Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 25th September 2022

Sunday 25th September 2022

Hi, Get active, stay active While you can lose weight without exercise, regular physical activity plus calorie restriction can help give you the weight-loss edge. Exercise can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone. Exercise also offers numerous health benefits, including boosting your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system and reducing your blood pressure. Exercise can also help in maintaining weight loss. Studies show that people who maintain their weight loss over the long term get regular physical activity. How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities. One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such as brisk walking — for at least 30 minutes most…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 18th September 2022

Sunday 18th September 2022

Hi, We are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family, as we mourn the loss of our longest-serving British monarch. We are indebted to her dedicated service to this country. The Queen's state funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey at 11am on Monday 19th September. To support our members, the gym will open between 7.30am and 11am on the day. There will be a small group PT sessions at 9.30am. Right, back to the normal newsletter... Enjoy healthier foods. Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories need not mean giving up taste, satisfaction or even ease of meal preparation. One way…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 11th September 2022

Sunday 11th September 2022

Hi, Set realistic goals It may seem obvious to set realistic weight-loss goals. But do you really know what's realistic? Over the long term, it's smart to aim for losing 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week. Generally to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day, through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity. Depending on your weight, 5% of your current weight may be a realistic goal, at least for an initial goal. If you weigh 180 pounds (82 kilograms), that's 9 pounds (4 kilograms). Even this level of weight loss can help lower your risk of chronic health problems, such as heart disease…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 4th September 2022

Sunday 4th September 2022

Hi, Find your inner motivation. No one else can make you lose weight. You must undertake diet and exercise changes to please yourself. What's going to give you the burning drive to stick to your weight-loss plan? Make a list of what's important to you to help you stay motivated and focused, whether it's an upcoming vacation or better overall health. Then find a way to make sure that you can call on your motivational factors during moments of temptation. You might want to post an encouraging note to yourself on the pantry door or refrigerator, for instance. While you have to take responsibility for your own behaviour for successful weight loss, it helps to have support — of the right kind. Pick people…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 28th August 2022

Sunday 28th August 2022

Hi, Make sure you're ready Long-term weight loss takes time and effort — and a long-term commitment. While you don't want to put off weight loss indefinitely, you should make sure you're ready to make permanent changes to eating and activity habits. Ask yourself the following questions to help you determine your readiness: Am I motivated to lose weight? Am I too distracted by other pressures? Do I use food as a means to cope with stress? Am I ready to learn or use other strategies to cope with stress? Do I need other support — either from friends or professionals — to manage stress? Am I willing to change eating habits? Am I willing to change activity habits? Do I have the time to spend on making these changes? Talk…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 21st August 2022

Sunday 21st August 2022

Hi, Hundreds of fad diets, weight-loss programs and outright scams promise quick and easy weight loss. However, the foundation of successful weight loss remains a healthy, calorie-controlled diet combined with increased physical activity. For successful, long-term weight loss, you must make permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits. How do you make those permanent changes? Consider following these six strategies for weight-loss success: 1. Make sure you're ready 2. Find your inner motivation 3. Set realistic goals 4. Enjoy healthier foods 5. Get active, stay active 6. Change your perspective For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter. But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some prices and more... Gym Only memberships: Joint/Student (per month): 12 months: £22 3 months: £24 1 month: £27 Single (per month):…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th August 2022

Sunday 14th August 2022

Hi, Is spontaneity overrated? Sure, spontaneity is a great attribute to have. Helps to keep life fresh and exciting. However, when it comes to fitness, it just doesn't get the job done. In order to make real progress in any aspect of fitness, be it losing weight, increasing strength, speeding up our metabolism, our bodies require consistent and gradual steps to make permanent change. One day of vigorous exercise followed by two weeks of inactivity will just make us sore and not have the longer-term benefits we're looking for. Consistency in our exercise and diet are crucial in establishing healthy habits and forming healthy habits is a surefire way to get real and lasting results. Some excellent ways of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th August 2022

Sunday 7th August 2022

Hi, Self-deception is a very tricky subject to address. If we truly saw everything as it really was all the time, we would be an extremely rare and enlightened individual. Unfortunately, the reality for most of us is that our perceptions are filtered through our biases, experiences, fears, etc. When it comes to fitness, self-deception can cause a lot of frustration and distress. From our point of view, we try as hard as we can (at least we think we do) and we just aren't seeing results! Some classic examples are that we believe our eating habits are excellent when in reality they are out of balance and contributing to weight gain instead of weight…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 31st July 2022

Sunday 31st July 2022

Hi, To lose body fat and maintain muscle at the same time - and to stay strong - you need to do the right kind of exercise and follow the right kind of diet. Cutting calories will help you lose weight. But dieting alone can strip away muscle along with body fat. Research suggests that as much as 25 per cent of weight lost by dieters is from muscle. And that's not a good thing. Losing muscle while on a calorie-reduced diet can hinder your performance in the gym by reducing strength and stamina. It can also slow your metabolism, so you burn fewer calories during the day, making it harder to lose weight - and easier to gain it back. The amount of…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 6th June 2022

Monday 6th June 2022

Hi, Do you see a single failure as the end of all things? Achieving a goal isn't always a straight and unwinding path. For most, a couple of failures come before the eventual success. The vast majority of people will give up after the first stumbling block. They will lack the strength to learn a lesson and move forward with the execution of their plan. In order to be successful you will have to turn every failure into an opportunity. This is what visionaries and successful people do. You can't anticipate for the pursuit of your dream to always be simple and effortless. Understand the fact that failure is natural. What matters after you fail is much more important than blaming yourself for committing…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 30th May 2022

Monday 30th May 2022

Hi, Believe in yourself! Do you believe in your ability to bring an idea to fruition? If the answer is no, you're similar to most other people. The lack of belief in one's abilities and strengths is a common reason for goal abandonment. Mindset is everything when it comes to breaking out of the routine and doing everything it takes to pursue something challenging but rewarding. If you don't think that you're talented enough, strong enough or creative enough to change your life, you will probably go back to the routine practices sooner or later (for most people it would be sooner). Even if you're handled the best of opportunities to pursue your goal, you'll be hesitant about seizing those. Why? Because you believe that you…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 23rd May 2022

Monday 23rd May 2022

Hi, Do you have daily distractions? Other than this newsletter being a distraction right now, of course. Dreams and specific goals require focus and strategic execution day after day. At the same time, most people have other responsibilities, daily struggles and routines that have become ingrained in their very system. These routines and traditional shortcuts are often distracting. They keep one from seeing the end goal. The dream becomes way too abstract to pursue and most will give up within a short period of time. We live in a very dynamic world. Instant access to information. Instant access to communication. Instant access to entertainment Instant access to apps that promote nonsense and stupidity. We have gotten used to leading fast-paced lives and we've also gotten used to wanting immediate gratification. A serious…

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