Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

Welcome to the Gun Show

Thursday 19th September 2013

Arm size is often determined by genetics. Some people simply have smaller muscle bellies in their arms, especially slim individuals. This is not to say that you can't and won't build bigger arms but there are some things to bear in mind. You cannot build big arms without putting on a lot of mass all over.

Arms grow in proportion to overall mass, so you'll need to look at building a much bigger physique all over to see a major change. Direct arm training does very little for actual arm mass.
Mass is generally built by major force production times a certain amount of volume. One of the main facts of physiology is that your triceps are designed to project force when extending your arms - essentially heavy bench pressing or weighted dips does more for tricep mass than millions of sets of tricep extensions.

Weighted chins or pullups with your palms facing you will cause far more bicep growth than a million sets of curls. Your arms are simply used to project force from the major muscle groups. You won't find a guy with huge triceps who doesn't have a decent amount of chest and shoulder mass. You won't find a truly great bicep development absent a powerful back. Your body works in chains of muscle groups, not as tiny individual muscles working alone.

For arm development concentrate on big exercises such as pressing, rowing and pulling movements and make sure you are using a full range of motion to elicit arm involvement as much as possible. Try close grip benching to hit the triceps a little more. Essentially you need big weight exercises or body weight to really push your arms to grow. Remember though that your arms are used in almost any upper body exercise, not just in isolation.

Once you can bench big weights, or dip your bodyweight plus a belt full of plates or do multiple chins with a weight belt or iron vest on you will have big arms even if you never did a seperate arm exercise in your life.

Also eat more and put more mass on all over and your arms will start to grow a lot too. If you have naturally slim arms this may be slightly slower than other body parts but you can make them grow. Train hard. Train smart.

Gym. Health club. Personal training. Classes. Zumba. Pilates.
Matlock. Bakewell. Baslow. Derbyshire.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123