Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands Fitness Centre December 2014 Newsletter

Monday 1st December 2014

What's New?

Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley December 2014 newsletter.

What's new? Well firstly, there will be no major changes. I've made all of the major changes I plan to make.

This month will be the last month I print the Woodlands Fitness Centre newsletter - instead, I'm going to put it straight onto the Blog section of our website where it can easily be accessed through a PC, tablet or smart phone. The website has recently been optimised for smart phone use.

I write these newsletters each and every month to communicate what I believe you need to do in order to achieve amazing results. There's no secret to it. I appreciate that people join gyms for lots of different reasons - and each gym/health club/personal training studio needs to be geared towards filling a particular need.

It's nearly that time of year when people are making their New Year's resolutions and thinking of joining a gym. I've never wanted to run the cheapest gym in town - I want to be the best value gym. I want to offer my members the one thing I believe matters above all else: RESULTS!

The fitness industry - like everything else - evolves and we have to evolve with it. Over the last 20 years or so we've been brainwashed into thinking a 'Gym Membership' should be £30 to £40 (£55 if it has a pool!)

The business model of the fitness industry is this:

1. Get people in
2. Sit them down with the Sales Manager
3. Sign them up
4. Show them how to turn the Treadmill on
5. Forget they exist (until they cancel their Direct Debit - then pretend you care again)

In more recent times we've seen the arrival of the 'Budget Gym' - Lifestyle Fitness, Simply Gym and a host of others popping up in towns and cities nearby.

These places take that model and strip it back even more. They don't have any staff in there to even pretend they're interested in your results!

Now at any of these regular gyms you can have personal training, so the £30 a month, becomes £150 a month, if you're have 1 monitored session with a personal trainer each week.

How does the Woodlands Group Personal training membership compare?

Let's say we go with a budget gym that costs £20 a month.

And then a budget rate for PT, say £20 per 6o minute personal training session.

If your average attendance is, say, 3 times a week (we recommend our members come in 3 or 4 times per week)

3 x £20 = £60 (PT cost per week) x 52 weeks per year = £3,120 (PT cost per year) divided by 12 months = £260 per month.

Including the monthly membership fee, that's £275 a month. That's a lot of money - equivalent to the monthly lease rental cost of a reasonably nice car.

The Woodlands Group Personal training membership starts at just £24.99 per month - so that puts things into perspective doesn't it?

Is the Woodlands Group Personal training membership expensive? Absolutely not. Do you shop on price when you go out for a meal, buy a nice new pair of shoes or buy a bottle of wine? And is your health and fitness less important than any of that?

I always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, classes, prices, personal training, and anything else. Please speak to me at the gym, use the suggestion box or email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.


10 Reasons to do group personal training number 1: You're not getting results by training alone

Everybody will need little bit of help with exercise sometimes - even if you're just starting out or have been at it for a long time. Still, there are people who shy away from personal training, unsure of what they'll get out of the experience or whether it's worth the money. There are a number of reasons people work with personal trainers.

Regardless of how long you've been training for, what your goals are or what level you're at, a personal trainer may be just what you need to take it to the next level.

Woodlands Rowsley now offer a range of small group personal training sessions in the morning, afternoon and evening. These small group personal training sessions are a great way to get fitter with friends and family. With only having a small number of clients in each session, each individual can be monitored and set goals in each session and still have the same results as they would from one-to-one personal training.

These small group personal training sessions will help you to feel fitter, leaner, stronger, more agile, more flexible and more confident. What we offer is everything you would expect from one-to-one personal training: motivation, technical guidance, nutritional support and progression, blended with the flexibility and regularity that comes with being a member of a conventional gym. Simply said, you can have personal training as many times a week as you like at an affordable price.

Over the next 10 monthly newsletters, we'll give you 10 Reasons to do group personal training. This month, we'll start with: You're Not Seeing Results

Ok, so you've been exercising consistently for several weeks or months and you are not losing weight or anywhere neat to reaching your goals? Hiring a trainer may be a great choice for you. A trainer can look at your current program and eating habits and help you see where you could make changes to create more effective workouts.

