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The Woodlands newsletter: Sunday 13th November 2022

Sunday 13th November 2022


When choosing a diet, always use the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test.

I know, it does not exactly roll off your tongue, but it gets the point across.

The lesson here is: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever.

That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless.

Many fad diets you see out there will fail the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test.

The question is not whether the diet is effective in the short term - but if the diet can be followed indefinitely as a lifelong way of eating.

Going from "their" way of eating back to "your" way of eating after you reach your target weight is a recipe for disaster and the cause of the well established yo-yo dieting syndrome.

There are no short cuts.

There is no free lunch.

Only a commitment to a lifestyle change is going to keep the fat off long term.

I realise that's not what most people want to hear, but it's the truth.

Like it or not.

For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter.

But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some prices and more...

Gym Only memberships:

Joint/Student (per month):

12 months: £22
3 months: £24
1 month: £28

Single (per month):

For single prices, please check our special offers:

Student prices are only for students in full time education.

Small Group Personal Training:

How would you like to have personal training every single time you attend Woodlands?

Well now you can!

Our Small Group PT membership offers an appointment controlled personal training system where a personal trainer will train up to 6 members at any one time.

We offer a variety of group exercise sessions throughout the day to help you achieve you build fitness, strength, co-ordination and flexibility whilst burning fat.

Group sessions are strictly limited to 6-8 people:

There are 36 group training sessions per week, including:


We also offer '30m' groups: these 30 minute Classes Group training sessions are condensed versions of our normal 45 minute groups, designed to pack in high intensity exercise to push you to the next level and really make the most of your time here!

These shared personal training sessions are strictly limited to 6 (sometimes 8) people! This is to ensure you get a higher quality of coaching and support.

We always prefer an informal approach - so we will be maintaining the booking forms in the gym.

All bookings can be made in the gym, by phone, e-mail or via social media.

How you book in isn't important; we just care that you attend regularly.

Here is a list of our group training sessions:

Small Group PT membership prices:


12 months: £32pm
3 months: £34pm
1 month: £38pm


For single prices, please check our special offers:

2 x 45membership:

This membership includes:

✔2 x 45 minute PT sessions per month (worth £23 each)
✔Small Group PT membership
✔Gym membership
✔Calorie target setting advice
✔Nutritional support
✔Discounted additional personal training sessions

12 month: £43pm
3 month: £46
1 month: £49

The benefits of personal training outweigh your fears by a long shot and we can really help you achieve your goals. At Woodlands, we want to maximise your fitness experience.

Personal Training Packages:

The benefits of personal training outweigh your fears by a long shot and we can really help you achieve your goals. At Woodlands, we want to maximise your fitness experience.

30 mins:

4 weeks x 2 per week
6 x 30 mins: £72 (£89)

5 weeks x 2 per week
10 x 30 mins: £108 (£135)

45 mins:

3 weeks x 2 per week
6 x 45 mins: £98 (£1202

4 weeks x 2 per week
8 x 45 mins: £128 (£161)

60 mins:

4 weeks x 1 per week
4 x 60 mins: £88 (£109)

4 weeks x 2 per week
8 x 60 mins: £169 (£213)

The price in brackets is for non-members.

All of our PT packages include:

Small Group PT membership.
Gym membership.
Calorie target setting advice.
Nutritional support.

All PT sessions must be used within time periods listed above.

We use time limits with our personal training packages to encourage frequent and consistent training. Packages can be designed to your individual needs.

At least 24 hours notice of cancellation is required for all appointments - just so we have sufficient time to rebook the slot. Notice of less than 24 hours will incur a full payment of the session fee. These are standard terms for all good PT's.

We can adjust the time limits in advance to take into account holidays, business trips, etc.

All of our PT packages include full gym, group personal training & classes membership.

Opening Hours:

Monday: 7.30am - 8.45pm
Tuesday: 8.30am - 8.45pm
Wednesday: 7.30am - 8.45pm
Thursday: 8.30am - 8.45pm
Friday: 7.30am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 2.00pm
Sunday 8.00am - 2.00pm

We always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, prices, personal training, group personal training, and anything else.

Please speak to us at the gym, email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.



Leafy Greens

Leafy greens include kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards and a few others. Leafy greens have several properties that make them perfect for a weight loss diet, such as being low in calories and carbohydrates and loaded with fibre.

Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of your meals, without increasing the calories. Numerous studies show that meals and diets with a low energy density make people eat fewer calories overall.

Leafy greens are also incredibly nutritious and very high in many vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, including calcium, which has been shown to aid fat burning in some studies.

Leafy greens are an excellent addition to your weight loss diet. Not only are they low in calories but also high in fiber that helps keep you feeling full.

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

Should you train to failure in a calorie deficit?

We've already talked about the role of protein synthesis and your body's reduced ability to repair itself when in a calorie deficit so the reasons should be obvious.

Training to failure not only drastically increases the work your body needs to do to repair itself but it's also not necessary for you to do this to maintain your strength. Always aim to leave a rep or 2 in the tank.

For muscular hypertrophy, 30-70 seconds per set is optimal. Studies suggest that a training program with 30 second rest periods will elevate growth hormone levels to produce significantly larger muscle size. Greater growth hormone levels triggered from shorter rest periods boost muscle size.

