms of floor area, it's not that different to our previous facility at Peak Village. The next job is to remove the suspended ceiling. The downstairs ceiling height isn't quite tall enough for some of the taller lads to smash out some overhead barbells presses. New classes / group sessions timetable: Over the last few years I have been putting together a spreadsheet of every exercise I can think of. There are currently 726 exercises…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 8th May 2017

Saturday 6th May 2017

What's New? The landlord has emailed to advise work will start on the walls on Friday 12th May. So - to celebrate - we're doing our "Refer a Friend" promotion again. Back in January 2014, we ran a "Refer a Friend" promotion. The premise was simple: If you bring a friend down to woodlands - and your friend joins - we'll reduce your membership fee to just £17.99 per month. And your friend joins at the same price. Simple? Unlike last time, we're strictly limiting this offer to 20 spaces. The offer ends 31st May 2017. The price is based on a 12 month minimum term membership. 1 & 3 month minimum membership terms are also available at a different price. You must be…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter Monday 24th April 2017

Monday 24th April 2017

Monday 24th April 2017 What's New? We hope you guys have had a great Easter. We've moved the gym round yet again - although the current layout is by far the best. Somehow I've been able to add new 2 new machines and create lots of new space. The dumbbells are now in their own area with big mirrors, benches, dumbbell racks, preacher curl bench and T-bar row. New equipment: The fixed Jordan barbells - 10kg to 35kg - are upstairs. Some members have asked me to have a set downstairs. As such, I've bought 2 5ft Olympic barbells. These weigh 15kg. There are lots of 1.25kg, 2.5kg and 5kg weight plates you can use to make whatever weight you require. We've…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: Monday 17th April 2017

Monday 17th April 2017

What's New? What are your goals? Losing weight? Getting in shape? Whilst some people join a gym for general exercise or injury rehabilitation, the vast majority join for an aesthetic goal. So let's use that as the basis of this next point: do you want to look good? Or do you want to weigh good? Granted, a large weight reduction is a possible indication of success. But what about small changes? The average adult human body is 50% to 65% water, a 30% variable. So let's say a female weighs 10 stone (140 1bs / 64kg). Based on the lower %, her body would contain at least 70 Ibs (32kg) of water. If this person were to increase their hydration by just…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter: 10th April 2017

Monday 10th April 2017

What's New? The newsletters were getting progressively longer and longer so I've decided to limit them to 2 pages but write a new one each week. New equipment: Nytram Pro Gym Equipment are currently making us a hack squat machine. This is due for delivery this week. Easter opening times: Good Friday (14th April): 9am - 2pm Easter Sunday (16th April): CLOSED Easter Monday (17th April): 9am - 2pm New classes / group sessions timetable: We've got a new classes / group sessions timetable. These sessions are designed to finding a balance between a fun and sociable class environment with the expert attention that comes with a personal training session. Our classes / group sessions provide a measurable, results-focused program at a fraction of the cost…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter April 2017

Saturday 1st April 2017

What's New? Hi guys & girls, Let's start the week with a member update. Our landlord has confirmed the walls downstairs will be coming down this month. This will open up downstairs and create much more space for both more equipment and more circulation space. I have a clear image in my mind of what we are going to create and the finished product, soon to be achieved, will be awesome. We have a hack squat currently being made to our exact specification. Based on my experiences as a gym user and gym owner, I have identified two types of people who go to the gym: 1) Those who wander in with no plan or programme and move from one machine to…

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FREE trial 30 Minute Fitness slots

Friday 24th March 2017

Yep, we're offering FREE trial 30 Minute Fitness slots. These 30 minute fitness slots are so-called as they're designed to drive the maximum results in just 30 minutes, meaning they can be 'slotted' into your schedule, no matter how busy it is. This bespoke approach to training will feature a range of training methods, created to challenge each area of the body in a time-efficient and effective way. The content of each one varies, providing tailored expertise to each client. The focus is on resistance training and HIIT as opposed to weight lifting, as these the best way to change the composition of your body (ie. the ratio of muscle to fat, or lean mass). Contact us now to book your slot. The Woodlands…

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Intensity is better than duration

Wednesday 22nd March 2017

Training for 30 minutes can be just as effective as training for longer - IF you put the effort in. Intensity is better than duration: in a 30-minute session you will be able to put more intensity into your workout. In a longer session your energy levels are likely to start dropping and you won't be able to put in as much continuous effort. The body responds better to intensity rather than duration - so you will see better results quicker. A typical session could include 20 minutes of resistance training and 10 minutes of HIIT. Although 10 minutes doesn't seem very long, if you put a lot of intensity into the 10 minutes the benefits will just be the…

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New class timetable March 2017

Tuesday 21st March 2017

The Woodlands team have got together to update the class timetable. Our classes will bridge the gap between conventional group fitness classes and one-to-one Personal Training. Finding a balance between a fun and sociable class environment with the expert attention that comes with a personal Training session, our Small Group PT classes provide a measurable, results-focused weight training program at a fraction of the cost of Personal Training. Coupled with the knowledge that weight training is the best way to change the composition of your body (ie. the ratio of muscle to fat, or lean mass), our Small Group Personal Training sessions follow a split training program whereby each workout is designed to target a different muscle group each day of…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre March 2017 Newsletter

Wednesday 1st March 2017

What's New? Well, here we are in March 2017. I've always written the Woodlands newsletter to broadcast what our fitness, diet and health related beliefs are, which are based on my own experiences and those as a personal trainer. These have included a Paleo/Low glycaemic diet, resistance training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), functional training, foam rolling, flexibility and core training. However, this month, I'm going to be a vegetarian. I did consider being a vegan - but I need cow's milk in each of the 4,739 coffees I have/need each day. Some people are obsessed with protein - and vegetarian and vegans are bombarded with questions about where they get their protein. Apparently we need to eat lots of meat.…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre January & February 2017 Newsletter

Wednesday 1st February 2017

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in January 2017 - so let's start by wishing you all a very happy New Year. What's the plan for 2017? As you all know, we've moved 2.1 miles down the A6 to the Molyneux Business Park. The new premises are a smaller but much nicer industrial unit. Our new address is at the end of this newsletter. We have heating. Each morning we open those gym doors to be greeted with such glorious warmth. It's like a warm embrace. Woodlands had been at Peak Village for 17 years and a lot of the facilities hadn't been updated in that time. By moving, we have the opportunity to do everything…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre December 2016 Newsletter

Thursday 1st December 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, Is it really December already? Christmas opening times are available on reception. Jack Critchlow, our veritable Bob Cratchett, will not be working on Christmas Day. Having previously been visited by 3 ghosts, I've decided to let him have the day off. Although, instead of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, it was actually John Stone covered with a white bed sheet. He thought I wouldn't notice. But I did notice. This was supposed to have been handled with a reasonable amount of discretion but as is always the case round here, a lot of people know. But in case you don't know, Woodlands Rowsley is becoming Woodlands Darley Dale when we move to our…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre November 2016 Newsletter

Tuesday 1st November 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in November. Halloween has been and gone. It was just over 2 years ago that I decided to knock down the studio. Quite a few people thought I was crazy. I envisaged significant changes in the fitness industry. There would be a move away from standard studio / dance based classes. Having seen the astonishing growth of Crossfit, I predicted that there would be a fusion between classes and more mainstream resistance training. Deadlifting / Olympic lifts, functional training, interval training / Tabata, plyometrics etc would be become integral to gym classes. The main reasons people don't make the most of their gym memberships include a lack of motivation, they…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre October 2016 Newsletter

Saturday 1st October 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in October. It'll be Halloween soon. I could be wrong - but I think John Stone is already wearing his Halloween costume. I've bought a new Technogym assisted chin and dip machine. For clarity, the dips you're assisted with do not include salsa or guacamole. Assisted pull-ups or assisted chin ups are compound exercises for the upper body. You lift your bodyweight with the help of the assisted pull-up machine. The assisted pull-up machine might look intimidating to some gym users as it is a large machine- but it's so easy to use. Many of our Unlimited shared and 1-to-1 PT are really into pull-ups - and this new machine will help them…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre September 2016 Newsletter

Thursday 1st September 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in September When Beki came on board she asked me why I write these newsletters. My answer was simple: if it helped just 1 person to make a positive change to their life then it's completely worthwhile. Granted, they can be a bit long and I do waffle on a bit. Four pages are too much - so I've reduced trimmed the fat and cut it down to 3 pages. I'm changing my Tuesday night circuits class at 6:50pm to a 30 minute HIIRT (high intensity interval resistance training) / Tabata with weights class. This will be called HIIRT. Tabata is a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre August 2016 Newsletter

