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The Woodlands Fitness Centre July 2014 Newsletter

Tuesday 1st July 2014

What's New?

Welcome to the Woodlands Rowsley July newsletter. Every month I sit in my office, staring at the computer screen and waiting for inspiration. Even though each newsletter is typically 1,400 words, finding something new to write about each month is hard.

We write the newsletter each month to broadcast what our fitness, diet and health related beliefs are. As the old adage says, there's more than one way to skin a cat - and there's more than one way to get in shape. At Woodlands, we prefer the steady and consistent approach, which include Paleo/Low glycaemic diet, resistance training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), functional training, foam rolling, flexibility and core training. Each month we try to elaborate on each point. I would appreciate it if you guys could challenge me to find out something each month.

I know Christmas might seem a long way off - but we're already in July and (as at 1st July) we're just 153 days away from the 1st December, which for many will be the start of your Christmas party season. So if you want to look awesome at your Christmas parties, now is the time to start knuckling down and planning ahead. By not leaving your fat loss goals to the last minute, you can factor in cheat meals as well as a summer vacation. As many of our regular readers will know, a 1b of fat is 3,500 calories. Below is a list of your required daily calorie deficits for certain fat loss goals:

1 stone (49,000 calories) = 321 calorie deficit per day
2 stone (98,000 calories) = 641 calorie deficit per day
3 stone (147,000 calories) = 961 calorie deficit per day

Losing weight is - in theory - simple! We need to create a calorific deficit which means burn off more calories than we take in (this is called the "law of thermodynamics").

Please note that losing weight and losing fat are two very different things. Over the next few newsletters I will be covering various ways you can speed up your metabolism and diet and train more effectively.

I always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, classes, prices, personal training, and anything else. Please speak to me at the gym, use the suggestion box or email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.

Many thanks,

Get results or get your money back

Woodlands Fitness Centre personal trainers can help you get results. That is a fact. As such, we will offer you a 100% refund if you don't achieve the results you were promised.*

If you commit to one of the personal training packages below and agree to follow our guidance 100%, and yet you still fail to reach your goal within the time agreed then we'll happily give you back 100% of your investment with us AND continue to train you for free until the goal is reached.

We believe that if we say that we'll help you achieve a goal we should actually deliver the goods. After all, you're paying for that result aren't you?

You might be thinking 'where's the catch?' There isn't one. As long as you follow our advice you'll be a winner and won't even need to think of asking for your money back!

Whether you want to lose weight, prepare for a skiing holiday, run a marathon, improve your golf swing or play football, we can help you reach and surpass your goals.

All personal training packages come with:

 Food diary feedback.
 Weight and measurements taken at the start and finish.
 1 month gym & classes membership.
 Tailored workout programme for you do in the gym on your own.

The following personal training options are now available:

60 minute PT sessions from £22.33
45 minute PT sessions from £17.42
30 minute PT sessions £12.40

For more information, please speak to Beckie, Jack or Giles.

* terms & conditions apply.

Paleo Snack Ideas no. 1.

On the Paleo diet, traditional snack foods like pretzels, crackers, and potato chips are out. But there are plenty of healthy Paleo snacks to choose from. From sweet to savoury, and everything in between, you're guaranteed to find the perfect Paleo snack below:

Nuts: nuts are a great Paleo snack because they're so portable: just toss a few in a baggie and run out the door. Try almonds, cashews, or macadamia nuts, but avoid peanuts, which are actually legumes.

Roasted pumpkin seeds: you can buy these separately, or just scoop out the seeds when you cook a pumpkin (Because Woodlands members are always cooking pumpkins!), and roast them in some coconut oil with a dash of sea salt until they're a light golden-brown.

Hard-boiled eggs: eggs aren't just a breakfast food! Hard-boiled eggs are simple to make and travel well for a protein boost on the go.

Jerky: if you can find store-bought jerky with no sugar or soy sauce, it's a great Paleo snack option; otherwise, you can make your own in a dehydrator or even in the oven. Beef is traditional, but buffalo and turkey jerky are also tasty.

Fresh fruit: fruit is easy to transport and holds up well at room temperature. An apple, a banana, or an orange makes for a quick and simple Paleo snack.

Chopped raw veggies: if you chop up some carrot or celery sticks on Sunday afternoon and toss them into plastic bags in the fridge, you'll have an easy Paleo snack to grab and go all week.

Slices of deli meat: turkey, roast beef, or ham slices can be easily stored in a small bag or Tupperware. For extra kid appeal, cut them into shapes with cookie cutters (Jack Critchlow insists that all of his food is cut into cat shapes! True story).

We'll provide more Paleo snack ideas next month.

10 reasons why you're not losing fat.

Reason 2: You've heard that low-intensity training burns more fat

This is probably because you've heard of something known as the 'fat-burning zone'. The theory is that relatively low-intensity exercise, where you work out at around 60 per cent of your maximum heart rate (MHR), burns more fat than high-intensity exercise, where you work out at around 80 per cent of your MHR. (To calculate your MHR, subtract your age from 220.) The truth is that low-intensity exercise burns a greater proportion of fat, but high-intensity exercise burns more calories overall and raises your RMR for longer. This makes it a more effective way of shedding weight.

Here's the maths: if you walk for 60 minutes, you burn around 270 calories, of which 60 per cent comes from fat. That's 160 fat calories you've just burned from low-intensity exercise. If you run for the same length of time, only 40 per cent of the calories you burn will come from fat - but you burn around 680 calories in total, which means you've burned 270 calories of fat.

The lesson? Don't plod along on the treadmill for an hour in the belief the fat will fall off - you can achieve the same results in less time (and get fitter into the bargain). Introduce some high-intensity cardio workouts into your regime and try interval training, where you mix short bursts of maximum effort (up to 90 per cent of MHR) with lower-intensity recovery periods.

Very Smooth

Emily recently bought a blender for us to use at home. Since buying this blender, we seem to be blending anything and everything. Both Emily and I are following the Paleo diet in a bid to get as lean and healthy as possible. Increasing our vegetable and fruit intake is a significant part of that. Each month I'm going to share with you smoothie recipes Emily and I have tried. This month we recommend this:

Mango and Banana smoothie:

1 x medium mango
1 x banana
500ml orange juice
4 x ice cubes

Throw ingredients into a blender and blend for 5 seconds.

Very Punny

My Grandad has the heart of a lion. And a lifetime ban from the Edinburgh zoo.

Why shouldn't you hire a midget as a chef? The steaks are too high.

What do you call a French man in sandals? Phelipe Phalop.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123