A trainer can also help you determine if the goals you've set are realistic for you, hold you accountable for your workouts and help you stay motivated to exercise. You may even find that you are getting results, just not in the way you expected, something a trainer may see more clearly from the outside.

For more information about Group Personal training, please speak to Giles, Jack or Jason.

Slow The Aging Process

There is a difference between your chronological (actual) age and biological age - this means you can be 50 years old and literally have a body of a 40 year old. I'm sure you've met someone that not only looks 10 years younger, but has boundless energy and stamina. That being said, I'm sure you've seen the exact opposite as well, someone that looks and acts much too OLD for their actual age (Lee Tann, for example).

So what's the deal? Is it genetics? Genetics have very little to do with how fast or slow you age. Believe it or not, you have way more control over the aging process than you think.

Seriously, it is not science fiction - you can slow your aging process, but only if you know what to do.

I'm not trying to sell you anti-aging pills or hormone supplements. Nope. This is much safer and more effective. It is something you can do on your own - but with some help from your friends at Woodlands Fitness Centre.

When as you age your metabolism slows down to a snail's pace as you age. This makes burning fat and losing weight next to impossible. The hormones responsible for all of your youth-like qualities such as healthy skin tone, strong lean muscle, robust energy and insatiable sex drive, start declining more and more each year that goes by. And if you're not proactive, your youth enhancing hormone levels may drop so low that there is no turning back.

Aging robs your body of vital minerals that are essential for strong bones, which makes your bones weaker and more brittle. This is why so many elderly people suffer from hip fractures that can lead to even more serious medical complications.

It is not just your physical qualities that get negatively affected by aging...your brain suffers as well. Your memory, your ability to solve problems, and your decision making skills all start to decline and worsen each year.

And here's the real kicker: After 40, your biological age starts to speed up and age more quickly than your chronological age! In fact, for every year that passes you can age up to 6 months extra. That means when you turn 42, your body is essentially turning 43. If you keep this up, at 48 your body could be as old as 52!

These are the harsh facts - but it is the truth. However, it doesn't need to be this way. You have the power to slow aging and prolong your youth. When you apply my anti-aging strategies, you'll be able to reverse the aging process by greatly slowing down your biological aging well below your chronological aging.

Here's what you can expect when you use some of my anti-aging strategies:

1. You'll re-ignite your metabolism, reprogramming your body so you can readily start burning fat right away.
2. You'll reboot your endocrine system, creating a resurgence of youth enhancing hormones so can get infinitely more energy—and replace flab with lean, strong muscle while boosting your sex drive
3. You'll fortify your body by regaining bone density and building a solid foundation.
4. Boost your brain power, enhancing memory and improving your cognitive function making you as sharp as a tack
5. You'll dramatically decelerate your body's aging process. So, your biological age will age slower than your chronological age—making you look and feel younger each year that passes.

Now I need to warn you: what you're going to read next is probably going to go against everything you've ever heard before. But that's because very few people actually know how to slow their aging process.

Think about the so-called "experts" giving you anti-aging tips... what do they look like? If they don't look 10 - 15 years younger than their actual age, do you really think they have the right knowledge?

Look, I'm not one to judge by looks alone, but as far as anti-aging is concerned I'm taking advice from people that look the part and live the part...

Now, here are the 2 biggest mistakes you must avoid if you want to slow the aging process and increase your metabolism to burn fat, boost your youth enhancing hormones to get more energy & stamina, and build a lean, strong, healthy body:

1. Cardio:

Too many people think that cardio is the answer to everything related to weight-loss and fat-loss. And although cardio can be helpful (if done properly), it does nothing to slow the aging process. In fact, it does the exact opposite!. Doing long frequent cardio sessions will break down your muscles and increase the production of free radicals. These free radicals are nasty little things that damage the cells in your body and accelerate aging.

Don't worry if you're concerned about your heart health. There is a much more effective way to improve your cardiovascular health, which I'll cover in just a minute. and here's the best part: it takes only 1/3 the time of a conventional cardio workout and it also triggers your youth enhancing hormones instead of those nasty free radicals that age you more quickly.

