Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 14th January 2024

Saturday 13th January 2024

Hello, The Power of Input: How Your Choices Shape Your Well-being In the fast-paced world we navigate today, it's easy to overlook the profound impact our choices can have on our overall well-being. The age-old adage "You are what you eat" extends beyond mere dietary considerations to encompass a broader spectrum of our daily choices. It turns out that the principle of "Garbage in, garbage out" is not confined to the realm of computers; it aptly describes the profound connection between our inputs and outputs in life. Consider, for instance, the food we consume. Opting for a diet laden with processed, unhealthy choices can leave us feeling lethargic, irritable, and overall, well, like crap. Conversely, fuelling our bodies with nourishing, wholesome foods provides…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 7th January 2024

Sunday 7th January 2024

Hello, The Winter Blueprint for Summer Bodies: Sustainable Transformations As winter wraps its chilly embrace around us, it's easy to cozy up and let our fitness goals hibernate until warmer days. However, the secret to sculpting that coveted summer body lies in the winter months. This period of the year serves as the ideal canvas for building a foundation of sustainable habits that pave the way for a successful body transformation. 1. Time for Transformation: Winter provides a generous timeframe to embark on a fitness journey. By starting early, you allow your body the necessary time to adapt to gradual changes, avoiding the pitfalls of crash diets or extreme workout regimens. Sustainable transformations are about consistency and patience, virtues that winter's longer nights and…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 31st December 2023

Sunday 31st December 2023

Hello, Happy New Year Everyone! Right, now the pleasantries are over and done with, let's back to talking about fitness and lifestyle changes... A Guide to Choosing and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions As the New Year approaches, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating positive changes for the future. New Year's resolutions are a popular way to channel this energy into personal growth and development. However, choosing meaningful resolutions and sustaining them throughout the year requires careful consideration and planning. Here's a guide to help you set and stick to resolutions that will bring lasting positive changes to your life. Choosing Meaningful Resolutions: 1. Reflect on Values: Consider what truly matters to you. Resolutions aligned with your core values are more likely to…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 24th December 2023

Sunday 24th December 2023

Hello, Firstly, here are the... Christmas Opening Times 2023 23rd (Saturday): 8am-2pm Christmas Eve (Sunday): 8am-12 noon Christmas Day (Monday): Closed Boxing Day (Tuesday): Closed 27th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Saturday): 8am-2pm New Years Eve (Sunday): 8am-12 noon New Years Day (Monday): Closed 2nd (Tuesday): Back to normal All classes at 9.30am. Happy Christmas everyone! Right, now let's get back to the usual fitness related ramblings... How To Enjoy Christmas Without Derailing Your Body Transformation Goals The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence, and Christmas is no exception. For those committed to their body transformation goals, the abundance of festive treats can be a potential stumbling block. However, with mindful choices and strategic planning, you can revel in the holiday spirit without jeopardising your hard-earned progress. Here's a…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 17th December 2023

Wednesday 20th December 2023

Hello, Firstly, here are the... Christmas Opening Times 2023 23rd (Saturday): 8am-2pm Christmas Eve (Sunday): 8am-12 noon Christmas Day (Monday): Closed Boxng Day (Tuesday): Closed 27th (Wednesday): 8.30am-2pm 28th (Thursday): 8.30am-2pm 29th (Friday): 8.30am-2pm 30th (Saturday): 8am-2pm New Years Eve (Sunday): Sam-12 noon New Years Day (Monday): Closed 2nd (Tuesday): Back to normal All classes at 9.30am. Happy Christmas everyone! Right, now let's get back to the usual fitness related ramblings... Will weight lifting help You to live longer? Weight lifting can contribute to a healthier and potentially longer life when combined with other healthy lifestyle factors. Here are a few ways weight lifting can positively impact longevity: 1. Increased Muscle Mass: Weight lifting helps build and maintain muscle mass, which naturally declines with age. Having adequate muscle mass is associated with improved metabolic health, better insulin sensitivity,…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 10th December 2023

Sunday 10th December 2023

Hello, The Unsustainability of Motivation: Why Commitment and Determination Trump Short-Term Enthusiasm in the Gym Motivation is often viewed as the driving force behind our efforts, especially when it comes to health and fitness. Many individuals start their fitness journeys with immense enthusiasm, driven by a wave of motivation. However, it's important to recognise that motivation, while essential for getting started, can be fleeting and unreliable. In the long run, commitment and determination are the true pillars of success in the gym. In this article, we will delve into why motivation isn't sustainable and why unwavering commitment and determination are better indicators of long-term fitness success. The Fickleness of Motivation: 1. External Factors: Motivation often stems from external influences, such as watching a fitness…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 3rd December 2023