Work within the 3 - 9 rep range for compound movements for 2 - 3 sets

Work within the 8 - 15 rep range for isolation movements for 2 - 4 sets

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you NEED to do more to hold on to your muscle mass in a calorie deficit.

Remember your goal is to maintain your muscle mass and using a well-structured training plan with a focus on the big compound movements can do this in 3 training sessions a week.

Don't Use More Than a Moderate Calorie Deficit. The more severe your calorie deficit, the more weight you will lose.

It sounds great, doesn't it?

Why not just use a really big deficit and lose all the weight really fast?

Well, the faster you lose weight, the higher the chance your body will start using your muscle mass as energy.

This means you'll lose fat but you'll also lose muscle, which is the worst possible thing to happen if you want to retain any strength and look good.

Of course, you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight but it should be moderate (20 - 25% below maintenance calories) at the most and closely tracked to ensure you don't start losing weight fasting than the recommended rate of 1 - 2 lbs per week.

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

Recipe of the week: Slow cooker beef stroganoff


750g stewing steak , such as chuck, cut into strips
1 tbsp vegetable or rapeseed oil , plus a little more if needed
2 onions , halved and sliced
2 garlic cloves , crushed
1 beef stock cube , or 1 tbsp liquid stock
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
50g butter
200g chestnut mushrooms , halved
2 tsp cornflour
200g soured cream
small bunch parsley , chopped tagliatelle or mashed potato and a pinch of paprika, to serve


Turn on the slow cooker. Season the beef. Heat the oil in a wide frying pan and add the beef in batches so as not to overcrowd the pan.

Cook over a high heat until deep brown, then transfer to the slow cooker.

Add the onion and garlic to the pan and cook for a few mins until soft, adding more oil, if needed.

Add a splash of water and scrape any bits from the bottom of the pan.

Tip everything into the slow cooker.

Add the stock to the beef, then the mustard and season.

Add enough water to just cover the beef, put the lid on and cook on Low for 6-8 hrs or High for 5-6 hrs.

About 30 mins before serving, melt the butter in a frying pan and cook the mushrooms until soft and caramelised. Tip into the slow cooker.

Mix the cornflour with a little liquid from the stroganoff in the frying pan until smooth, then add about 100ml more and bring to a simmer.

Once thickened, pour into the slow cooker with the sour cream.

Turn to High (if not already) and cook for another 20 mins.

Stir through the parsley.

Serve with tagliatelle or mash, sprinkled with paprika.


Exercise of the week: Single-Leg Deadlift

While you'll likely be lifting lighter loads with a single-leg deadlift than with a traditional one, you'll be challenging your muscles in different ways. For one, your hip and core muscles have to really fire in order to keep your body stable and maintain your balance on one leg.

With single-leg deadlifts, holding two dumbbells can be easier on your balance than holding one.

A more advanced progression would be the single-leg contralateral deadlift, where you hold one dumbbell on the opposite side that's doing the work.

Stand with your feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand in front of your legs. This is the starting position.

Shift your weight to your right leg, and while keeping a slight bend in your right knee, raise your left leg straight behind your body, hinging at the hips to bring your torso parallel to the floor, and lower the weight toward the floor.

Keep your back flat. At the bottom of the movement, your torso and left leg should be almost parallel to the floor, with the weight a few inches off the ground. (If your hamstrings are tight, you may not be able to lift your leg as high.)

Keeping your core tight, push through your right heel to stand up straight and pull the weight back up to the starting position. Bring your left leg back down to meet your right, but try to keep the majority of weight in your right foot.

Pause there and squeeze your butt. That's 1 rep.

Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets.

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

Things to consider

Swap Low-Intensity With High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great belly-blasting option for those who already feel comfortable in the gym because it helps you drop fatty tissue and build muscle simultaneously.

High-intensity interval training is when you perform an exercise at or close to your maximum ability for a short period of time and then take a brief respite and do it again.

HIIT should usually be done on a 2:1 interval, meaning if you did an exercise for one minute, you rest for 30 seconds and then repeat.

By performing core workouts using a HIIT plan, you can burn calories and build muscle at the same time. This can be a great way to flatten that stomach when you don't have too much time to work out."

The anterior deltoid:

The anterior deltoid is located on the front of your shoulder. Its main function is shoulder flexion - raising your upper arms up to the front and overhead.

The anterior deltoid is targeted with front raises and pressing exercises (e.g. barbell overhead press, push press).

Quality over Quantity:

You can't compensate for piss-poor effort on your sets by doing more sets.

Don't cut carbs:

Numerous studies have pointed to the benefit of protein supplements in muscle building, but many of them also mention carbohydrates as a hormone-balancing component that maximises your gains after workouts. If you're looking to get bigger, here are 7 more reasons to keep the carbs.

Useless Facts

The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

Freddy Krueger has nightmares about David Peters.

The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II Killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

More people are killed annually by donkeys than airplane crashes.

Teece Hannan doesn't use Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. She is already following you.

A 'jiffy' is a unit of time for 1/100th of a second.

More Donkeys are killed annually by Sam "V to the G" Hodgson than airplane crashes.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 27, Molyneux Business Park, Darley Dale, Derbyshire, DE4 2HJ
T: (01629) 733 123