Monday 1st August 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in August. I was sitting in the cinema, about to watch the new Ab Fab film (I was there with my girlfriend and mother - obviously I'd rather have been watching a film featuring explosions, miscellaneous hock sockey and heavy petting) and I was thinking about Cineworld's Unlimited Card. For those of you who don't know about this Unlimited Card, you pay a fixed monthly fee and can see as many films as you like at most of the Cineworld facilities. This got me thinking about the Cineworld business model, how the offer works, etc. I assume their management accountants will work out an average yield for customer, taking into…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre July 2016 Newsletter

Friday 1st July 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in July. I sit in my office, the nerve centre of the Woodlands operation, at my bureau, quill in hand, and I write the newsletter each month to broadcast what our fitness, diet and health related beliefs are. As the old adage says, there's more than one way to skin a cat - and there's more than one way to get in shape. At Woodlands, we prefer the steady and consistent approach, which include Paleo/Low glycaemic diet, resistance training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), functional training, foam rolling, flexibility and core training. Each month we try to elaborate on each point. The above reminds me of the lyrics to Everybody's…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre June 2016 Newsletter

Friday 10th June 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, Now that the warm weather is here, you likely want to spend more time outside. This time of year can also inspire people to work out more. That's good! However, if you're planning on setting some fitness goals due to summer approaching, it's important that you set healthy, realistic and achievable goals. Otherwise, you could be setting yourself up to fail or putting yourself in a dangerous health situation. Here are a few tips for setting summer fitness goals that are achievable, beneficial and will make you feel good about yourself. Be Specific: Making goals like "I want to lose weight before the wedding I'm going to this summer" or "I want to look good in a swim…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre May 2016 Newsletter

Sunday 1st May 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in May. In the last couple of newsletters we've mentioned our "PT UNLIMITED" scheme. I've tried to start this in the past with minimal success but Beki has got behind it and it's becoming increasingly popular with mew members and existing members who want to upgrade. The premise is simple: we will give you personal training every single time you attend Woodlands Rowsley. The scheme is appointment controlled. Sessions will typically be 45 minutes and are designed for both females and males of mixed ability. You'll have a qualified personal trainer giving you effective exercises designed to help you with rapid fat loss and increased fitness. We offer PT Unlimited for…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre April 2016 Newsletter

Wednesday 6th April 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in April. What is new? One of the main services we're very keen to push is our "PT UNLIMITED" scheme. The premise is simple: we will give you personal training every single time you attend Woodlands Rowsley. The scheme is appointment controlled. Sessions will typically be 45 minutes and are designed for both females and males of mixed ability. You'll have a qualified personal trainer giving you effective exercises designed to help you with rapid fat loss and increased fitness. How will we train you? Our routines will include a variety of exercises that work on flexibility, core, balance, strength and power, focusing on multiple movement planes. Total body conditioning HIIT/kettlebells Legs, bums & core Core…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre March 2016 Newsletter

Wednesday 6th April 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So what's new? Every month I start the newsletter with "so here we are in..." which is fairly redundant as most of you will know what month it is. So I won't start the newsletter by stating what month it is. What else is new? One of the main services we're very keen to push is our "PT UNLIMITED" scheme. The premise is simple: we will give you personal training every single time you attend Woodlands Rowsley. From my experience of running a gym for 7 years, the main reasons people don't make the most of their gym membership include a lack of motivation and receive little to no individual attention. To combat these…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre March 2016 Newsletter

Wednesday 9th March 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in March. The gym has undergone a big change over the last few months; Giles Woolhouse has decided to bring on board a business partner (me!). Some of you might remember me as one of Giles's PT clients; he's been training me 3 times, virtually every week, since November 2010. Giles is still here but he is taking much more of a back seat to focus on personal training. It's not uncommon for him to train 10 clients during a 12 hour day. Historically Giles has had more of an affinity towards weightlifting equipment. However, he's now nearly 37 and a father to a beautiful 2 year old boy and his…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre February 2016 Newsletter

Tuesday 2nd February 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in February. We have some great news: SPIN IS BACK!!!!! I officially had news that the bikes will be arriving at Woodlands fitness and the classes will again be appearing on the revised class timetable. Spin start date? Bikes are due to arrive on 1st February 16. So we are hoping that the first class could take place on the 8th February 16 As we all know I am the newbie of the team and Spin was before my time, I have only been told how our fantastic it was and members used to love it.. With this in mind we will again have a booking system in place. The other…

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Friday 29th January 2016

Spinning is back.

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Smoothie No - 23

Thursday 7th January 2016

2 cups fresh kale 2 cups coconut milk, unsweetened 1 cup mango 1 cup pineapple 1 banana 2 tbs coconut flakes, unsweetened 1 Blend the kale and coconut milk together until smooth. 2 Add remaining ingredients and blend again. Try and use at least one frozen fruit to make the smoothie cold.

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Smoothie No - 22

Thursday 7th January 2016

2 cups fresh kale 2 cups water 1/2 cup cranberries 2.5 cups pineapple 1 lime, juiced or peeled 1) Blend the kale and water together until smooth 2) Add remaining ingredients and blend again. You can exchange the cranberries for any other berry.

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Smoothie No - 21

Thursday 7th January 2016

2 cups fresh spinach 1.5 cups water 1 grapefruit, peeled 1.5 cups strawberries 4 medjool dates, pitted - for sweetness 1- Blend spinach, water and grapefruit together until smooth. 2) Add remaining ingredients and then blend again. You can exchange the grapefruit for any other citrus fruit.

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre January 2016 Newsletter

Friday 1st January 2016

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in 2016. We hope you have all had a great Christmas and New Years. I do hope everyone is ready and raring to go. Now all the festivities and partying is out of the way, I am guessing everyone has just that little extra weight to lose, after one two many sausage rolls or maybe an extra brandy here and there. To get things kick started we are referring back to our trust worthy Paleo friend and have included one out of a whole catalogue of recipes we have. Over the years we've run various promotions including the 36 month "Change for life" promotion and the "refer a friend" promotion at the beginning of 2013. These…

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Smoothie No 20 - Cranberry

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 cups fresh Kale 1.5 cups cranberry juice (unsweetened) 0.5 cup of water 2 oranges peeled 2 bananas .5 lime squeezed Blend kale and the cranbery juice until smooth. Then add the remaining ingredients. Serves 2 This smoothie is a cocktail of vitamins A, C and K and will give your immune system a great boost.

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Smoothie No 19 - Turmeric

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups spinach 2 Cups water 3 Cups chopped pineapple Juice of 1 lemon Half tsp ground turmeric 1 piece (half") fresh ginger, peeled Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Turmeric is an anti inflammatory spice.

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Smoothie No 18

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups Spinach Quarter cup fresh mint, stems removed Quarter cup cilantro, stems removed 2 Cups unsweetened coconut yogurt 1 cucumber, peeled Juice of half lemon Quarter teaspoon ground cumin Pinch of salt Blend spinach, mint and cilantro until smooth Then add remaining ingredients and blend again. Serves 2

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Smoothie No 17 - Apple

Tuesday 29th December 2015

1.5 Cups Kale, stems removed .5 Cup Broccolli florets 1 Cup water 1 lrg tomato, halved 1 Green apple, halved and cored Quarter cup chopped avacado Juice of 1 lemon Dash red pepper Blend Kale, Broccolli and water together until smooth. Then add the remaining ingredients and blend again. Serves 2 Apple is loaded with fibre and vitamin c and boosts your immune system.

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Smoothie No 16 - Celery

Tuesday 29th December 2015

1.5 Cups Spinach 1.5 Cups chopped celery Quarter cup fresh parsley 2 Cups chopped watermelon 1 Cup chopped pineapple 1 piece (half inch) fresh ginger, peeled Blend the spinach, celery and the parsley with the watermelon until smooth. Then add remining ingredients. Serves 2 This is very good for stress. Celery is known for lowering the level of hormone in your blood stream that causes stress.

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Smoothie No 15 - Almond

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups Swiss Chard, stems removed 2 Cups unsweetened almond milk 2 Bananas 1 Cup sliced peaches 2tbs almond butter 1tsp vanilla extract Blend the swiss chard and the almond milk until smooth. Then add remining ingredients. Serves 2 Almond milk and butter help with muscle recovery.

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Smoothie No 14 - Cherries

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups spinach 2 Cups unsweetened almond milk 2 Cups cherries, pitted Quarter cup of rolled oats 2 tbs almond butter 2 tbs cocoa powder Blend spinach and almond milk until smooth. Add remining ingredients and blend again Serves 2 Cherries help with muscle soreness and inflammation.

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Smoothie No 13

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups Spinach 1.5 Cups water 1 Grapefruit peeled 1.5 Cups Strawberries 2 Medjool Dates, pitted Blend the spinach and the water first. Then add remaining ingredients and blend again. Serves 2 Substitute one fruit for the frozen form for the drink to be chilled.

