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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 29th January 2023

Sunday 29th January 2023


The big picture realities of permanent weight loss and how you can look at a weight loss program and decide for yourself if it's for you based on what has been covered in the last few newsletters:

• Permanent weight loss is not about finding a quick fix diet, but making a commitment to life style changes that include nutrition and exercise

• Any weight loss program you choose must pass the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test,

• The weight loss program you choose should ultimately teach you how to eat and be self reliant so you can make informed long term choices about your nutrition.

• The weight loss program you choose should not leave you reliant on commercial bars, shakes, supplements, or pre-made foods, for your long term success.

• The weight loss program you choose must have an effective exercise component.

• The weight loss program you choose should attempt to help with motivation, goal setting, and support, but can't be a replacement for psychological counselling if needed.

For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter.

But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some prices and more...

Gym Only memberships:

Joint/Student (per month):

12 months: £22
3 months: £24
1 month: £28

Single (per month):

For single prices, please check our special offers:

Student prices are only for students in full time education.

Small Group Personal Training:

How would you like to have personal training every single time you attend Woodlands?

Well now you can!

Our Small Group PT membership offers an appointment controlled personal training system where a personal trainer will train up to 6 members at any one time.

We offer a variety of group exercise sessions throughout the day to help you achieve you build fitness, strength, co-ordination and flexibility whilst burning fat.

Group sessions are strictly limited to 6-8 people:

There are 36 group training sessions per week, including:


We also offer '30m' groups: these 30 minute Classes Group training sessions are condensed versions of our normal 45 minute groups, designed to pack in high intensity exercise to push you to the next level and really make the most of your time here!

These shared personal training sessions are strictly limited to 6 (sometimes 8) people! This is to ensure you get a higher quality of coaching and support.

We always prefer an informal approach - so we will be maintaining the booking forms in the gym.

All bookings can be made in the gym, by phone, e-mail or via social media.

How you book in isn't important; we just care that you attend regularly.

Here is a list of our group training sessions:

Small Group PT membership prices:


12 months: £32pm
3 months: £34pm
1 month: £38pm


For single prices, please check our special offers:

2 x 45membership:

This membership includes:

✔2 x 45 minute PT sessions per month (worth £23 each)
✔Small Group PT membership
✔Gym membership
✔Calorie target setting advice
✔Nutritional support
✔Discounted additional personal training sessions

12 month: £43pm
3 month: £46
1 month: £49

The benefits of personal training outweigh your fears by a long shot and we can really help you achieve your goals. At Woodlands, we want to maximise your fitness experience.

Personal Training Packages:

The benefits of personal training outweigh your fears by a long shot and we can really help you achieve your goals. At Woodlands, we want to maximise your fitness experience.

30 mins:

4 weeks x 2 per week
6 x 30 mins: £72 (£89)

5 weeks x 2 per week
10 x 30 mins: £108 (£135)

45 mins:

3 weeks x 2 per week
6 x 45 mins: £98 (£1202

4 weeks x 2 per week
8 x 45 mins: £128 (£161)

60 mins:

4 weeks x 1 per week
4 x 60 mins: £88 (£109)

4 weeks x 2 per week
8 x 60 mins: £169 (£213)

The price in brackets is for non-members.

All of our PT packages include:

Small Group PT membership.
Gym membership.
Calorie target setting advice.
Nutritional support.

All PT sessions must be used within time periods listed above.

We use time limits with our personal training packages to encourage frequent and consistent training. Packages can be designed to your individual needs.

At least 24 hours notice of cancellation is required for all appointments - just so we have sufficient time to rebook the slot. Notice of less than 24 hours will incur a full payment of the session fee. These are standard terms for all good PT's.

We can adjust the time limits in advance to take into account holidays, business trips, etc.

All of our PT packages include full gym, group personal training & classes membership.

Opening Hours:

Monday: 7.30am - 8.45pm
Tuesday: 8.30am - 8.45pm
Wednesday: 7.30am - 8.45pm
Thursday: 8.30am - 8.45pm
Friday: 7.30am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 2.00pm
Sunday 8.00am - 2.00pm

We always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, prices, personal training, group personal training, and anything else.

Please speak to us at the gym, email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.




Despite being high in fat, nuts are not as fattening as you would expect. They're an excellent snack, containing balanced amounts of protein, fibre and healthy fats.

Studies have shown that eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even promote weight loss.

