Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands Fitness Centre September 2016 Newsletter

Thursday 1st September 2016

What's New?

Hi guys & girls,

So here we are in September

When Beki came on board she asked me why I write these newsletters. My answer was simple: if it helped just 1 person to make a positive change to their life then it's completely worthwhile. Granted, they can be a bit long and I do waffle on a bit. Four pages are too much - so I've reduced trimmed the fat and cut it down to 3 pages.

I'm changing my Tuesday night circuits class at 6:50pm to a 30 minute HIIRT (high intensity interval resistance training) / Tabata with weights class. This will be called HIIRT.

Tabata is a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It uses 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles).

All of Tabata the intervals have to be done at 100% intensity - an absolute flat out effort. You need to perform as much work in each 20 second interval as possible and try to maintain that work rate for 8 sets.

You can do bodyweight exercises like skipping, burpees, mountain climbers and squat thrusts - or you can do resistance exercises like squats, lunges, rows, presses etc. My Sunday morning will include elements of this class structure.

You can take part in shared personal training sessions every single time you come to Woodlands Rowsley. The scheme is appointment controlled. You can do these sessions with friends or family members - or can meet new people.

We offer 30 x 45 minute sessions each and every week. These sessions are designed for both females and males of mixed ability.

You'll have a qualified personal trainer giving you effective exercises designed to help you with rapid fat loss and increased fitness.

We offer the Unlimited Shared Personal Training scheme for one low monthly fee. This also includes our normal gym and classes membership:

£69 per month: 2 months direct debit/upfront
£76 per month: 1 month Cash/Card

A gym membership, particularly our Unlimited Group Personal training membership, is one of the best value things you can buy. At just £69 per month, each Unlimited Group Personal training session would cost £5.31 if you came 3 times per week or £7.96 if you came 2 times per week. Excellent value for money.

If you are looking to make a serious change and get the body you deserve, then Woodlands Fitness Centre Rowsley shared personal training and fitness programs guarantee to give you the results you are after.

Our services cover all of the following:

1). Weight loss
2). Body Toning & Sculpture
3). Muscle Building
4). Strength & Conditioning
5). Kettlebell & TRX training
6). Weight gain
7). Endurance Training
8). Injury Rehabilitation
9). Core Stability
10). High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
11). Weight Maintenance
12). Flexibility
13). Pre and Post Natal Fitness
14). Tabata
15). Tabata with weights

Our unique personal training methods set the foundations for you to get to wherever you want to be. All you need to do is turn up with the right positive attitude, and then just leave the rest to us.

Try out a free taster session today, with no obligation to sign-up after.

Unlimited shared personal training. 7 days a week. One low monthly fee.

We always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, classes, prices, personal training, group personal training, and anything else. Please speak to either of us at the gym, email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.

Giles & Beki

Give it time

Why some people do not see results from working out in the gym? Some people get the results they crave. Some people don't.

A lot of people give up because they didn't give it enough time because they want the benefits of working out without actually doing the work it takes to succeed.

A lot of times when people start working out, they are really hoping to see results fast. To some extent, exercise makes you feel better immediately in the form of feel-good endorphins - but the majority of exercisers are after something a little more long term and visible, usually a leaner physique, the loss of fat, and gain of muscle.

The results you want to achieve will influence the types of exercises that you start doing on a regular basis. How rapidly your body responds to a new exercise program depends on a number of factors including:

Your goals. While weight loss can occur quickly (a simultaneous change in exercise and diet will almost always result in rapid water loss), improving flexibility, increasing cardiovascular endurance and building muscle all take considerably longer. Don't expect to make physically noticeable changes for at least a month (and don't be surprised if it takes upwards of two).

Where you're starting from. If you're brand new to exercise, you'll likely notice change more quickly than if you begin at a more advanced level. Similarly, the more weight you have to lose, the more rapidly those first ten pounds will come off. If you have an injury that requires working around, you may find your progress to be a little slower.

How consistent you are. Obviously, the more consistent your workouts and the closer you adhere to your nutrition plan, the more rapidly you'll see the results of your labours. Even still, don't expect to put on more than a pound of muscle each month.

The intensity of exercise. If you want to see results, you must exercise at a level of intensity that's higher than what you're currently doing. Same effort, same results (or lack there of). There are many different ways to increase the intensity of your workouts, many of which don't require that you spend hours at the gym.