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Smoothie No 12

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups Spinach 1.5 Cups Water 1 Grapefruit peeled ( Use a variety of citrus fruits) 2 Cups Pineapple Serves 2 Use a frozen fruit in each recipe to chill the drink.

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Smoothie No 11

Tuesday 29th December 2015

2 Cups Spinach 2 Cups Water 1 Cup Mango 1 Cup Pineapple 2 Bananas Blend together the Spinach and the Water. Then added all other ingredients and blend again. Serves 2 Substitute one of the fruits for a frozen form so the smoothie is chilled.

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Smoothie No 10 - Sweet Potato

Friday 18th December 2015

2 cups spinach 2 cups unsweetened coconut milk 1 orange, peeled 2 cups cooked sweet potato, chilled 1 cup chopped pineapple 2 tablespoons hemp hearts 1 piece (half") fresh ginger,peeled Juice of half lime. 1) Blend the spinach and coconut milk until smooth. 2) Add the orange, sweet potato, pineapple, hemp hearts, ginger amd lime juice and blend again. * You can use one frozen fruit to make the smoothie colder.

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Smoothie No 9 - Kale

Thursday 17th December 2015

2 Cups kale, stems removed 2 cups water 1 cup blueberries 1 cup chopped pineapple 1 banana 2 tablespoons almond butter 1) Blend the kale and water until smooth. 2) Add the blueberrries, pineapple, banana and almond butter and blend again. This smoothie is great for postworkout. Kale is good for hair, nails and bone health and provides protein,iron, vitamins and minerals.

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Snoothie No 8 - Cantaloupe

Wednesday 16th December 2015

2 cups collard greens 1 cup water 1 cup chopped cantaloupe 2 cups chopped mango Half cup chopped carrots Half cup chopped pineapple 1) Blend together the collard greens, water and cantaloupt until smooth. 2) Add the mango, carrots and pineapple, blend again. Cantaloupe is known to help with acne and wrinkles, also packed with vitamin c. The carrots will help regenerate collagen.

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Smoothie No7 - Pineapple

Tuesday 15th December 2015

1 cup Kale, stems removed 1 cup spinach 2 cups unsweetened coconut water 1 cup chopped watermelon 1 cup chopped mango 1 cup chopped pineapple 1) Blend kale, spinach + coconut water until smooth. 2) Add watermelon, mango + pineapple and blend again. Coconut and pineapple have natural electrolytes and a high water concentrate which are both brilliant for your complexion. Kale is a great source of beta - carotene, vitamin A and fiber.

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Smoothie No 6 - Avocado, Spinach + Coconut water

Tuesday 15th December 2015

2 cups spinach 2 cups unsweetened coconut water 2 cups chopped pineapple 1 avocado, halved, pitted and peeled 1) Blend the spinach + coconut water until smooth. 2) Add the pineapple + avocado. Blend again. Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants + vitamin E, helps regenerate skin cells for youthful skin. Coconut water helps hydrate and regenerate your skin from the inside out. Spinach is loaded with lutein which keeps eyes sparkling and healthy.

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Smoothie No 5 - Kiwi

Tuesday 15th December 2015

1.5 cups spinach 0.5 cups fresh mint leaves 2 cups unsweetened coconut water 2 cups blackberries 2 kiwi fruits halved 1) Blend spinach, mint, coconut water until smooth. 2) Add blackberries, kiwi fruit + blend again. Kiwi fruit is filled with vitamin C and antioxidants which keeps skin for and help prevent wrinkles, great for healthy bones and teeth.

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Smoothie No 4 - Cucumber

Monday 14th December 2015

2 cups Spinach 1 cup chopped honeydew melon 1 cup sliced cucumber 2 cups grapes 1 tbs lemon juice 2 tbs chia seeds 1) Blend spinach, honeydew and cucumber until smooth. 2) Add the lemon juice, grapes and chia and blend again. No real liquid base to this smoothie as fruit used in the smoothie produce more than enough of their own juices. Iron, beta, carotene, folate + vitamin c in the spinach help keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating.

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Smoothie No-3 - Red pepper

Friday 11th December 2015

2 Cups Swiss Chard, stems removed 2 Cups unsweetened coconut water 2 Cups sliced peaches 1 green apple, halved + cored Half cup chopped Avocado 1 piece (Half of fresh ginger), peeled Juices half lime Dash ground red pepper Blend Swiss chard, coconut water until smooth. Add peaches, apple, avocado, ginger, lime juice + ground red pepper and blend again. - Red pepper boosts your metabolism and increases your blood circulation. - Ginger get your blood flowing. Servings 2

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Smoothie No2 - Swiss Chard

Thursday 10th December 2015

2 Cups Swiss Chard, Stems removed 2 Cups Water 1 Cup blueberries 2 ripe pears, halved, cored + peeled 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1) Blend Swiss card + water until smooth. 2) Add blueberries, pears, coconut oil and blend again. Servings 2 Swiss Chard is packed with magnesium, iron and vitamins A, B, C + K. It provides natural energy and adding the coconut oil provides you with even more energy.

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre December 2015 Newsletter

Wednesday 9th December 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in December. We're saving most changes for the New Year including a radically overhauled class timetable. Here's just a glimpse of what will be happening. BOOT CAMP: Giles and I have researched this to see how we could make it work within Woodlands. These classes will consist of a mixture of circuits incorporating weights, cardio, group work etc. Fun Fun Fun. To create a much larger bootcamp area will be moving the gym round. Watch this space. 30 MIN ABS BLAST CLASS: This is an idea I have come up with for members who do not have lots of time but want to sneak in a cheeky workout. CARDIO: We are refurbishing the…

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Smoothie Number no1: Mint

Tuesday 1st December 2015

2 Cups Coconut Milk (Unsweetened) 1.5 cups fresh spinach 0.5 cup fresh mint leaves 2 Bananas 4 Medjool dates (If you cant find these types of dates, use a little raw honey or 100% mapel syrup) 1 Spoon of vanilla Blend the spinach, mint and coconut milk until smooth.Then add remaining ingredients. Mint has many health benefits: 1) Helps digest food easier 2) Natural stimulant, it can help with weight loss by helping the body burn fat faster. Serves 2

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre November 2015 Newsletter

Sunday 1st November 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in November. The nights are drawing in and we'll all be preparing for winter. John Stone will be rummaging in the garden for twigs to build himself a cosy little nest so he can hibernate. We all prepare for winter differently; the girls might want to trim down for a series of Christmas parties or maybe lose a few pounds so they can gorge on Quality Street. The boys might see winter as an opportunity to bulk. With that in mind, Rebecca and I have each written articles: one for the girls and one for the boys. Personal training is a big part of what we do here at Woodlands Rowsley. I appreciate…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre October 2015 Newsletter

Thursday 1st October 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So here we are in October. I'll start this month's newsletter by giving a big shout out to some members who have helped me. So a MASSIVE thanks goes to Rebecca "Chimps" Billingham who has been helping me with painting. And by "helped", I really mean that Chimps has done 99.99% of the painting whilst I've plied her with lattes and crap jokes. Another massive thanks goes to Sam "Wasps" Smith (not the singer of the atrocious new Bond song) who has helped with a series of janitorial jobs and loaned me her steam cleaner. Apparently the ladies' changing rooms have never looked so clean. Another thanks goes to Paul Cotterill who has divided each…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre September 2015 Newsletter

Tuesday 1st September 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, Well what's new in September? Well according to Tash Starsmore, the jokes in our "very punny" section aren't very funny. This is hardly an eye opener for many of you who have been rolling your eyes at our appalling jokes since March 2013. So, as the "very punny" section's swan song, here is one final joke: I went to the zoo the other day; there was only one dog in it. It was a shitzu. The August 2015 newsletter was only written a few days. Since then I have moved forwards with some of my plans. I met with JT (Jacqueline Thhhhhhefaut) and we have discussed her coming back to Woodlands to teach Zumba, Zumba Tone, Zumba…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre August 2015 Newsletter

Wednesday 26th August 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, So what is new? Well it's August and I haven't written a newsletter since June. Why? Quite simply because I haven't had anything new to impart. Also, I haven't been able to find any jokes appalling enough for our "Very Punny" section. Having scoured the internet, I now have some absolute stinkers for you! One major issue at the moment is the failure of the Peak Village Parking Eye system. The first fine was on the 29th June 2015 and the last fine (so far) was on the 22nd July 2015 so this problem was allowed to go on for 23 days. I have had to handle and forward on over 168 fines affecting over 100…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre June 2015 Newsletter

