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10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Sunday 20th October 2013

Everybody will need little bit of help with exercise sometimes - even if you're just starting out or have been at it for a long time. Still, there are people who shy away from personal training, unsure of what they'll get out of the experience or whether it's worth the money. There are a number of reasons people work with per trainers. Some want a tailor made program so they can lose weight or get in shape. Some need to be held accountable for their workouts. Regardless of how long you've been training for, what your goals are or what level you're at, a personal trainer may be just what you need to take it to the next level.

1. You're Not Seeing Results

Ok, so you've been exercising consistently for several weeks or months and you are not losing weight or anywhere neat to reaching your goals? Hiring a trainer may be a great choice for you. A trainer can look at your current program and eating habits and help you see where you could make changes to create more effective workouts. A trainer can also help you determine if the goals you've set are realistic for you, hold you accountable for your workouts and help you stay motivated to exercise. You may even find that you are getting results, just not in the way you expected, something a trainer may see more clearly from the outside.

2. You Don't Know Where to Start

Knowing how to set up a complete exercise schedule that includes all the activities you need to do - cardio, weight training and flexibility - can be overwhelming. Add the time and knowledge it takes to choose exercises, weights, reps and sets and you may quit before you even start.

This is where a personal trainer can be the biggest help. He can help you maximize your time while keeping you within your own limits so you don't overdo it. He can also help you set goals and map out a specific schedule so you know when, how and where you'll fit in your workouts.

3. You're Bored with the Same Old Workouts

If you're an experienced exerciser, maybe you haven't considered working with a personal trainer. However, it can be a great choice if you need some variety in your workouts. A trainer can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to challenge both your body and your mind. Even if you just do a few sessions or meet every few weeks, you'll find it refreshing to have new workouts and new exercise toys to play with.

A trainer can also introduce new ways to exercise - Circuit training, different methods of strength training and different types of equipment you've never tried before.

4. You Need to Be Challenged

If you're like me, you tend to slack off on your workouts sometimes, especially when things get tough. A trainer can motivate you to push past those self-imposed limits, encouraging you to lift heavier, go longer and challenge yourself more than you would on your own. You'll find it's very hard to slack off with a trainer standing over you, telling you to do! You may even find hidden strengths you never knew you had, which can motivate you even more.

5. You Want to Learn How to Exercise on your Own

If your goal is to be able to create your own workout programmes and be able to exercise by yourself, hiring a personal trainer for a few sessions should teach you the right way to exercise. This is especially true if you want to learn more about the way your body works, the purpose of different muscles, which exercises target those muscles and how to do those exercises safely and effectively. Just a few sessions can teach you a lot about your body, how it works and how to train it in the most effective way.

6. You Need Accountability and Motivation

Personal Trainers are there to motivate you. You are investing money into tailor made exercise workout programs - and you're investing time into doing these tailor made workouts. A standing appointment will help you to get your butt in gear for a workout. Your personal trainer should provide some accountability - even when you don't have a session, you know your trainer will be asking if you stuck to a diet plan or did your planned workouts. Just knowing that may make it harder to skip your workouts.

7. You Have a Specific Illness, Injury or Condition

Woodlands Fitness Centre personal trainers have worked with and helped clients with arthritis, heart disease, old injuries, etc. Working with an experienced trainer like Lee Tann can help you to do exercises to help you avoid any further problems. It's also a great idea to work with a trainer if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant and want a safe, effective workout to keep you healthy and fit.

8. You're Training for a Sport or Event

If you're training for a marathon, a golf tournament or some other type of sport or event, an experienced trainer can help you figure out what you need to do to stay strong without taking away from your other training. She can also help create a training program and map out a plan for the coming event. Just make sure she's experienced in the sport you're training for since not all trainers do sport-specific training.

9. You Want Supervision and Support During Workouts

Some people know how to exercise and they even know how to do the exercises correctly, but they like having a trainer around for support and supervision. If you're lifting very heavy weights or need someone to help with partner-type exercises, working with a trainer might be a good choice for you. He can spot you during workouts and help you come up with a good training plan for your goals.

10. You Don't Want to Workout Alone

Not everybody wants to train alone. Some of our clients fear that they will be too self conscious the whole time they're in the gym and give up. When you have a personal trainer, you know you're going to be with somebody throughout your workout. They will show you what to do, how to do it safely and will push you just hard enough to get the most out of every exercise.

For a FREE trial session call (01629) 733 123 to get booked in!!!!

Woodlands Fitness Centre
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123