Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

Dieting properly!

Thursday 19th September 2013

n theory losing weight is simple; we need to create a calorific deficit which means burn off more calories than we take in. However, losing weight and losing fat are two very different things and can easily get mixed up.

The majority of people are impatient and want to lose weight fast. Since they have little or no knowledge of diet, nutrition and how metabolism works, they think that by starving themselves, or eating as little as possible will make them lose fat quickly and give them the body they desire. While this attitude will result in a quick weight drop, most of the weight lost will be water, muscle and a very small portion of fat. When we eat food in the form of carbohydrates, our bodies will either do one of three things in this particular order:

1). Burn off the carbohydrates immediately for energy
2). Replenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscle tissue
3). Convert the carbohydrate into fat and store for later use

The above is a very simplistic view. If we restrict carbohydrate intake, our body begins to use its own supply of stored carbohydrate (glycogen) and convert it into glucose for energy. Therefore, our glycogen stores begin to decrease.

For every 1g of glycogen burned off, 3g of water is lost. This can result in a steep drop in weight rather quickly. The next point to consider is the breakdown of muscle tissue. There are 9 essential amino acids which our body can't synthesize so they must be sourced through diet.

In order for muscle maintenance and tissue turnover to take place, amino acids must be present otherwise muscle breakdown will occur. Since carbohydrate stores are low the body converts amino acids into glucose via gluconeogenesis which takes place in the liver. This will also result in loss of lean body mass. Here is where the vicious cycle begins. Since muscle burns more calories and to some extent controls the speed of your metabolism, as your muscle mass decreases, your calorie needs also decrease and your metabolism slows down.

After just a few days of heavily restricted calorie intake, your body will go into starvation mode in order to survive, which means it will hold on to its fuel supplies (fat) for dear life.

Diet is the most important factor in losing excess unwanted fat. In order for our body to let go of stubborn fat stores it must be given the right nutrients at the right time. Following these simple steps will help you to build yourself a healthier diet and lose fat:

1). Try to eat 6 to 8 small meals per day. This will speed up our metabolism
2). Limit carbohydrate intake to fibre and wholegrain sources except for simple carbohydrates around workout times
3). Eat protein with each meal. Since protein takes more calories to break down this will result in an increased metabolic rate and prevent the breakdown of lean body mass
4). Try to get a varied intake of proteins to avoid lack of certain amino acids
5). Try to get a healthy source of fat in each meal except for around training times
6). Eat a source of fruit or vegetable with each meal
7). Avoid fizzy, sugary drinks

For more information about our effective weight management courses please come and speak to Giles.

Gym. Health club. Personal training. Classes. Zumba. Pilates.
Matlock. Bakewell. Baslow. Derbyshire.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 29, Peak Village Estate, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Derbyshire, DE4 2JE
T: (01629) 733 123