Wednesday 10th June 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, Here we are in June, nearly halfway through the year. So what is new? Last month I mentioned ongoing discussions regarding the future ownership of the club. I'm in discussions to bring in 2 business partners, a married couple called Mark and Erica with me staying on as a silent partner. These discussions are ongoing and at this stage nothing has changed. However, this has become such a surprisingly common topic of conversation and certain people seem to think they know what's going on without actually being privy to any actual information beyond what you guys actually know. Three cheers for uninformed reckon! Mark and Erica have very ambitious plans for the club. Their priorities are…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre May 2015 Newsletter

Thursday 21st May 2015

What's New? Hi guys & girls, Hmmm....what is new? As many of us already know, the Matlock and Bakewell area can sometimes be a breeding ground for gossip, rumour, misinterpretation and general stirring. With this in mind, I feel like I need to address some rumours regarding the future ownership of Woodlands. At this stage, nothing has been finalised so prematurely addressing these discussions wouldn't ordinarily be sensible - but owing to the widespread nature of these rumours it'd be better for you guys to hear it direct from me. I bought Woodlands when I was 29, 6 and a half years ago. Since then my personal circumstances have changed significantly and I now have a gorgeous 14 month old son who…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre March 2015 Newsletter

Sunday 1st March 2015

The Woodlands Fitness Centre March 2015 Newsletter What's New? Well here we are in March 2015. My son Jacob will have his very first birthday on the 18th of this month. The last 12 months have absolutely flown by. It's easy to keep putting things off - I'm as much a culprit of procrastination as the next guy - but if you want to look your best this summer, maybe on your holidays or maybe just staggering round Bakewell like a topless vagrant - you need to really knuckle down and start work on a plan as to how you're going to get there. Each month I provide/bore you with an abundance of information about the Paleo diet, which I use as…

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Monday 16th February 2015

Over the last few months we've been thinking about the fitness industry and what actually gets results. Classes like Zumba and aerobics might be fun - but will they actually help you get the body you want? We're not convinced. We've developed a system for helping our PT clients to get the lean and healthy bodies they crave in the fastest, safest and most fun way possible. We've applied this system to our small group exercise classes to give you the benefits of 1-to-1 personal training but with the fun and atmosphere of a group exercise session: All About The Butts: Get that firm bum, toned legs and amazing abs you've always desired. A fantastic lower body workout not to be missed. Total Body…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre February 2015 Newsletter

Wednesday 11th February 2015

The Woodlands Fitness Centre February 2015 Newsletter What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley February 2015 newsletter. So what's new this month? Well this is the first month that Giles hasn't written the "What's New" section of the Woodlands newsletter. This month I - Jack Critchlow - will be writing it. For those of you who don't know me - despite me being a local celebrity - I am a personal trainer, sports masseur and gym instructor at Woodlands Fitness Rowsley. I have 3 years experience in providing Sports Massages at level 3 and 4 standard. I also have 3 years experience in personal training at level 3 requirement. I am currently studying my degree in Health Related Exercise and Fitness. I've worked with…

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Woodlands offers 2 Feb 2015

Monday 2nd February 2015

Woodlands offers 2 Feb 2015 Offer 1: 15 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership for the price of 8 That's right, buy 8 weeks and get 7 weeks absolutely FREE Only £56 NORMAL PRICE £104 SAVE £49 Offer 2: 5 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 60 sunbed minutes Only £33 NORMAL PRICE £65 SAVE £32 Offer 3: 5 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 10 x 45 minute PT sessions (2 per week) Only £136 NORMAL PRICE £225 SAVE £89 These offers expire on: 09/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 1 Feb 2015

Friday 30th January 2015

Woodlands offers 1 Feb 2015 Offer 1: 9 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership for the price of 5 That's right, buy 5 weeks and get 4 weeks absolutely FREE Only £35 NORMAL PRICE £63 SAVE £28 Offer 2: 3 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 36 sunbed minutes Only £20 NORMAL PRICE £39 SAVE £19 Offer 3: 3 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 9 x 60 minute PT sessions (3 per week) Only £153 NORMAL PRICE £192 SAVE £39 These offers expire on: 08/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 31 Jan 2015

Friday 30th January 2015

Woodlands offers 31 Jan 2015 Offer 1: 5 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership for the price of 3 That's right, buy 3 weeks and get 2 weeks absolutely FREE Only £21 NORMAL PRICE £35 SAVE £14 Offer 2: 4 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 48 sunbed minutes Only £27 NORMAL PRICE £52 SAVE £25 Offer 3: 4 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 12 x 30 minute PT sessions (3 per week) Only £109 NORMAL PRICE £256 SAVE £147 These offers expire on: 07/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 30 Jan 2015

Friday 30th January 2015

Woodlands offers 30 Jan 2015 Offer 1: 7 months gym/classes/group personal training membership for the price of 4 That's right, buy 4 months and get 3 months absolutely FREE Only £112 NORMAL PRICE £196 SAVE £84 This membership option can be paid monthly. Offer 2: 5 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 45 sunbed minutes Only £29 NORMAL PRICE £58 SAVE £29 Offer 3: 5 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 10 x 45 minute PT sessions (2 per week) Only £136 NORMAL PRICE £225 SAVE £89 These offers expire on: 06/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 29 Jan 2015

Thursday 29th January 2015

Woodlands offers 29 Jan 2015 Offer 1: 5 months gym/classes/group personal training membership for the price of 3 That's right, buy 3 months and get 2 months absolutely FREE Only £84 NORMAL PRICE £140 SAVE £56 This membership option can be paid by monthly direct debit. Offer 2: 4 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 36 sunbed minutes Only £24 NORMAL PRICE £46 SAVE £22 Offer 3: 6 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 4 x 45 minute PT sessions Only £69 NORMAL PRICE £118 SAVE £49 These offers expire on: 05/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 28 Jan 2015

Wednesday 28th January 2015

Offer 1: 3 months gym/classes/group personal training membership for the price of 2 That's right, buy 2 months and get 1 month absolutely FREE Only £56 NORMAL PRICE £84 SAVE £28 Offer 2: 6 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 54 sunbed minutes Only £35 NORMAL PRICE £69 SAVE £34 Offer 3: 6 weeks gym/classes/group personal training membership 12 x 45 minute PT sessions Only £163 NORMAL PRICE £234 SAVE £71 These offers expire on: 04/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Get functional

Sunday 25th January 2015

When it is time to get back into shape, burn off those pounds that accumulated over Christmas, most people think about just using gym machines. After all, when you walk into your local gym you see all the shiny equipment. How could you not get fit, burn fat and build muscle? Freeweight, kettlebells and bodyweight exercises are usually a much better choice for your fitness, fat loss and physique building needs. You not only develop an attractive body, but you improve real world performance, flexibility and functional strength. When you exercise and train, your body makes changes due to the stress placed on it. It will build muscle, burn fat, improve cardiovascular function and more. So you are better prepared for…

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Woodlands offers 25 Jan 2015

Sunday 25th January 2015

Woodlands offers 25 Jan 2015 Offer 1: 4 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership 36 sunbed minutes Only £33 SAVE £6 Offer 2: 4 x 45 minute PT sessions (1 per week) 4 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership Only £71 SAVE £12 These offers expire on: 01/02/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 24 Jan 2015

Saturday 24th January 2015

Woodlands offers 24 Jan 2015 Offer 1: 8 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership 72 sunbed minutes Only £65 SAVE £12 Offer 2: 16 x 30 minute PT sessions (1 per week) 8 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership Only £173 SAVE £122 These offers expire on: 30/01/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers 23 Jan 2015

Friday 23rd January 2015

Woodlands offers 23 Jan 2015 Offer 1: 6 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership 54 sunbed minutes Only £49 SAVE £9 Offer 2: 6 x 45 minute PT sessions (1 per week) 6 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership Only £106 SAVE £75 These offers expire on: 30/01/2015 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers of the day

Thursday 22nd January 2015

Woodlands offers of the day Offer 1: 3 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership 36 sunbed minutes Only £27 Offer 2: 6 x 45 minute PT sessions (2 per week) 3 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership Only £89 These offers expire on the 29th January 2015. These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now. The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers of the day

Wednesday 21st January 2015

Offer 1: 5 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership 60 sunbed minutes Only £39 Offer 2: 5 x 60 minute PT sessions (1 per week) 5 weeks gym / classes / group personal training membership Only £103 These offers expire on the 28th January 2015. These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now. The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock and Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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Woodlands offers of the day

Monday 19th January 2015

Woodlands offers of the day! Offer 1: 8 weeks gym/group PT membership Only £47 Offer 2: 8 weeks gym/group PT membership 8 x 60 minute personal training sessions Only £160 These memberships include: Free induction Free tailor made programme Call (01629) 733 123 now. The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock & Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre January 2015 Newsletter

Thursday 1st January 2015

What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley January 2015 newsletter. Lee, Jack and I would like to wish all of our members - past, present and future - a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. What's new? Well firstly, there will be no major changes this year. I've made all of the major changes I plan to make over the last 6 years. It's this time of year when many people are looking to join a gym to start their New Year's resolutions. If you're one of those people, you need to ask yourself a number of questions: 1). Do you want to see changes in your body shape and fitness? 2). Do you want a personalised workout to get you the…

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Want to give someone an awesome and original gift this Christmas?

