Matlock / Bakewell gym - Blog

The Woodlands newsletter: Monday 25th April 2022

Monday 25th April 2022


What Does Consistency Look Like?

At its core, consistency looks like getting right back on track when you fall off instead of falling off and staying off.

The next time you accidentally overeat or eat something that doesn't align with your weight loss goals, don't just give up. Instead, forgive yourself and make your next meal a healthy one.

The next time you're too tired to exercise, follow the same principle: stay positive and make tomorrow's workout great.

Everyone slips up in their weight loss journey at times. You'll see much more success if you remain consistent despite your setbacks and make the decision to be patient with your body.

Healthy weight loss takes time, so don't be discouraged if your body doesn't transform in the first few weeks. Be patient, practice consistency, enjoy your life, and your weight loss results will start appearing.

Are you Ready to get started consistently losing weight? Our fully trained personal trainers will stay with you every step of the way, guiding your weight loss journey and providing encouragement.

For more guidance, tips and information, please read the rest of our newsletter.

But first, here are our opening times, links to our website, some prices and more...

Gym Only memberships:

Joint/Student (per month):

12 months: £20
3 months: £23
1 month: £26

Single (per month):

For single prices, please check our special offers:

Student prices are only for students in full time education.

Unlimited Personal Training:

How would you like to have personal training every single time you attend Woodlands?

Well now you can!

Our Unlimited PT membership offers an appointment controlled personal training system where a personal trainer will train up to 6 members at any one time.

We offer a variety of group exercise sessions throughout the day to help you achieve you build fitness, strength, co-ordination and flexibility whilst burning fat.

Group sessions are strictly limited to 6 people:

* There are 36 group training sessions per week, including: Condition, Total, Upper, Lower, Core, Circuit and HIIT.

* We also offer '30m' groups: these 30 minute Classes Group training sessions are condensed versions of our normal 45 minute groups, designed to pack in high intensity exercise to push you to the next level and really make the most of your time here!

We have a 5.15pm Group on Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

We have added a second Group class to Sunday morning to accommodate the increasing demand

These shared personal training sessions are strictly limited to 6 people! This is to ensure you get a higher quality of coaching and support.

We always prefer an informal approach - so we will be maintaining the booking forms in the gym.

All bookings can be made in the gym, by phone, e-mail or via social media.

How you book in isn't important; we just care that you attend regularly.

Here is a list of our group training sessions:

Unlimited PT membership prices:


12 months: £30pm
3 months: £33pm
1 month: £36pm


For single prices, please check our special offers:

2 x 45membership:

This membership includes:

✔2 x 45 minute PT sessions per month (worth £23 each)
✔Unlimited SHARED PT sessions
✔Unlimited gym use
✔Calorie target setting advice
✔Nutritional support
✔Discounted additional personal training sessions

12 month: £43pm
3 month: £46
1 month: £49

The benefits of personal training outweigh your fears by a long shot and we can really help you achieve your goals. At Woodlands, we want to maximise your fitness experience.

Personal Training Packages:

The benefits of personal training outweigh your fears by a long shot and we can really help you achieve your goals. At Woodlands, we want to maximise your fitness experience.

30 mins:

3 weeks x 2 per week
6 x 30 mins: £72 (£89)

5 weeks x 2 per week
10 x 30 mins: £116 (£144)

45 mins:

3 weeks x 2 per week
6 x 45 mins: £95 (£120)

4 weeks x 2 per week
8 x 45 mins: £126 (£162)

60 mins:

4 weeks x 2 per week
8 x 60 mins: £156 (£178)

The price in brackets is for non-members.

All of our PT packages include:

Group PT membership.
Gym membership.
Calorie target setting advice.
Nutritional support.

All PT sessions must be used within time periods listed above.

We use time limits with our personal training packages to encourage frequent and consistent training. Packages can be designed to your individual needs.

At least 24 hours notice of cancellation is required for all appointments - just so we have sufficient time to rebook the slot. Notice of less than 24 hours will incur a full payment of the session fee. These are standard terms for all good PT's.

We can adjust the time limits in advance to take into account holidays, business trips, etc.

All of our PT packages include full gym, group personal training & classes membership.

Opening Hours:

Monday: 7.30am - 8.45pm
Tuesday: 8.30am - 8.45pm
Wednesday: 7.30am - 8.45pm
Thursday: 8.30am - 8.45pm
Friday: 7.30am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 2.00pm
Sunday 8.00am - 2.00pm

We always want to know what you think of the Woodlands Fitness Centre - the gym, prices, personal training, group personal training, and anything else.

Please speak to us at the gym, email any feedback and suggestions to the email address at the end of this newsletter.



Movement patterns horizontal push and pull exercises (part 1)

There might be hundreds of different exercises in existence - there's really only a few basic movements the human body is capable of doing during an exercise.

For the most part, these movement patterns are:

Horizontal Push
Horizontal Pull
Vertical Push
Vertical Pull
Quad Dominant
Hip/Hamstring Dominant
Elbow Flexion
Elbow Extension

Now let's take a look at each and see which exercises fit which movement pattern, how it should affect your exercise selection, and why it all plays a key role in preventing injuries and imbalances.

Horizontal Pushing Exercises:

These are any exercise that involves moving a weight straight out in front of you so that it's going away from your torso horizontally (think bench press).