2. A Low-Fat Diet

It is hard to believe that "low-fat" is still a dietary recommendation because science has proven that fat is not the cause of weight gain or heart disease. In fact, since the introduction of the fat-free diet, the world has gotten more fat and sick than it has ever been before.

Fat is not the enemy. It really isn't. Fat does NOT make you fat. In fact, fat is an absolute must if you want your body to look and feel younger! Why? Healthy fats are an essential source of good cholesterol, which is key to producing the hormones that enhance your youthful qualities. (Not all cholesterol is bad, by the way — good cholesterol is a crucial component of healthy skin tissue, making your skin more supple, glowing, and youthful). If you're following a low-fat diet, you're depriving your body of the nutrients it needs to slow aging and keep your youth.

What To Do Next:

If you want to reverse the aging process, you need to know HOW to trigger your youth-enhancing hormones to slough away old, dead cells while elevating your metabolic process so you can burn away stubborn, flabby fat and replace it with lean, toned muscle.

The answer is metabolic training. Don't worry, it is not as technical as it sounds - and chances are most of you have done it anyway.

Metabolic training involves doing certain types of exercises that involve your entire body, so you can activate as many muscles as you can in a short amount of time. It is completely different from doing traditional isolated body building exercises (like biceps curls or leg curls) where you're only using one muscle at a time. This form of exercise takes way too long and doesn't stimulate enough muscle fibers to increase your fat-burning and youth-enhancing hormones.

Here's the key: the more muscles you're able to activate at the same time, the more you'll be able to trigger your youth-enhancing hormones. This is why using exercises that involve your entire body (upper body and lower body) at the same time is crucial.

There's a particular way you should want to exercise - because doing so will trigger your most effective fat burning hormones, so you can burn off excess fat. This is the type of training we will show you in our group personal training and 1-to-1 personal training sessions.

In the Woodlands November newsletter, I put together a list of the 15 changes most of you should make to the way you're training. To help you get these changes underway all you need to do is take part in one or more of our many group personal training sessions.

By letting us show you the way, you can replace your flabby body parts with lean, toned muscle by simply following these exercise protocols. These will trigger your youth-enhancing hormones and fat-burning hormones. They will also boost your testosterone. Testosterone is your ultimate lean-muscle building—hormone for men and women. And much like other hormones, your testosterone levels naturally start to decline after the age of 40, which is why it is so difficult to gain lean muscle and maintain that youthful body tone as you get older.

Social Media

The Woodlands Fitness Centre near Matlock and Bakewell use social media to engage with our members, meet new members and spend the word on how to get results faster.

Woodlands-fitness Rowsley



Youtube channel:

Introducing Jason Billingham

Hi guys & girls,

Giles has asked to write a few words about me and what I can do.

I've been a personal trainer at a different gym in the Matlock and Bakewell area and I've moved over to Woodlands to expand my knowledge of personal training. I will also be teaching body conditioning, legs, bums and tums and group personal training sessions.

For me, heath and fitness is not just an occupation: it's a way of life. Helping people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, grow in confidence and achieve their goals is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. My mission is to help people make permanent lifestyle changes that will enable them to stay fit forever.

I consider myself to be more of a lifestyle coach than a personal trainer. When you think of personal trainer you think of gruelling training sessions and someone standing over you calling out your reps. A lifestyle coach is someone who guides you through the journey of change, someone who is not only there for the training sessions but there for you to give you fitness, nutrition and lifestyle advice.

Give me an hour out of your day and I will help you to get the results you want. Making a commitment to the journey and working hard is the most important part of making a change. If you bring your determination then I'll bring the knowledge, inspiration and support.

If you are in need of that extra motivation to really reach your goals, or need help achieving a specific training target, a personal trainer is the way to go. If you are based in the Matlock and Bakewell area, get in contact!

I'd like to offer you a free trial session with me, followed by a chat about how we can help you move forwards and achieve your goals.

Speak soon,

Very Punny

"I stand corrected" said the man in orthopaedic shoes.

Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Disney Pixar collection, except for one. He's never gonna give you Up.

Last night my girlfriend and I watched three DVDs back to back. Luckily I was the one facing the tele.

I didn't know my dad was a construction site thief - but when I got home all the signs were there.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley (nr Matlock & Bakewell), Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123