Monday 8th December 2014

Give your friends and loved ones the gift of a leaner, fitter, healthier body with a Woodlands Fitness Centre gift voucher. Build your own membership We offer 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 week membership options We offer 30, 45 and 60 minute personal training sessions We can do 1, 2 and 3 1-to-1 personal training sessions per week All memberships also include unlimited gym use and unlimited access to our daily group personal training sessions. Here are some examples: 10 week gym/group personal training membership Only £63 6 week gym/group personal training membership 6 x 60 minute personal training sessions (1 per week) Only £151.00 4 week gym/group personal training membership 8 x 45 minute personal training sessions (2 per week) Only £139.00 8 week gym/group personal training membership 16 x 30 minute personal…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre December 2014 Newsletter

Monday 1st December 2014

What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley December 2014 newsletter. What's new? Well firstly, there will be no major changes. I've made all of the major changes I plan to make. This month will be the last month I print the Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter - instead, I'm going to put it straight onto the Blog section of our website where it can easily be accessed through a PC, tablet or smart phone. The website has recently been optimised for smart phone use. I write these newsletters each and every month to communicate what I believe you need to do in order to achieve amazing results. There's no secret to it. I appreciate that people join gyms for lots of different…

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Monday 1st December 2014

CYBER MONDAY OFFERS Offer 1: 100 sunbed minutes Only £23.00 SAVE £27.00 Offer 2: 3 week gym membership 36 sunbed minutes Only £25.00 SAVE £15.15 Offer 3: 3 week gym membership 6 x 45 minute PT sessions 36 sunbed minutes Only £96.00 SAVE £70.15 Offer 4: 3 week gym membership 6 x 45 minute PT sessions Only £90.00 SAVE £58.15 For more information please call (01629) 733123.

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre November 2014 Newsletter

Saturday 1st November 2014

What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley November 2014 newsletter. The word of the month this month is 'results'. After all, isn't that why you join a gym? To get results? I was having a nosey on Facebook the other day and I noticed that somebody had uploaded a picture with the caption: "I'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey than everyone's cup of tea". It's a bit cheesy - but it's something you can apply to a number of situations or things. A gym, for example. Too many gyms try to be all things for all people. That's fine if you're a vast city centre facility with climbing walls and multiple studios - but how can a smaller market town…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre October 2014 Newsletter

Wednesday 1st October 2014

What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley October 2014 newsletter. So what's new this month? Firstly, our very own Lee Tann got married to Fliss in a lovely ceremony at Ringwood Hall. I hope you will join us in wishing them the very best for their married life together. The new studio area has been created by relocating the old studio area. The feedback so far has been amazing and very encouraging. Members love the new space - and it's made Woodlands look like a totally different gym. We still have some decoration, finishing off and tidying to do. The word of the month is 'motivation'. We have some members who use the gym 5 or 6 times a week without…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre September 2014 Newsletter

Monday 1st September 2014

What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley September 2014 newsletter. A number of you have noticed that I've recently lost a lot of weight. Quite simply, I've been following my own advice and I've been on the Paleo diet. In the Woodlands June 2014 Newsletter, I wrote that "abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym". Put simply, getting a six-pack starts in the kitchen. As such, this month I'll mostly be talking about diet. Many of you will have read last month's newsletter in which I described my plans for modifying the studio area at Woodlands Rowsley. The plan is to create a large multifunctional space that can be used and enjoyed by our members for the duration of…

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Paleo diet: the basics

Thursday 28th August 2014

When it comes to dieting there are multiple options out there, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. I encourage my PT clients and a lot of members to follow the Paleo diet. It's straightforward, easy to follow - and it works. The paleo diet emulates the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. It includes whole, unprocessed foods that resemble what they look like in nature. This is a detailed meal plan for the paleo diet. What to eat, what to avoid and a sample paleo menu for one week. Our ancestors were genetically the same as modern humans. They ate these foods (they didn't have KFC back then!) and they were free of diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. This is the diet…

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Friday 8th August 2014

Hi guys and girls, I've had quite a few members asking me to restart the "Refer a friend / Join with a friend" offer - so I have done! If you refer a friend/join with a friend you can BOTH choose from one of these membership options: 18 months: £14.99 12 months: £17.99 3 months: £22.99 1 month: £24.99 Only 10 available! If you've got a holiday booked you can delay the membership start date. Inbox us for details. Membership includes gym, group personal training and classes. Prices are per month. Minimum term applies. The existing member's minimum term applies. All payments to be made by direct debit.

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre August 2014 Newsletter

Friday 1st August 2014

Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley August 2014 newsletter. This could possibly be the best - and maybe the most exciting - newsletter I've ever written. Over the last few weeks I've been thinking about the gym layout and ways in which it can be improved. Classes are a very important and exciting part of what the club offers. As such, I want to make the studio area even bigger. Lee has been doing some of his Body Conditioning classes outside. I've know of other gyms that do classes outside, on carpeted floors, on cheap laminate and on rubber floors. There are also outside bootcamps. As such, I've been thinking about how necessary a 'conventional' dance studio is. Lee's Wednesday Body Con class…

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Tuesday 15th July 2014

SPECIAL OFFERS OFFER 1: 4 weeks gym & classes membership 8 x 60 minute personal training session FREE induction Tailored workout program ONLY £166.99 Save £60.88 ONLY 5 available. OFFER 2: 8 weeks gym & classes membership FREE induction Tailored workout program ONLY £38.99 Save £16.96 ONLY 5 available. OFFER 3: 4 weeks gym & classes membership 72 sunbed minutes FREE induction Tailored workout program ONLY £40.99 Save £22.88 ONLY 5 available. The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd Address: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 2JE T: (01629) 733 123 E: W:

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre July 2014 Newsletter

Tuesday 1st July 2014

What's New? Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley July newsletter. Every month I sit in my office, staring at the computer screen and waiting for inspiration. Even though each newsletter is typically 1,400 words, finding something new to write about each month is hard. We write the newsletter each month to broadcast what our fitness, diet and health related beliefs are. As the old adage says, there's more than one way to skin a cat - and there's more than one way to get in shape. At Woodlands, we prefer the steady and consistent approach, which include Paleo/Low glycaemic diet, resistance training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), functional training, foam rolling, flexibility and core training. Each month we try to elaborate on…

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July special offers

Tuesday 1st July 2014

JULY OFFERS OF THE MONTH OFFER 1 60 sunbed minutes ONLY £21.99 Save £8.01. ONLY 10 available. OFFER 2 5 weeks gym & classes membership 60 sunbed minutes FREE induction Tailored workout program ONLY £46.99 Save £18.01. ONLY 10 available. OFFER 3 5 weeks gym & classes membership 10 x 60 minute personal training sessions 60 sunbed minutes FREE induction Tailored workout program ONLY £226.99 Save £138.01. ONLY 5 available. Call (01629) 733123 now!

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre June 2014 Newsletter

Sunday 1st June 2014

What's New? As at the 1st June 2014, we are 207 days away from Christmas. And we're about 14 days from every supermarket to start stocking their shelves with tinsel and selection boxes. Ok, so what's new? We've made some minor changes to the class timetable following on from feedback we've received. All of the morning classes - even my Thursday morning classes - are very well subscribed. The evening classes are popular but not quite popular enough. Jack's HIIT and Total Body Toning classes on Monday night will be combined into a 45 minute "Bootcamp" class. This class will start at 6.50pm. These Bootcamp classes will help you to lose bodyfat, increase cardiovascular efficiency and increase strength through a variety of…

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Introducing arbonne!