What's more, population studies have shown that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier and leaner than those who don't. Just make sure not to go overboard, as they're still fairly high in calories.

If you tend to binge and eat massive amounts of nuts, it may be best to avoid them. Nuts can make a healthy addition to an effective weight loss diet when consumed in moderation.

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

The 2-Day Full Body Workout (Part 3)

This article carries on from last week.

It's always a good idea, especially if you're using heavy weights, to do several progressively heavier warm-up sets. This will prepare the joints, the muscles and the nervous system that controls those muscles for the heavy work to come.

To keep each workout down to a reasonable length, there's no direct arm work. However, the biceps and triceps are worked indirectly during all the pushing and pulling exercises included in both workouts.

Exercises like the bench press and incline dumbbell press, for example, will hit the triceps, while the lat pulldown and seated cable row will work the biceps. But if you've got time, there's no reason why you can't throw in some direct arm work at the end of each workout.

The 2-Day Full-Body Workout Routine: Weekly Schedule:

The default version of the 2-day full-body workout routine involves training on Monday and Thursday. This gives your muscles 2-3 days to recover and grow before you train them again.

Here's an example of how it might look:

• Monday: Full Body Workout 1
• Tuesday: Off
• Wednesday: Off
• Thursday: Full Body Workout 2
• Friday: Off
• Saturday: Off
• Sunday: Off

However, the days of the week that you train aren't set in stone. If you can't make it to the gym on Monday and Thursday, you could always train on Tuesday and Thursday, Monday and Wednesday, or Thursday and Saturday.

That's one of the major benefits of lifting weights twice a week. If you miss a workout, you can just push it back to the following day.

The only caveat I would add is that you want to keep each workout separated by at least one day.
While there are solid arguments in favour of doing full-body workouts on consecutive days (AKA high-frequency training), you will need a training program that's designed specifically for that purpose.

That is, taking a workout that's designed to be separated by 2-3 days of rest and doing it on consecutive days isn't a great idea.

Training Twice a Week: The Research

If you're willing to work hard and push yourself, you can build muscle with a full body workout performed twice a week.

In fact, research shows very similar gains in size and strength whether you train a muscle group twice or three times a week.

In one study, subjects training a muscle group twice per week made around 70% of the strength gains (measured by maximal strength in the squat) compared to subjects training three times per week.

In another, training twice per week led to around 80% of the isometric strength gains achieved by those training three days per week.

Canadian researchers compared the same total training volume divided across two or three weekly workouts. Gains in muscle size and strength were virtually identical with both routines.
Scientists from the University of Memphis compared the effects of a strength-training program performed either twice or three days per week in a group of adults aged over 60. The rate of progress in both groups was almost identical.

A 2018 study shows that distributing the same amount of training across two or four weekly workouts led to roughly the same amount of muscle being gained. Although the group training twice a week spent longer in the gym, they didn't have to go there as often.

When a team of scientists compared studies that investigated training muscle groups once, twice or three times a week, they concluded that the major muscle groups should be trained at least twice a week to maximise muscle growth.

More next week...

If you need any further information or advice on how to implement these into your training, please come and talk to me.

Recipe of the week: Chinese-style lemon marmalade chicken


200g lemon marmalade
2 garlic cloves , crushed
Small knob of ginger , peeled and finely grated (about 1 tbsp)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sunflower oil
Juice and zest 1 lemon
8 chicken thighs (filleted or skin on and bone in)
2 spring onions , sliced diagonally
Rice and stir-fried Tenderstem broccoli, to serve


Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mix together the marmalade, garlic, ginger, soy, oil and half the lemon juice.

Arrange the chicken thighs on a baking tray lined with foil and spoon over half the marmalade mixture. Roast in the oven for 15 mins.

Baste the chicken with the marmalade mix from the bottom of the tray, then spoon over the remaining marmalade mix and cook for another 10 mins.

Baste again, then cook for a further 10-15 mins until the chicken is cooked through and golden.

Squeeze over the remaining lemon juice, and sprinkle with the zest and spring onions.

Serve with rice and stir-fried Tenderstem broccoli.


Exercise of the week: Resistance Band Deadlift

Using a resistance band for a deadlift is a good way to train your posterior chain if you don't have access to a lot of weight or equipment, since it's hardest at the top of the movement and challenges your lockout strength (when your glutes need to kick in and fire at the top to complete the move).

