Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

Get functional

Thursday 10th October 2013

When it is time to get back into shape, burn off those pounds that accumulated over vacation or build muscle for the beach, most people think about using gym machines. After all, when you walk into your local gym and see all the shiny equipment, it is impressive. How could you not get fit, burn fat and build muscle?

However, bodyweight and free weight exercises are a better choice for your fitness, fat loss and body shaping needs. You not only build an attractively muscular body, but you improve real world performance with physical abilities you can use at the gym.

Some gyms set up a series of machines and have the gym members go through the circuit like an assembly line. It sounds great - but it is NOT the best way to train. Gym Machines may improve your performance in the gym. BUT they do little for REAL World performance improvement

When you exercise and train, your body makes changes due to the stress placed on it. It will build muscle, burn fat, improve cardiovascular function and more. So you are better prepared for the activity in the future. But here is the thing. The improvements your body makes are specific to the activity. So, when you train on machines in the gym, your body gets better at training on machines in the gym.

In the real world you are not strapped into an exercise machine and asked to perform reps of a movement foreign to natural movement. From a performance standpoint, bodyweight and free weight exercises are a better choice for performance improvements you can actually use. And the physical improvements are just as visible.

Bodyweight and free weight exercises train your body in the way it naturally moves, unlike gym machines. When you use bodyweight and free weights, you are training yourself to perform better in the real world. After all, exercise is about movement... not muscles. And when you use bodyweight and free weight exercises, you are training your body to move better. And isn't that really the point. Don't you want to perform better in your daily activities as well as look better? I sure do.

When you want to get fit, burn fat and build a strong, attractive body, forget about gym machines. Exercise with bodyweight and free weight only movements. You'll find you perform better, feel better and look better than if you just used machines.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123