Friday 23rd May 2014

With the ever increasing publicity about how chemicals within our Skincare and hygiene products are linked to health issues such as cancer, Alzheimer's, seizures and organ problems, many of us are looking for purer, safer and more beneficial products. The 'Top 4' harmful ingredients in Skincare and hygiene products in today's market are; parabens, sodium laurel sulphate, mineral oil and chemical fragrances. These ingredients are contained in a massive 94% of all products in today's market. All it takes is 26 seconds for the chemicals in your personal care products to enter your bloodstream! So ........ What's in your products? Think about how many Skincare and hygiene products you use in one day ..... toothpastes, deodorants, shampoos, shaving balms, cosmetics, cleansers,…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre May 2014 Newsletter

Thursday 1st May 2014

What's New? Here we all are, in the 5th month of the year. I'm happy to say that there isn't any change or anything new to report this month. The classes are very well subscribed, particularly the morning classes. The most recent change - the discontinuation of the studio cycling class - has been met with very positive feedback. The bikes are on eBay now - and the money we raise from selling them will be put towards more equipment for the club. We're going to be making our prices much more transparent and simplifying our price list. Our prices are as follows: Single (per month): 1 month: £29.99 3 month: £27.99 12 month: £24.99 Joint (per month): 1 month: £23.99 3 month: £20.99 12 month: £16.99 This price includes…

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The Woodlands April 2014 Newsletter

Tuesday 1st April 2014

What's New? Well I'm now a father - so I suppose that's fairly new! Emily gave birth to Jacob Henry Woolhouse on Tuesday 18th March at 3:11am weighing 9 Ibs and 1 ounce. Emily and I would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who has given us a card, gift and best wishes. We really appreciate it. Both Jacob and Emily are doing well. Having employed the likes of Josh "Spindles" Eaton and Harley "Little Charles" Farquhar, I've become quite adept at dealing with emotional little men. Much like me, Jacob spends most of his time eating, shouting and kicking his legs about. Right then, back to business. As many of you are aware, we have discontinued the…

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Introducing Xenca Revitalise Collagen

Tuesday 11th March 2014

Almost everyone has some kind of skin or joint problem, it could be aches, pains, sore joints, skin issues or stiffness. Drugs can alleviate the symptoms but what if there was a natural supplement that could help with the root cause of pain? Collagen is a protein that makes up about a third of all the protein in the human body it connects, supports and is within almost all tissues in the body, skin, bone, teeth, eyes, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and tendons. The human body produces collagen as a natural synthesis from fibroblast cells, however from our mid-twenties we lose more collagen than our bodies can produce 1.5 % per year evidence for this can be seen with human ageing, skin…

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We're carrying on our Refer A Friend/Join With A Friend offer at the Woodlands Fitness Centre

Tuesday 11th March 2014

Hi guys and girls, We're carrying on our Refer A Friend/Join With A Friend offer at the Woodlands Fitness Centre at Peak Village, Rowsley! Offers ends end of March 2014: Simply join with a friend or existing member and choose from the following options: 12 months: £15.99 per month 6 months: £17.99 per month 3 months: £19.49 per month As well as having the best gym in the Matlock and Bakewell area, we also offer 32 classes per week including Zumba, Pilates, Aerobics, Circuits, HIIT, Group PT, Body Conditioning, Body Combat and more!!! And ALL these classes are INCLUDED in the above membership prices!!!! You shouldn't have to pay extra for classes! We also have 400 FREE parking spaces. Call (01629) 733123 or inbox us for more details!

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Don't eat peanuts

Wednesday 5th March 2014

Because peanut has the word "nut" in it, even people who favour the Palaeolithic diet assume they're ok to eat. Peanuts are not nuts. Peanuts are legumes. And Legumes aren't on the Paleo diet. While legumes, or beans (lentils, black beans, soy, peanuts, etc.), aren't as bad as grains, which contain gluten and other harmful substances, they should be avoided. They absolutely must be cooked for long periods of time, sprouted, and preferably fermented to remove, at best, most of the harmful lectins and phytic acid contained in them. Legumes are a mediocre source of protein, a huge source of unnecessary carbohydrates, and therefore produce a big glycemic response. Moreover, legumes give most people gas. The number of peanut allergies has doubled over…

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The Woodlands March 2014 Newsletter

Saturday 1st March 2014

What's New? Here we are, already in March. The weather is certainly more favourable this year compared to last year. As many of you will know, Emily and I are expecting our son, Jacob, at some point this month. His due date is the 14th March. If he's anything like Emily, he'll be early. Or if he's like me, he'll be late. We've planned everything so there will be no disruption at the gym. Many of our members have trainers just for use in the gym. However, some are not so good. Please do not wear outside shoes in the studio. Keeping this place clean and tidy is hard enough without people walking mud, animal faeces and stones into the building.…

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The Woodlands February 2014 Newsletter

Saturday 1st February 2014

What's New? That's January over and done with so we've now had 1/12th of the year. As at 1st February 2014, it will be 327 days until its Christmas Day again. January 2014 was - by far - the most successful month I can remember for the club. This is partly due to the success of our "Refer a friend/Join with a friend" offer, which was far more successful that I had anticipated. If you refer a friend we'll reduce your membership to one of the following: £14.99 per month for 12 months. £17.99 per month for 6 months. £20.99 per month for 3 months. This offer ends 28th February 2014 and we will not be repeating it at these prices. The prices based…

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Introducing HIIT Blast

Saturday 18th January 2014

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is an enhanced, intense and highly time-efficient form of interval training that conditions the whole body, boosting fitness, strength, stamina and overall physical functionality. HIIT Blast is circuit training based; it alternates periods of intense and generally anaerobic exercise with short recovery periods. Don't worry if you've not done this type of class before - no prior experience is necessary! Each 30 minute classes (and 30 minutes is enough!!!!) is suitable for participants of all fitness levels from beginner to the more advanced participant! The goal of these HIIT classes is to maximise results and improve overall fitness. So whatever your level, you can trust our fully qualified and experienced instructors is to make sure you're properly challenged.…

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Refer a friend! Reduce your membership fee!

Thursday 16th January 2014

Hi guys, We're running a "refer a friend" promotion for you guys: if you bring your friends down to Woodlands - and your friends join - your membership price will be reduced! So if you refer a friend you'll pay only £14.99 per month - and your friends join at the same price! Inbox us for details. Offer ends 31st January 2014! The above prices are based on 12 month minimum term. 1 & 3 month options are also available. You must be present when your friend/friends join. All payments to be made by direct debit.

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The Woodlands January 2014 Newsletter

Friday 3rd January 2014

The Woodlands January 2014 Newsletter What's New? Well it's 2014! So that's new! And on that note, I'd like to start by wishing all of our members - past, present and future - a very, very happy new year! So what is new for 2014 at Woodlands? Well we've been looking at what's going to be popular in 2014 and we've incorporated these into our class timetable and training methods. High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT as it's know on da streets), functional fitness (including Crossfit type training) and Group Personal Training will continue to be among the fitness industry's hottest trends in 2014. The top fitness trends for 2014 include: 1). High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT). 2). Body weight training 3). Educated and experienced…

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Woodlands blog New Exciting Class Timetable at Woodlands Fitness Centre at Peak Village, Rowsley

Sunday 15th December 2013

The Woodlands Fitness Centre at Peak Village, Rowsley has released their new and exciting Class Timetable, which features over 139 fun & exciting classes per month including Zumba, Zumba & Tone, Pilates, Spinning, Aerobics, Group Personal Training, Body Conditioning, HIIT, Circuits and more. The Woodlands Fitness Centre offers a large air-conditioned/heated studio with a proper sprung dance floor. The Woodlands Fitness Centre is the area's leading health and fitness club for men and women. We have everything you need to get you the results you want including: • Over 139 fun & exciting classes per month. • A large air-conditioned/heated studio with a proper sprung dance floor. • Life Fitness Cardiovascular Equipment including treadmills, cross-trainers, bikes and steppers. • Concept 2 rowers. • Fully Qualified…

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The Woodlands December 2013 Newsletter

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

What's New? I'm releasing our December newsletter a little earlier than normal as we're launching a new class timetable with new instructors and new classes. Some of the classes will need some explanation. I explained in last month's newsletter that classes are now my priority for the club. I didn't think anybody would believe me the first time so I'll say it again! Let's be honest - the previous timetable was boring! So we're spicing things up a bit. As of Wednesday 4th December, we're now changing the way we do things. This means a much broader array of classes. Instead of revolving the classes and the class timetable around our instructors - which is how it's always been done here…

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The Woodlands November 2013 Newsletter

Friday 1st November 2013

What's New? Right then fitness friends, its November. This time last year I was trying to encourage you to check carefully for hedgehogs and other small animals before lighting your bonfires. I assume you were all equally vigilant for our woodland friends this year? Also, in last November's newsletter I made a sneaky dig at Emily Allanson's fondness for steady state cardio (in case you've missed my repeated articles about steady state cardio, it's a terrible way to burn fat!). I had no idea Emily would go from being a personal training client to being a friend to being my girlfriend to being the soon to be mother of my son to now being my fiancée. Every month I write a "What's…

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How long do you sit down each day?