Sunday 3rd December 2023

Hello, Your Body: The Most Important Asset You Own In other words: Health is Wealth In the pursuit of success, we often prioritise material possessions and financial wealth. However, it is essential to recognize that your body is the most valuable asset you possess. Your physical and mental well-being directly impact your quality of life, happiness, and overall success. In this article, we will explore why your body is the most important thing you own and how health truly is wealth. 1. Physical Health: Your body is a remarkable machine that enables you to experience life's joys and challenges. Good physical health is the foundation for a fulfilling and productive life. When you prioritise your physical well-being, you are investing in your body's longevity…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 26th November 2023

Sunday 26th November 2023

Hello, How can you lose weight effectively and sustainably? Losing weight effectively and sustainably requires a holistic approach that combines healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and lifestyle adjustments. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the "best" way to lose weight, here are some key principles to consider: 1. Set Realistic Goals: Start by setting achievable goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Losing 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week is generally considered a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss. 2. Balanced and Nutritious Diet: Focus on consuming a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Portion control is important, as even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 19th November 2023

Sunday 19th November 2023

Hello, Reasons to choose group personal training Group personal training can be highly effective for several reasons: 1. Motivation and Accountability: Training in a group setting provides a sense of camaraderie and support, which can boost motivation and accountability. Working out alongside others who share similar goals can create a positive and encouraging environment, pushing individuals to push harder and stay committed to their fitness journey. 2. Expert Guidance: Group personal training is typically led by a qualified fitness professional who can provide guidance, instruction, and personalised modifications to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities. Having a knowledgeable trainer present ensures that participants are performing exercises correctly and safely, maximising the effectiveness of each workout. 3. Variety and Progression: Group personal training sessions often incorporate…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 12th November 2023

Sunday 12th November 2023

Hello, Sporadic training = Slow progress In the hustle and bustle of life, finding consistent time for a regular workout routine can be challenging. Between work commitments, family obligations, and unforeseen events, sticking to a rigid training schedule may seem nearly impossible. However, the good news is that sporadic training, specifically 1-2 resistance training sessions per week, can still yield significant results and contribute to a healthier, stronger you. Life is unpredictable, and it's not uncommon for unexpected demands to disrupt even the most well-intentioned fitness plans. Rather than succumbing to the idea that an "all or nothing" approach is the only path to fitness success, embracing sporadic training can be a game-changer. Research has shown that the frequency of resistance training sessions doesn't…

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6 week memberships from just £5.83 per week

Tuesday 7th November 2023
Save money and get fit for Christmas 🥳

Offers available until 15th November 2023: 

Option 1: 

6 weeks Gym only membership:

 This membership includes:

 ✔ 6 week gym access
 ✔ Full induction & program
 ✔ Calorie target setting advice
 ✔ Nutritional support 
✔ Discounted additional personal training session

 Only £35
 RRP £43
 Save £8

 Option 2: 

6 weeks Gym & Classes membership:

 ✔ 6 week Unlimited Classes ✔ 6 week unlimited gym access
 ✔ Full induction & program
 ✔ Calorie target setting advice
 ✔ Nutritional support
 ✔ Discounted additional personal training session

 6 weeks: £44
 RRP: £54
 Save: £10

 Option 3:

 6 weeks Gym & Classes membership with 1 x 45 minute PT session per week

 ✔ 6 x 45-minute PT sessions (worth £22.50 each)
 ✔ 6 weeks Unlimited Classes ✔ 6 weeks unlimited Gym access
 ✔ Calorie target setting advice
 ✔ Nutritional support 
✔ Discounted additional personal training session

 Only £127 
RRP: £135
 Save: £9

 Option 4: 

6 weeks Gym & Classes…

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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 5th November 2023

Sunday 5th November 2023

Hello, Are abs made in the kitchen? The saying "abs are made in the kitchen" emphasises the importance of nutrition in achieving visible abdominal muscles. While exercise plays a role in strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles, having visible abs is primarily dependent on having a low body fat percentage. The abdominal muscles are present in everyone, but they may not be visible if they are covered by a layer of body fat. To reveal the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to reduce overall body fat through a combination of a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. Maintaining a calorie deficit, where you consume fewer calories than your body needs, is crucial for losing body fat. This can be achieved by consuming a balanced…

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