How to do it:

Place a looped resistance band straight on the floor and step on it with both feet to secure it firmly. Keep enough slack in the middle of it for you to pull up.

Hinge forward at your hips to lower your body, keeping your back flat.

With both hands, grab both parts of the resistance band and lift it to about shin height. This is the starting position. There should be enough slack in the band so you don't feel tension yet.

Push through your heels to pull the band up so you stand up straight. Pause at the top and squeeze your butt.

This is 1 rep.

Make sure you maintain good technique throughout all sets and repetitions.

Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

Things to consider

Make sure you REST:

Rest, for sure is one of the most overlooked training variables for hypertrophy. When discussing rest we are referring to the amount of rest you take between sets which needs to be adjusted based on your training goals.

For example, in order to achieve maximum strength development, rest time should be somewhere from 3-5 minutes in order for your body to be able to recover properly and perform for the next set.

Furthermore, we strongly advise you to have a moderate rest period of 1-2 minutes for best results when it comes to hypertrophy.

When doing your rest sequence, you should at all times listen to your body instead of watching the time.

For example, proper rest between sets should be maintained at approximately 1-2 minutes to recover sufficiently and promote the optimal muscle-building environment.


Oatmeal is a very filling breakfast choice. It may help you eat fewer calories in the following meal and delay stomach emptying.

Tempo and Rep count:

When we lift with a slow tempo, we can perform fewer reps with a given percentage of 1RM than when we lift with a fast tempo. In one study of the bench press, strength-trained subjects managed 7 reps with 65% of 1RM with a slow tempo (3-second lifting and lowering phases), but managed 12 reps when using a fast tempo (1-second lifting and lowering phases).

Chest and Triceps:

Don't train chest the day after triceps, or vice versa. The triceps are heavily involved with pressing movements used to hit the chest.

If you work triceps the day before chest, your triceps will be fatigued and could limit your chest workout productivity. If you work chest the day before triceps, your triceps will be fatigued and will receive a pounding two days in a row.

Try Tyrosine:

If you just can't shake those belly-bloating sugar cravings, try tyrosine—a building block of protein. It has been shown to prevent that yearning for the sweet stuff by encouraging the brain to release dopamine and another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine.

In other words, eating more tyrosine (which can be found in eggs, spirulina, certain cheeses such as Parmesan, Gruyère, Swiss, and Romano, milk, sesame seeds, beef, and bacon) helps fend off those harmful sugar cravings that make your belly fat.

Sometimes less is more:

Under most circumstances, 2 to 4 work sets per exercise are perfectly adequate if done with enough intensity and focus.

Find Out What Works for You:

I wish people knew that there is no one-size-fits-all diet that works for everyone. Individuals have different food preferences, dining habits, schedules, body types, past experiences, and obstacles.

Stop falling for restrictive diet plans!

Start by changing one simple habit and build from there.

Work your legs:

Don't be a chicken-legged gym rat who avoids hard leg exercises. Not only do muscular legs look impressive, but strong legs will also improve athletic performance, helping you to jump higher, run faster, and explode out of the gate on sprints.

Keep moving to burn fat:

Maximise your daily fat burning by moving! Leaner people tend to stand and move more than overweight people in normal daily life. Their 'non-exercise activity thermogenesis' (NEAT) was as much as 350 calories higher each day.

So don't just sit there: wiggle your toes, shake a leg, get up regularly and move your body.

Are Deadlifts for back or legs?

There are reasons to support putting deadlifts on a back day and leg day.

Putting deadlifts on a back day may mean spreading out leg training over more days in a week. Putting deadlifts on a leg day may mean spreading back training over more days in a week.

Personal preference should guide your decision on this one. There are no reasons why you cannot do a deadlift variation more than once a week.

To be smarter with doing deadlifts twice or more a week, it would be useful to use different variations to change where the emphasis is on muscle wise.

Useless Facts

When you sneeze, air and particles travel through the nostrils at speeds over100 mph. During this time, all bodily functions stop, including your heart, contributing to the impossibility of keeping one's eyes open during a sneeze.

Matt Kirkham doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

Annual growth of WWW traffic is 314,000%

60% of all people using the Internet, use it for pornography.

Sarah Walker once made a Happy Meal cry.

In 1778, fashionable women of Paris never went out in blustery weather without a lightning rod attached to their hats.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 27, Molyneux Business Park, Darley Dale, Derbyshire, DE4 2HJ
T: (01629) 733 123