Friday 25th October 2013

How long do you sit down each day? 3 hours or more? If so, do yourself a favour and take 2 minutes to read this article. For many of us technology has led to a work place where we sit for extended periods of time. Unfortunately our bodies were not designed to sit as much as they do. It is not coincidental that more people are developing postural problems like weak & lazy buttocks, a protruding chin, rounded shoulders and weak core muscles. In the short term these postural problems can result in a variety of pains like headaches, migraines and knee, shoulder & back pain. But in the long term these postural problems can lead to serious irreversible skeletal problems,…

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Woodlands will make you feel welcome

Thursday 24th October 2013

For many of us, no matter our age, fitness level, or gender - the gym can be a place that evokes feelings of fear, not fitness. Sometimes the one thing holding us back from achieving our fitness goals is this fear. Despite our intentions, for many of us, the gym evokes an image of a large, scary, sweaty place filled with superfit people who appear so comfortable that the gym seems like their second home. Fortunately the Woodlands Fitness Centre is not that kind of place. Woodlands manager Sarah Hurley commented "Some potential members are concerned that they'll look out of place amongst spandex clad size zeros, body builders and fitness fanatics but Woodlands isn't that kind of gym. Our members…

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Exercising with your friends gets results!

Wednesday 23rd October 2013

Small group personal training with your friends is a fantastic way for people to benefit from the quality of service of personal trainer but in a small group situation. The group can be made up of your friends, work colleagues or even people with similar training goals or interests. You'll benefit from increased motivation, gain confidence, possibly meet new people and of course help build team spirit. An hour of group fitness training is not only a fast way to get results - you will have a great time having them. James Bailey commented "Enjoying a workout with your better half or your friends can be a great opportunity for some quality time together, even if you have different fitness levels.…

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Want to double your endorphins?

Tuesday 22nd October 2013

Want to double your endorphins? Exercise classes spike your endorphins and turn training from burden to pleasure. My article this month is all about maximising pleasure. Below I'll explain why exercising in a group will have you walking away happier - and stronger - from every workout. Exercising in a group can double the amount of endorphins your body releases in comparison to working out alone. More endorphins mean more fun. More fun means more motivation. And more motivation means quicker, better results. Additionally, signing up to a timetabled group keeps you on the righteous path. Missing a workout is a lot harder if you've got people waiting for you to show up. James Bailey, Woodlands instructor and Corrective Exercise specialist, commented "Studio…

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10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Sunday 20th October 2013

Everybody will need little bit of help with exercise sometimes - even if you're just starting out or have been at it for a long time. Still, there are people who shy away from personal training, unsure of what they'll get out of the experience or whether it's worth the money. There are a number of reasons people work with per trainers. Some want a tailor made program so they can lose weight or get in shape. Some need to be held accountable for their workouts. Regardless of how long you've been training for, what your goals are or what level you're at, a personal trainer may be just what you need to take it to the next level. 1. You're…

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30 minute Personal training Sessions

Wednesday 16th October 2013

Many people who work out in a gym find that staying motivated, working consistently at the right intensity, and monitoring progress is a time consuming and difficult task. Others find that even entering the gym area is too intimidating, not knowing where to start their exercise routine or believing they don't belong there because those places are only for fit people. Our 30 minute personal training options have been created exclusively to help you to achieve their lifestyle goals. Our one-to-one personal training methods are designed specifically to help you get great results quickly, safely and effectively. Our sessions are designed around five basic components: 1). Addressing Your Nutrition - the foundation of all health and fitness 2). Cardiovascular Exercise - optimise fat burning 3).…

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What is CrossFit?

Friday 11th October 2013

CrossFit is one of the latest US fitness crazes making its way across the UK. CrossFit is described as a strength and conditioning program as "constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement," with the stated goal of improving fitness. CrossFit workouts are typically short - 20 minutes or less - and they are intense, demanding all-out physical exertion. CrossFit combines bodyweight exercises, resistance training (including Olympic lifts), sprinting, rowing, skipping and more. The equipment used is basic: barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells, medicine balls, and boxes for box jumps. Below are some example CrossFit Workouts: CrossFit Workout 1 Running: 1 mile Do circuit 10 times: Pullups: 10 reps (total 100 reps) Pushups: 20 reps (total 200 reps) Bodyweight Squat: 30 reps (total 300 reps) Running:…

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Get functional

Thursday 10th October 2013

When it is time to get back into shape, burn off those pounds that accumulated over vacation or build muscle for the beach, most people think about using gym machines. After all, when you walk into your local gym and see all the shiny equipment, it is impressive. How could you not get fit, burn fat and build muscle? However, bodyweight and free weight exercises are a better choice for your fitness, fat loss and body shaping needs. You not only build an attractively muscular body, but you improve real world performance with physical abilities you can use at the gym. Some gyms set up a series of machines and have the gym members go through the circuit like an assembly…

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Do your joints hurt?

Tuesday 8th October 2013

Posture has a major influence on Pain. Pain can alter muscle function, creating reflex inhibition and changing our movement patterns. Pain and reflex inhibition change the sensory input to the muscles when there is damage to ligaments and capsules; it can also influence the ability of muscles to support the joint. We should also note that poor posture could be the source of many pain syndromes, as faulty postural relationships increase strain on supporting structure. Muscle imbalance and faulty joint alignment are common sources of pain. Pain is the ultimate motivator - the body will always move away from pain. It is these pain avoidance patterns that can continue to reinforce faulty movement within the nervous system. When optimum muscle balance…

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Sometimes less is more

Monday 7th October 2013

Most of the popular splits undermine progress for average trainees. Just because a certain split works for a genetic phenomenon who may be bolstered by drug support, it doesn't mean that it will also work for natural, genetically average body builders. Ideally you should train each body part three times every two weeks; that is, once every four or five days per body part. You'll train three nonconsecutive days each week, which will give you four full days of recovery every seven days. The popular split routines usually include more training than non-training days, which is counterproductive for most bodybuilders. This is abbreviated training, and it's precisely what most body builders need if they want to make good progress. The short workouts…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre Newsletter October 2013

Tuesday 1st October 2013

What's New? October has crept up on us pretty much as every month has this year and it's mildly terrifying that 2013 is now almost over. And whilst we're on the subject of mildly terrifying, let's not forget its Halloween soon. We've started to decorate the club - and have opted for a nice, old fashioned white. As promised, no wacky colours this time. We're not sure how long the brilliant white will stay brilliant - so we might opt for a very light grey in the next couple of weeks. Most of the gym has been finished. Next will be the reception followed by the changing rooms. I always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre…

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Is weight Training for women?

Thursday 19th September 2013

When it comes to weight loss, health and quality of life a little weight training can go a long way. Most people think that cardiovascular exercise on machines such as treadmills and exercise bikes burns more calories than lifting weights. But that isn't necessarily correct. Working your muscles as well as your heart and lungs can improve your health and help you drop a clothes size faster. While cardiovascular exercise is a great way of burning the fat, adding a little strength training to your workouts will earn you extra calories every day. You'll even be burning extra calories while you're sleeping or sitting on the couch watching Eastenders. Aerobic exercise may burn a few hundred extra calories but for every additional pound…

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Can you target specific areas to burn off unwanted fat?

Thursday 19th September 2013

I'm always being asked by members to show them exercises to help them burn off unwanted fat on specific areas, normally the belly, bum and hips. Sadly you cannot target specific areas to burn off unwanted fat. Many magazines and articles lead you to believe that if you do 100 sit-ups a day you will have a flat tummy. The body works as a whole system, and only by addressing the whole system (nutrition, lean muscle mass, energy output, metabolism) will improvements come. The body burns fat from all over, so resistance training all body areas will start to tone and increase overall lean muscle mass and burn fat from all over. Muscles that are toned are on standby all day,…

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What you should know about BMI?

Thursday 19th September 2013

BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is used to estimate a healthy body weight only based on your height and weight. The calculation is: Body Mass Index = Weight (kg) / Height2(m). However, this measurement does NOT actually estimate % body fat. The ranges that you typically read about are: 18.5-24 is considered to be a healthy range 25-29 is overweight 30+ is considered obese BMI isn't a very accurate way to diagnose individuals' health but rather it was designed to compare and classify populations of people. The BMI calculated for tall, slender people usually indicates they have more body fat than they actually do (just because of the way BMI is calculated). BMI also doesn't take into consideration the difference in weight of…

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Top 5 food rules

Thursday 19th September 2013

You can't transform your body without good nutrition. Somewhere along the production line, food got complicated. We no longer eat only what we hunt, grow or buy from markets. Countries that eat lots of processed food, meat, added fat, sugar and refined grains also suffer from high rates of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular illness and cancer. But it doesn't have to be that way. These simple eating rules will help you sift out the nastiness from your dinner plate - here's his top 5. Follow them to get yourself a body that looks as healthy on the inside as it looks on the outside. 1). Don't eat any packaged food your great grandmother wouldn't recognise. Imagine your nan's mum at the supermarket.…

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Welcome to the Gun Show

Thursday 19th September 2013

Arm size is often determined by genetics. Some people simply have smaller muscle bellies in their arms, especially slim individuals. This is not to say that you can't and won't build bigger arms but there are some things to bear in mind. You cannot build big arms without putting on a lot of mass all over. Arms grow in proportion to overall mass, so you'll need to look at building a much bigger physique all over to see a major change. Direct arm training does very little for actual arm mass. Mass is generally built by major force production times a certain amount of volume. One of the main facts of physiology is that your triceps are designed to project…

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What causes the Common Posture Problems?