The most common examples of horizontal pushing movements are:

Flat Bench Press (Barbell or dumbbell)
Incline Bench Press (Barbell or dumbbell)
Decline Bench Press (Barbell or dumbbell)
Flat/Incline/Decline neutral grip dumbbell chest press
Flat/Incline/Decline dumbbell flyes

Horizontal Pulling Exercises:

A horizontal pulling exercise is any exercise that involves moving a weight in towards your torso horizontally from straight out in front of you (think rows).

The most common examples of horizontal pulling movements are:

Bent Over Rows (barbell or dumbbell, underhand or overhand)
Single arm dumbbell rows (kneeling on bench, staggered stance)
Seated Cable Rows (wide or narrow)
T-Bar Rows
Chest Supported Rows (barbell, dumbbell, single arm)

Vertical Pushing Exercises:

A vertical pushing exercise is any exercise that involves moving a weight up vertically in relation to your torso so that it goes straight over head or at least in that direction (think shoulder press).

The most common examples of vertical pushing movements are:

Standing Overhead Shoulder Press (barbell or dumbbell)
Seated Overhead Shoulder Press (barbell or dumbbell, single arm)
Arnold press (seated or standing)
Landmine press
Lateral Raises (dumbbell or cable, seated or standing, Poliquin, single arm, alternating)
Front Raises (dumbbell, barbell or cable, single arm, alternating)
High Incline Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell, single arm)

Vertical Pulling Exercises:

A vertical pulling exercise is any exercise that involves moving a weight down vertically in relation to your torso so that you are pulling down from over head (think lat pull-downs).

The most common examples of vertical pulling movements are:

Lat Pull-Downs (wide or narrow, single arm)
High cable rows (single or two arm)

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

More next week....

Do you Need to Worry About Eating Complete Proteins? (Part 1)

You've got a lot on your plate when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. You have to worry about watching your sugar intake, getting enough vitamins and avoiding processed food. Do you really need to stress about whether you're eating complete or incomplete proteins?

If you're eating a versatile, healthy diet, the short answer is probably not.

To be clear, you definitely need to be eating enough protein - your body needs protein to form muscle, transport nutrients, and build and repair tissue. But eating a wide variety of protein-containing foods can help you get there.

What is a complete protein?

A food is considered a complete protein when it contains the nine essential amino acids that our body cannot produce on its own.

Let's back up for a second and talk about amino acids. They're organic compounds that are considered to be the "building blocks" of protein.

There are 20 different amino acids that bond together in a chain to form a protein. Eleven of those amino acids are produced by our bodies. The other nine - the so-called essential amino acids - we need to get through food.

Many foods contain some but not all of the essential amino acids, and in various amounts. These are incomplete sources of protein, and they include:

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils).
Whole grains.

Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids in consistent amounts. Here are some complete protein examples:

Whole sources of soy (tofu, edamame, tempeh, miso).

Plant-based proteins:

You probably noticed that most complete sources of protein are animal products.

But no need to sweat it if you're following a vegetarian or vegan diet - you can still meet your protein needs with a variety of plant-based foods.

In fact, you don't even necessarily need to mix and match incomplete proteins to create a complete protein at each meal.

I hope all of the above makes sense but if you have any questions please come and ask me.

More next week...

Recipe of the week: Easy Thai prawn curry recipe


1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 onion, chopped
1 tsp fresh root ginger
1-2 tsp Thai red curry paste (I used Sharwood's)
400g can chopped tomatoes
50g sachet coconut cream
400g raw frozen prawns
coriander, chopped, to serve


Heat the oil in a medium saucepan. Tip in the onion and ginger, then cook for a few mins until softened.

Stir in the curry paste, then cook for 1 min more. Pour over the chopped tomatoes and coconut cream.

Bring to the boil, then leave to simmer for 5 mins, adding a little boiling water if the mixture gets too thick.

Tip in the prawns, then cook for 5-10 mins more, depending on how large they are.

Serve alongside some plain rice and sprinkle with a little chopped coriander, if you like.


Exercise of the week: Behind-the-neck bicep curl

Attach a straight bar handle to the high pulley of a cable machine, grasp the handle in both hands,

Squeeze your shoulder blades together to lock your arm in place.

Squeeze your biceps and then curl the handle up toward the back of your neck, not allowing your elbow to point forward.

Hold the contraction for 1 to 2 seconds, then lower the weight slowly back down.

Pause briefly and reset your position before beginning the next repetition.

Choose a weight that allows you to maintain good technique throughout all sets and repetitions.

Do 3-4 sets of 5-10 repetitions.

Things to consider

Isolation Movements:

Don't overuse isolation exercises. Isolation movements have their place in weight training. But with that said, it makes no sense to perform 5 sets of dumbbell flyes or tricep kickbacks if you are not working your chest and triceps hard with a battery of heavy pressing movements.

Get enough sleep:

How much and the quality of the sleep you get can directly affect your appetite. Use a sleep calculator or app to find out the right bedtime or wake time for you.

Do you realise diet and exercise are intertwined?

Even if we don't like it, exercise and your diet are married forever. You can't lose weight whilst maintaining muscle with one and not the other - period. There's no getting around it.

Useless Facts

Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.

In a fight between Batman and Superman the winner is Sarah Walker.

The first owner of the Marlboro company died of lung cancer.

All US Presidents have worn glasses; some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public.

Will Mitchell can lick both his elbows at the same time.

Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.

The Woodlands Fitness Centre Ltd
A: Unit 27, Molyneux Business Park, Darley Dale, Derbyshire, DE4 2HJ
T: (01629) 733 123