A lot of members like to do steady state cardio. It's so easy to plonk yourself on a x-trainer, set it to the "fat burn zone" and plod away for 30 minutes. Steady state cardio elevates cortisol (a nasty stress hormone!!!) levels in your body. This you do not want.

Steady state cardio is also catabolic. Being in a catabolic state is muscle wasting. Lots of steady cardio causes muscle tissue breakdown. You want your body to be in an anabolic (muscle building) state.

If you want to just do cardio and not see results, that's up to you. But, if you want to put in the time and effort, then I hope to see you lifting weights, using kettlebells and HIIT training.

Your diet. Many people undermine their gym efforts by making less-than-healthy choices in the kitchen. If you've ever watched the calorie count on a cardio machine, you'll know that it takes much longer to burn 500 calories in the gym than it does to consume them. For the fastest results, pair regular exercise with a clean, balanced diet.

Whether you're getting adequate rest. Rest - between sets and between workouts - is essential for proper muscular recovery and hormonal balance. Make the mistake of exercising too frequently or not getting enough sleep and overtraining will keep you from seeing the results of our workouts for much, much longer.

Genetics. If your parents and siblings have bodies that are slow to respond to exercise and healthy eating, chances are yours is too.

Before you go getting all depressed and cancel your gym membership, remember that stopping and starting an exercise program won't get you there any faster. Focus on the day-to-day challenges of getting to the gym and making wise nutritional choices and before long, you (and everybody else) will be impressed by the results of your efforts!

Paleo Avocado Tuna Salad

Serves: 1-2 servings


1 avocado
1 lemon, juiced, to taste
1 tablespoon chopped onion, to taste
5 ounces cooked or canned wild tuna
Sea salt and pepper to taste


Cut the avocado in half and scoop the middle of both avocado halves into a bowl, leaving a shell of avocado flesh about ¼-inch thick on each half.
Add lemon juice and onion to the avocado in the bowl and mash together. Add tuna, salt and pepper, and stir to combine. Taste and adjust if needed.
Fill avocado shells with tuna salad and serve.

A great paleo lunch or snack in 5 minutes with just 4 essential ingredients.

Member Achievement 'Shout Out'

This is where we give a big 'SHOUT OUT' to the member/members who have achieved a personal goal.

The member of the month is Claire Fanning.

Claire joined the Woodlands Fitness Centre at Peak Village Rowsley June 2016. Claire joined on our Unlimited Shared PT package.

Claire said:
"So I just weighed myself after 4 weeks of not looking at the scales...I've lost over half a stone and a few inches with just clean(ish) eating and the right exercise - I even had almost a week off training while I was at a festival. I actually couldn't believe my eyes! Thank you so much Rebecca Billingham, Giles Woolhouse and the team at Woodlands. I actually cannot wait to see the progress in my health and fitness further down the line - so addictive!"

Well done Claire!

Our Unlimited Shared Personal Training membership is only £69 per month if you join 2 months or £76 per month if you join for 1 month.

Skinny Pineapple Smoothie

Prep time: 5 mins
Total time: 5 mins

A sweet and tangy pineapple smoothie this is secretly healthy! No added sugar AND there is a dairy-free option!
Serves: 1


1 cup frozen pineapple
½ medium banana
½ cup crushed ice
½ cup vanilla yogurt (or Greek vanilla yogurt)
1½ cups fat free milk OR coconut milk


Add pineapple, banana, yogurt and ice to blender. Add 1 cup of the milk. Pulse until mixture is smooth.

Add more milk about ¼ cup at a time until desired consistency is reached (I wanted to be able to drink mine with a straw and it ended up being about 1½ cups of milk).

Pour into a glass and drink up!

To make it dairy free option use coconut milk and leave out the yogurt.

Useless Facts

The word 'byte' is a contraction of 'by eight.'

Adam Gilbert does not sleep. He waits.

The word 'pixel' is a contraction of either 'picture cell' or 'picture element'.

The fences at the zoo are there to keep the animals safe from Niall Rhodes.

The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."

The easiest way to determine James Millward's age is to cut him in half and count the rings.

The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.

When Joseph Greaves turned 18, his parents moved out. He needed the extra space for dem gainzzz.

Duddley DoRight's Horse's name was "Horse."

Woodlands - Your Health, Our Passion

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock & Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123