Thursday 19th September 2013

Muscle imbalances due to our sedentary lifestyle are a primary cause. The cumulative injury cycle illustrates how muscle imbalances originate: there is a trauma, which can result from repetitive motion with poor dynamic posture, or poor static posture. The trauma causes inflammations, which causes your muscles to spasm and develop knots or adhesions. The adhesions decrease the functionality of your muscles which your brain cannot control properly. The inability of your nervous system to maintain proper postural alignment causes muscle imbalances. If you do not correct your muscular imbalances the cycle will repeat over and over again and get progressively worse. You don't have to be a personal trainer, doctor or specialist who deals with the human body to see that muscle imbalance…

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Don't just do cardio training!

Thursday 19th September 2013

Cardio burns fat and weights build muscle. That's the simplistic, misguided premise upon which countless people have built their exercise regimes. In fact, weight training is an important element of any fat-loss fitness plan. Firstly, weight training itself can burn over 400 calories per hour (running burns upwards of 600) and it also increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Your RMR is basically the number of calories that your body burns when you're sat on your backside watching Family Fortunes. So, lift weights and you'll burn more calories for longer after you've stopped exercising. On top of that, any weight-loss eating plan means you will lose muscle as well as fat. If you're lifting weights to gain muscle, a greater proportion of…

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Dieting properly!

Thursday 19th September 2013

n theory losing weight is simple; we need to create a calorific deficit which means burn off more calories than we take in. However, losing weight and losing fat are two very different things and can easily get mixed up. The majority of people are impatient and want to lose weight fast. Since they have little or no knowledge of diet, nutrition and how metabolism works, they think that by starving themselves, or eating as little as possible will make them lose fat quickly and give them the body they desire. While this attitude will result in a quick weight drop, most of the weight lost will be water, muscle and a very small portion of fat. When we eat food…

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Get with the programme

Thursday 19th September 2013

Without a doubt the foundation of many troubles people have in losing weight, getting fit and building muscle is not using a programme designed by a professional and sticking to it. I've seen hundreds of people over the years do the same chest, arm and abdominal exercises and literally get nowhere. Knowing how to exercise safely and effectively is essential to any weight loss program. This is because there are far too many myths surrounding an effective weight loss exercise plan. A healthy exercise program is essential to any weight loss program as the basis for any weight loss is to create a calories deficient state within the body. The calories deficient state can be achieved in three ways: 1).…

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Are carbs our friends?

Thursday 19th September 2013

Everyone seems to have a different philosophy when it comes to carbs. One school of thought will tell you to never eat them; another will say to limit them after 3pm, still others might tell you to eat them up until three hours before bedtime. But which theory is the correct one to follow when trying to shed bodyfat? In truth, most of what you hear about carbs has a certain element of fact to it, but with all the recent hype, carbs have seemed to get a bad name, and furthermore are pinpointed as the big culprit for putting on bodyfat. But I'm here to tell you that you can eat carbohydrates in a much greater amount, and more often…

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Don't do endless sit-ups

Thursday 19th September 2013

Did you know that for every 100 sit-ups you do, you lose ten pounds of fat? No you didn't, because I've just made that up. It's rubbish. But the way some people insist on crunching up and down for hours on end, you'd think this basic exercise was a miracle fat-loss technique. Nothing makes me angrier than the late night 'celeb' infomercials, where people claim to go from a size 20 to a size 8 in 4 weeks, by doing 5 mins of crunches each day! Don't believe it because it's a total scam. It's not that ab curls are bad for you; they are great at strengthening your abs and giving you a nice six pack, along with planks. But…

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30 minute Personal training Sessions

Thursday 19th September 2013

30 minute Personal training is exactly that - 30 minutes of effective, time efficient, engaging and encouraging Personal training sessions designed toward you achieving your specific results. Many people who work out in a gym find that staying motivated, working consistently at the right intensity, and monitoring progress is a time consuming and difficult task. Others find that even entering a gym is too intimidating, not knowing where to start their exercise routine or believing they don't belong there because those places are only for fit people. I've attached some information about some 6 week offers, which will help you to get the results you want in the minimum amount of time. Our 30 minute Personal training options have been created exclusively…

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Varying Your Training Routines

Thursday 19th September 2013

When you first start training, if you add proper nutrition and adequate rest to the equation, just about any training routine will give you results. As you continue training, however, that first training routine will become progressively less effective. The reason this happens is because the body adapts to what you are doing. In order to keep getting results, you have to learn to make changes to your training program, to keep the body on edge. Does it make sense to go to the gym with a different weight program every time, or should you work the same program for a month, then change it? That's an important aspect to consider in planning your workouts. The answer is simple: You change your…

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6 Reasons to See a Physiotherapist

Thursday 19th September 2013

Physiotherapists are qualified to provide a range of beneficial services for all sorts of people. Contrary to the quite popular and misguided belief that physiotherapists only deal with sports injuries and are very good at strapping sprained ankles, physiotherapy is a crucial part of a holistic and comprehensive approach to health and well-being and certainly, a high standard of sports performance. Essentially, physiotherapy is a physical therapy that is concerned with proper functioning being restored to the body. Physiotherapists also provide professional services to people who have a permanent disease or injury and, in this case, their services help to limit the impacts of physical dysfunction. There are many very good and important reasons to see a physiotherapist and here we look…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre Newsletter September 2013

Sunday 1st September 2013

Well it's September. Already. As at the 1st September, we'll be just 99 days away from a fat bearded man clambering into our houses to empty his sacks. In other words, Christmas. So - what is new? Well I've never planned on using the Woodlands Fitness Centre Newsletter as a medium for broadcasting details of my private life (I've got Lee for that!!!!), but I'm very pleased to announce that Emily and I will be expecting our first child in March 2014. Our first baby scan is on Monday 9th September. Over the last few years of owning the Woodlands Fitness Centre, I've had to deal with a lot of crying, tantrums and bed wetting (mostly from Josh!) - so I…

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The Woodlands January 2013 Newsletter

Tuesday 1st January 2013

What's new? So. It's January. The beginning of a new year. So what is new? We've issued a slightly new class timetable. The design is slightly different so it will fit on 1 side of A4 paper. All of the main classes - Zumba, Aerobics, Studio Cycling, Body Conditioning, Pilates, Circuits etc - are the same. The last time we made any major changes to the class timetable resulted in music seething and hissing so we will not be making that mistake again. The major change is the inclusion of 10 x 45 minute group personal training sessions. These are not classes as such so from the 1st February there will be a small additional charge (please see the Group Personal…

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The Woodlands November 2012 Newsletter

Thursday 1st November 2012

What's new? Right then boys, girls and David Read!!!! It's November! The most important thing this month is Harley's birthday. Harley will be 20. Just so everyone can plan ahead, he will be off from Friday 2nd November to Tuesday 6th November. His birthday party will be taking place in Chesterfield. I think there might be a magician going (Darren "The Magnificent" Crowder!!!). Another important event in November is of course bonfire night. Now it might all seem like kicks and giggles when we're setting fire to stuff, waving our sparklers about and shooting fireworks into the sky. But have you given any thought to our friend, the Hedgehog? The hedgehog, which is Britain's only spinal mammal, is an endearing little creature…

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What is Tabata?

Wednesday 19th September 2012

Yes, what is Tabata? Most people love a bit of steady state cardio. They go mad for it. Well it ain't great for you. Plonking yourself on a x-trainer for 30 minutes and staring glassy eyed at your iphone won't do you much good. Steady state cardio elevates cortisol (stress hormone) levels in your body. This you do not want. Steady state cardio is also catabolic. Being in a catabolic state is muscle wasting. Hours of cardio causes muscle tissue breakdown. You want your body to be in an anabolic (muscle building) state. There's a form of HIIT called Tabata. It's fairly straightforward: it uses 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8…

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The Woodlands Fitness Centre July 2010 Newsletter

Thursday 1st July 2010

What's New? There will be quite a lot of change this month. As most of you will now be aware Sarah will be leaving at the end of the month to go and work with Matt & Claire at Dronfield. Not all of you will be aware that Donna will be joining our friends at the Chatsworth Gym and she too will be leaving at the end of the month. Donna will still be teaching her Thursday night class. We will all be sad to see Sarah and Donna go but this is an opportunity to bring some new blood into the club. Many will have met Marion Bishop, who has been a Woodlands member for many years. Marion…

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