Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands Fitness Centre June 2014 Newsletter

Sunday 1st June 2014

What's New?

As at the 1st June 2014, we are 207 days away from Christmas. And we're about 14 days from every supermarket to start stocking their shelves with tinsel and selection boxes.

Ok, so what's new? We've made some minor changes to the class timetable following on from feedback we've received. All of the morning classes - even my Thursday morning classes - are very well subscribed. The evening classes are popular but not quite popular enough.

Jack's HIIT and Total Body Toning classes on Monday night will be combined into a 45 minute "Bootcamp" class. This class will start at 6.50pm. These Bootcamp classes will help you to lose bodyfat, increase cardiovascular efficiency and increase strength through a variety of intense group intervals.

Jackie Thhhhhhfaut (JT) has amended the structure of her Wednesday night class to incorporate more toning. This class will be now be called Body Max.

Unfortunately the Thursday evening Metafit class didn't really work. This certainly is not a reflection on Becki's skill as an instructor - her Saturday morning Metafit and Kettlebell classes have all been well subscribed. Thursday night has always been a bad night for class attendance. Jack will be running another 45 minute "Bootcamp" class starting at 6.50pm.

I've amended the Sunday morning class to be a single 30 minute circuit class starting at 9.30am.

As mentioned in last month's newsletter, we are now making our prices much more transparent and simplifying our price list. Our prices are as follows:

Single (per month):
1 month: £29.99
3 month: £27.99
12 month: £24.99

Joint (per month):
1 month: £23.99
2 month: £20.99
3 month: £17.99

This price includes access to all of our classes. The Woodlands Fitness Centre runs 25 classes per week. The prices are all per individual. Ask me for full details.

I always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, classes, prices, personal training, and anything else. So - there's the suggestion box or you can you can email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.

Many thanks,

Why Woodlands?

Woodlands Fitness at Rowsley is the leading results based gym in the Matlock/Bakewell area. Members join Woodlands to get results. These members choose Woodlands because we are - we believe! - the best gym in the area to help you get the results you want.

Our approach to our classes, workout programmes, personal training and our own training is constantly evolving. We keep on top of new developments in the industry and incorporate these into the way we train our clients. We were the first to provide foam rolling. We were the first to offer Zumba, spinning, Metafit and many other classes. We constantly strive to keep delivering the best training methods possible.

At Woodlands, we're all about providing training methods that prepare the body for the activities performed in your day to day life. The functional training methods we provide will lead to better muscular balance and joint stability. The benefits may arise from the use of training that emphasizes the body's natural ability to move in three anatomical planes of motion.

Although fixed-resistance machines can often be safer to use and do have their place in most fitness facilities, they do restrict movements to a single plane of motion, which is an unnatural form of movement for the body and may lead to faulty movement patterns or injury.

Most machine exercises can easily be replaced by free weight equivalents. I've never seen the point of a seated adductor machine. This is one of those machines where you sit down and press your legs together to work your inner thighs. In my experience, most people have a tight/overactive adductor, biceps femoris, tensor fasciae latae and lateral gastrocnemius. Most people also have a weak/underactive hamstrings, medial gastrocnemius, glute medius, glute maximus and vastus medialis. So these people need to be doing more abduction exercises as well as foam rolling and stretching to loosen the tight/overactive muscles.

Likewise, I think seated abdominal curl machines are fairly pointless. Ab crunches are one of the most popular ab exercises but they're not necessarily the best. The rectus abdominis - commonly known as your six-pack - does not function primarily to bend the torso, but rather to brace the spine and transfer power from the hips to the upper torso. Instead, do Swiss ball planks because they work the core the way nature intended - with little to no strain on your back. And they work it hard.

There's an old saying: "abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym". Put simply, getting a six-pack starts in the kitchen. You can do thousands of ab crunches but if you're taking in too many calories you'll never see those abdominal muscles. Reduction of body fat is the only way to uncover that hidden six pack. Eat a well balanced diet that includes lean proteins, vegetables, fruit and healthy fats. Females will start to see abs at around 18% bodyfat and a six pack will show at around 12% bodyfat.

To develop a strong, balanced, lean and aesthetically pleasing physique (just like Lee Tann's) freeweight exercises are the most effective option for most people.

The Guinness Book of World Records referred to Arnold Schwarzenegger as "the most perfectly developed man in the history of the World". If you look Arnie's workout routines and training routines from when he was at his peak, he used dumbbells and barbells for a variety presses, rows, lunges, deadlifts, curls and extensions. The only machines he used were the cable cross over machine, leg press, leg extension and leg curl and calf raise (standing and seated). He wasn't renowned for his love of seated adductor machines.

10 reasons why you're not losing fat.

Burning off fat is pretty much one of the main reasons for joining a gym. We appreciate there are other goals: rehabilitation, increasing fitness, hypertrophy etc. But fat loss is one of the major goals. Especially at this time of year. So I've put together a list of the 10 reasons why you're not losing fat. Don't forget it's not your body weight that's an issue - it's your fat weight.

Reason 1: You only do cardio training

Cardio burns fat, weights build muscle. That's the simplistic, misguided premise upon which countless people have built their exercise regimes. In fact, resistance training is an important element of any fat-loss fitness plan. Firstly, resistance training can burn over 400 calories per hour. Furthermore, resistance training also increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR).

Your RMR is basically the number of calories that your body burns when you're sat on your backside watching Family Fortunes. So, lift weights and you'll burn more calories for longer after you've stopped exercising.

On top of that, any weight-loss eating plan means you will lose muscle as well as fat. If you're lifting weights to gain muscle, a greater proportion of your weight loss will come from fat.

Resistance training will also make you stronger and this will, in turn, improve your cardio performance. So if you are a runner, strengthening your legs by doing squats and lunges in the gym will help you run faster - and therefore burn more calories.


By now you should all be aware we have a sunbed. It is located in its own treatment room upstairs, in between Angela Hill physiotherapy and Alive@Woodlands. It's a new 225 watt vertical/stand up unit with the most powerful bulbs available.

The prices are as follows

3 minutes: £2.00
6 minutes: £3.50
9 minutes: £5.00
12 minutes: £6.50
33 minutes: £16.50
66 minutes: £26.50

Please come to reception to register or get tokens.

Very Punny

I hate Russian dolls - they're so full of themselves!

When my wife said she was leaving me because of my obsession with the Monkees, I thought she was joking. Then I saw her face.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123